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Ever met someone who uses the EXACT same curriculum as you?


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I do not buy prepackaged kits. They're enticing, but I can't afford them most of the time, or I don't want to commit that strongly... so I piece things together. I use all kinds of different materials for different kids based on their needs... and sometimes I don't because well, THAT can get expensive... sorry kid, your brother used it, you can use it!
However, the other day I ran across of a classifieds post that was selling my exact combination!!!!
Early grades Singapore Math, later grades Saxon

Early grades Abeka, later grades Rod and Staff

Writing, history, readers... It was like she came and raided my bookshelves! I was super excited... 1. I felt justified in my previous purchases. 2. I felt like I must be doing SOMETHING right to combine those curriculums when there are SO many out there! 3. I thought, "Why is she selling?" "Was I really dumb to combine these, and she's figured it out and I haven't!!!???" HAHA

Anyway, it was fun! I'm actually pretty confident in my "style" but do find it interesting that there'd be someone out there with the exact same combo!!! 


Early Singapore, Late Saxon

Abeka phonics until 2nd or 3rd then switch to Rod and staff (same with spelling/vocab)

Apologia Science

Abeka health

I've tried everything when it comes to history... but am settling on SOTW and HO for the older kids... 
Art... well, to be honest, I let Co-op teach that, and encourage them to explore on their own.
I've tried all kinds of writing... and fall short here a lot!  Going to try Lively Art of Writing with WTM's suggested lessons... 


So, who's like me?? haha

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I'm all over the place. I haven't tried everything. No box set. I am happy with our Math Mammoth but I don't doubt that the others are good. We use secular materials in the Bible belt so I think a lot of homeschoolers here don't use the same stuff as me. Some items I never tried simply because of price.

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I'm all over the place. I haven't tried everything. No box set. I am happy with our Math Mammoth but I don't doubt that the others are good. We use secular materials in the Bible belt so I think a lot of homeschoolers here don't use the same stuff as me. Some items I never tried simply because of price.

Oh, I do not have the money to try some things either. I have to be content with the resources I have and just teach my kids HOW to learn. I totally get you!!!

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We generally just put stuff together from library books, etc.  But, everybody around here uses the same curricula.  I don't bother asking anymore what curriculum people use here.  I already know what they're going to say: Abeka or Abeka with that distance learning video program, Sonlight or they do Classical Conversations (and build their curriculum around that).  


It's to the point where I went to a homeschool store and was looking for 2 or 3 different math programs.  I asked if they carried them and they didn't know what I was talking about.  So, basically I know more about curriculum than the homeschool store.   :glare:  (Which probably means I've spent way too much time on this forum over the years.)

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I have had new homeschoolers come peruse my (eclectic) shelves over the years. I watch as they write down every title and then I just sit them down with a cup of coffee and start the "are you sure you understand the part about selecting curriculum to meet YOUR child's needs" chat.


ETA I must say things were easier twenty years ago when there was much less to choose from!

Edited by Seasider
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We generally just put stuff together from library books, etc.  But, everybody around here uses the same curricula.  I don't bother asking anymore what curriculum people use here.  I already know what they're going to say: Abeka or Abeka with that distance learning video program, Sonlight or they do Classical Conversations (and build their curriculum around that).  


It's to the point where I went to a homeschool store and was looking for 2 or 3 different math programs.  I asked if they carried them and they didn't know what I was talking about.  So, basically I know more about curriculum than the homeschool store.   :glare:  (Which probably means I've spent way too much time on this forum over the years.)

That's kind of sad! There is just SO much out there! I always feel I'm missing out... but then again I can't spend my life researching, so I try things, stick with what I like (don't even research anymore). And switch the next year if it didn't work. I always feel kind of dumb when people share what they're doing and so many do the same thing and I've never even heard of it! haha. But I keep reminding myself that the one major joy to homeschooling is knowing that I get to choose my kids' education. So I don't have to go along with what they are doing!!! I spend SO MUCH time in the summer reading reviews and pricing things. This is my 8th year and I'm getting better, I have everything purchased for this year, except health... this is such a hard subject!!! Especially for 7th grade!

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Not exactly, but after being on this forum a little while I discovered that Moira (nmoira) and I seemed to like exactly the same sort of stuff. So we fed each other ideas. It never failed. She homeschooled, where we afterschool.


She was the only person who used MCT (Michael Clay Thompson Language Arts) at the time, and we are still going strong. I believe I turned her onto MEP (Mathematics Enhancement Programme).  


It was quite a shock to all who knew her here when she passed. I miss her intelligence and great sense of humor every day. 


Moira was the one.





Edited by Spy Car
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When the homeschooling charter talks about having a curriculum list of things you do not need to get approved and they say it is huge list but half the stuff you want to get is not on the list I do not think I will find someone using the exact curriculum I will be where I live. People on WTM would know it but I do not think anyone is using the combo I will be. My kids all have different stuff themselves.

Edited by MistyMountain
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Not exactly, but after being on this forum a little while I discovered that Moira (nmoira) and I seemed to like exactly the same sort of stuff. So we fed each other ideas. It never failed. She homeschooled, where we afterschool.


She was the only person who used MCT (Michael Clay Thompson Language Arts) at the time, and we are still going strong. I believe I turned her onto MEP (Mathematics Enhancement Programme).


It was quite a shock to all who knew her here when she passed. I miss her intelligence and great sense of humor every day.


Moira was the one.



And you both encouraged me with the MCT (and I think LOF, too?) when, after I thought I was going to retire from homeschooling, I pulled my by-far youngest child home to start again. She is a sensitive child and MCT was delightful and exactly what she needed at the time, so thanks again for that.


But as to the OP, I haven't found any who've used exactly the same curriculum lineup as me over the years.

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 I spend SO MUCH time in the summer reading reviews and pricing things. 


Ugh!  Me, too!   :svengo:  My dh bought two of the kids a boxed curriculum this spring (for the first time in 8 years), because I think he was tired of me constantly planning, pricing, scheduling, reading reviews, looking at samples, etc.    :tongue_smilie:

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My first time through SOTW the library had every supplemental book I was interested in, so I assume SOMEONE must have read through the activity guide and made orders.


ETA not careful enough with my pre-post read-through.

Edited by SusanC
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My first time through SOTW the library had every supplemental book I was interacted in, so I assume SOMEONE must have read through the activity guide and made offers.

Occasionally, I will hit a jackpot in the thrift store. Several literature books from a specific age group/book list. I always wonder if a local homeschooler was cleaning off the shelves.

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My first time through SOTW the library had every supplemental book I was interested in, so I assume SOMEONE must have read through the activity guide and made orders.


ETA not careful enough with my pre-post read-through.


There is a person who often has stuff on the hold shelf at the library next to my holds and we have very similar tastes. I have almost picked up her items a few times and I have gotten a few book ideas from hers!

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On one occasion, sort of... but she was copying mine. It was slightly uncomfortable. I wanted to be like, yes, this worked for us and it might work for you, but keep in mind everyone is individual... I mean, I did say that, but I don't think the whole second part of that totally got through. It did not work out for them.

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This year we did Abeka 1 phonics, my daughter did singapore, we did SOTW and I bought Apologia Astronomy but ended up saving it for this coming year. So we are somewhat close! We are using ELTL as our WWE for writing. ELTL has the copy work and I just add in more narration. I am also throw in EIW for good measure. I like to blend things up a bit.


I have been torn for this coming year. With all of the talk about TG&TB I decided to use it with my daughter instead of A beka 2 which sits ready on my shelf. She is just reading SO well from A beka 1 that 2 seems like overkill. Still though...I sat flipping through TGTB 2 last night and A beka 2 and feeling like why change something that works just because I have curriculum AD/HD. She loves A beka too so I feel like I should probably just roll with it. Still...TGTB looks so pretty...gah...

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