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Favorite make ahead on the go lunches?

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Ugh this month is full of going here and there around lunch. I'd like to pack a cooler incase we get hungry while out so as not to kill the budget by constantly eating out.


No food allergies expect I'm very pregnant (so no deli meats) and I swear one kid only eats ham and ketchup sandwiches.

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Well, ham, ketchup and bread sound like a no-brainer. I tend to fall back on trail mix and "sturdy vegetables", usually carrots. Perhaps block cheese and crackers and some fruit. I like this because it can be a meal in a pinch or i can dole it out as snacks if needed.

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hard boiled eggs

Basic Sushi rolls (Basic = rice, seaweed, veggie) ... if I'm really lazy  rushed, I'll keep it all separate and just pack a bowl of seasoned rice, seaweed, and cut up veggies ... and soy sauce for dipping/pouring.

Hummus & pita chips & veggies

Rice Cakes w/ peanut butter


Caprese salad:  Sliced tomatoes & mozzarella slices

Couscous or Pasta Salad or this pasta salad

Chips & Salsa

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We do lunch containers with many little compartments. I put something different in each slot. Anything and everything may end up there. I go through the fridge and cupboards quickly throwing in random things in each. Fruit, veg, dips, nuts, dry cereal, chips, torillas, bread, pickles, olives, chickpeas, anything I can find. My kids thrive on variety.

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Ugh this month is full of going here and there around lunch. I'd like to pack a cooler incase we get hungry while out so as not to kill the budget by constantly eating out.


No food allergies expect I'm very pregnant (so no deli meats) and I swear one kid only eats ham and ketchup sandwiches.


Excuse me while I gag at the thought of ham and ketchup sandwiches . . . 


Cheese tortellini with pesto is a favorite here.  Hot or cold, it's still good. 


We eat it plain when on the go, hot or cold. 


We pack lunch a LOT. I invested in some thermoses and we usually just bring leftovers. If you don't normally have enough leftovers, start cooking extra. 


Another tip: put a covered bin in your car and always have cutlery, a knife, napkins, cups, and paper plates. When you do get stuck and have to buy something out, you can save money by ordering for the group as a whole rather than by individual. Large side orders can be split, sandwiches and burgers can be cut, and so on. 

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Ours is bean and cheese burritos.  In the morning I grill tortillas and melt cheese on them, and then get some refried black beans super NUCLEAR hot in the microwave.  Roll them up into burritos and wrap in foil.  They always manage to still be warm many hours later due to the ridiculous heat of the beans when I put them in.  :)  Throw in some sturdy fruits and veggies on the side and you're good to go!

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We are out every day at lunch (and sometimes dinner) and decided all the fast food was killing us (and the budget!!!) I've been prepping 3/4 days of bento boxes at a time now, which is working great. Right now what all three of us will eat are:


Crackers, cheese, pepperoni

Apples, carrots, graham cracker sticks and peanut butter

Tortilla wrap with hummus and diced bell pepper inside 

Tuna salad eaten on crackers


If I have time, especially if it's dinner on the go, I'll prep the rest of the bento, and bake chicken nuggets and put them in a thermos to keep them warm. 


And to all the meals we add berries, apples, pears, snap peas, sometimes yogurt. 

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I make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and freeze them. They thaw beautifully and don't get soggy.  I've only made two weeks worth at a time. They are so easy to grab and toss in a cooler with drinks, apples, yogurts, etc...


Cold pasta salads with chicken, cheese, olives, and veggies are good for lunches, too.

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