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Toddler Door Alarms


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he only went out the front door.  we got a double deadbolt.  put the key on a plastic chain - and hooked it up out of his reach.  it was  the only way to stop him.

he'd also rush to open the door when someone knocked - then slam it in their face.  he had to be stopped.

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My friend used the one for patio doors when her kids were under 5. Her kids at that age tend to open the patio doors and go to the backyard without telling her. Something like this link https://www.amazon.com/Window-Door-Alarm-Kit-Pack/dp/B007RUGANC/



My aunts had to install deadbolts high up as some of us were sleepwalkers.

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I used an up high hook and eye.


You can find inexpensive door alarms at Harbor Freight, a tool store. It can be set to ding when the door opens or to constantly buzz until the door is closed again. I think they were $5. Amazon probably has something similar.

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We have an alarm on the door that goes to the pool. It's not any particular brand (pool company buys in bulk). The important part is that it is ridiculously loud. Not quite burglar alarm loud, but loud enough to wake you from anywhere in the house. That will depend on your house.


I would add a chain lock up top and a quieter alarm on his bedroom door if he's escaping while he's supposed to be in bed.

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We use hook & eyes.  Our toddlers have all figured out the dead bolts before 18 months.  The only way we keep them in the house, is if we routinely lock the doors.  Even now my 20 month old call me over to squawk & point at the hook-and-eye on the back door.  He can't talk, but he knows what needs to be done.  Our hook and eyes have little spring things so they can't just push them off with a stick or find something to climb on.


Toddler adventures sure keep you on your toes.  

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Flashbacks to my son when he was 4 sneaking out of the house after we were asleep.  Shudder.  It was so scary.  We finally reversed the lock on his door.  We put a smoke alarm in his room and a baby monitor.

Yep, we had to do the same thing.


For the front door, we got a double keyed deadbolt and kept the key above the door frame.


This was after my neighbor found him walking down the street. At 5am. He was 20 months old.

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Yep, we had to do the same thing.


For the front door, we got a double keyed deadbolt and kept the key above the door frame.


This was after my neighbor found him walking down the street. At 5am. He was 20 months old.



My son was 4 and he figured out those high locks (like you see in a hotel room...latch over type) in about 2 days.  The first few times he pulled a bar stool over.  Then he just got the broom and lifted and flipped it.  It was the craziest thing I've ever seen.  It all happened so fast that we couldn't react fast enough to stay ahead of him.  We had got a quote from an alarm company and were trying to schedule it when he sneaked out and opened our neighbor's guest house at midnight where surprise they were all sleeping while new carpet was being installed in their house.  Neighbor was not amused and they sent us an official letter threatening to call 'the authorities' if they found him on their property again.  


I took ds to the front yard and showed him the property line. And I showed him the letter.  I explained very sternly that the neighbors did not want him on their property and the letter said they would call the police if they caught him again.  I told him he was not to step foot on their property ....not to chase the dog, not to cut across....nothing.  He looked at me very solemnly and it was as if a switch was flipped.  No more attempts to sneak out.  Of course by then we had his door knob reversed in desperation.  


Good times.

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