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I am just so blah about homeschooling right now...

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Do you know what I mean?


Nothing inspires me and I am not inspiring my scholars.


I feel like we are just going through the motions.


I know it is a phase, I know it will pass. I know the grayness of Tennessee winter is contributing to this.


How do jumpstart yourself when the passion for your children's education is waning?

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I am feeling very much the same way. This has been such a hard season. The spark is gone in so many ways. I don't know how to get it back. Everyone keeps reassuring me that it will return, and that we all go through these seasons, but this season has lasted way too long.


I don't know, Kelli.

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At least it is probably warm in Tennessee! It is gray AND cold here! Time for a trip to Cabela's. Do you have those? Lots of taxidermied animals, an aquarium, outdoor gear to look at, boats to climb on, and a shooting gallery, who could ask for anything more?

Do you have a local conservatory? I think that is great mid-winter as I can pretend I am somewhere in the tropics!


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I'm in a all-around rut. Forcing myself to do school. House is a wreck. Kids are out. of. control. And...my kids, for some insane reason, have started waking up at 6:00! We're not that family! I usually sleep or have quiet time until 8:00. We start school @ 9:00. Now they're up during my time. The good thing is that we have finished school by lunch time every day this week. But, I'm tired.sad025.gif

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Time for some serious outside time.


If it's not freezing, go to the zoo, park, or somewhere fun like that. Take a book and let the kids play.


Switch to books on tape and educational history and science videos for a couple of days.


Open your blinds all the way up every morning to get all the sunshine you can.


Bake something special. Make popcorn and snuggle up with the kids and a fun old movie or musical. Mine love the Sound of Music, the Wizard of Oz, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.


Take a week off from school to thoroughly clean and organize the house, or at least one room of the house.


Time to shake things up and get outta that February rut.

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is to remember that dh probably doesn't want to go to work many days either, but he has no choice. So, I do it even if I don't feel like it.


But, I also try and evaluate what it is that isn't working. Is it because I am getting lax in my pre-planning and so I am not making time to include some of the "fun" stuff that brings joy to the kids? Is it because I am too busy? Is it because a certain curriculum is just not working? It is because it is February and there is nothing worse than February weather? Is it because my kids have attitudes that need correction? (This is the one I am working on right now!!)


So, I spent some time last week rethinking a few things I am doing and this week I am trying some new things. I am also focusing on some character issues with my son this week that I have been letting slide and it has been making us both unhappy.


I think it is fine to take a fun day every now and then to enjoy the freedom of homeschooling, but I'm a bit more in the camp of fixing the problem at home because the work still needs to get done. :-) I also try to give my kids a bit more verbal love and affection during these times or shake it up with a small reward like candy.

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But, I also try and evaluate what it is that isn't working. Is it because I am getting lax in my pre-planning and so I am not making time to include some of the "fun" stuff that brings joy to the kids? Is it because I am too busy? Is it because a certain curriculum is just not working? It is because it is February and there is nothing worse than February weather? Is it because my kids have attitudes that need correction? (This is the one I am working on right now!!)




Yes, on everything but the planning and the curriculum. I have very detailed lesson plans, just no joy in the doing. And I love our curriculum, I just don't love teaching it right now.


It probably is February. I should probably close the blinds and stop looking at the gray skies and light some candles and create some cozy.


I hate Tennessee winters just as much as I hate Tennessee summers. Winter would be okay if we could have a blizzard or something. We just have wet and gray. Gray and wet. Wet...and gray.

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Do you know what I mean?


Nothing inspires me and I am not inspiring my scholars.


I feel like we are just going through the motions.


I know it is a phase, I know it will pass. I know the grayness of Tennessee winter is contributing to this.


How do jumpstart yourself when the passion for your children's education is waning?


It's a winter thing I think. Today I decided to be a fun mom and do all math with my 6 year old by way of jumps and hops. Everything we practiced happened while jumping from square to square in the kitchen. Counting by 2s, 10s and practicing phonics. It was fun and a nice break for the ordinary torment. LOL


I then decided that to be a really fun mom I needed to play along. So while he counted by 10s I did long jumps. And I may have given myself a hernia... or at the very least sprained my stomach! :D Ouch!

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Well, it certainly can be the result of the mid-winter blues! Try to find something fun and unexpected (even for Valentine's Day tomorrow), or maybe just remember how quickly each season passes. I was just thinking that very soon, next month, is spring break, so all this snow and ice won't be around forever!

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It is NOT warm in TN today. It is really cold out. And very gray out there. It was warm for a bit over the weekend, but today it is back to freezing temps again.


But the cold keeps the flippin' tornadoes away, doesn't it?:D I am for anything that keeps the snakes under ground and the tornadoes far away from us!!

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I think it's just that time of year. You've been going for months and you have months to go. Even though we hs, I think the general school year blahs hit us too. In a few more weeks it will be spring, the flowers will bloom and the world will look new and lovely. You'll feel better then. For now, just keep on chugging so that you can go out and have fun when the weather's better.

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Time for some serious outside time.


If it's not freezing, go to the zoo, park, or somewhere fun like that. Take a book and let the kids play.





It is not freezing, hmmm, how to explain Tennessee winter. It is damp and cold and miserable. We could handle freezing if there were some snow or something. But it is the sort of weather that makes you miserable to even walk out the door.


It is also the kind of damp and cold that generally makes my children sick. So outside play? Not so much.

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today, too. We are in Murfreesboro. My kids have been begging me to go outside, because it snowed a little. But now it is just muddy and slushy, and COLD!! I am feeling the homeschool blahs, too. I liked the idea of taking a day (or week) and cleaning out the house. We need that desperately around here. Hopefully, spring will be here before we know it. We are working through some "new to homeschooling" issues, but we're getting there.

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Oh Kelli -- a blizzard would be divine! I want some snow here so badly I can't stand it! My kids want some too. Come on over on I40 and visit us -- I'll take you to Starbucks if you brave the roads;)


Now, now, Melissa, I believe we have had message board discussions before about I40. I don't do I40.


Let's map out some backroads!


I should seriously do that! I could come over and we could all play with your sons' Legos!!:)

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Take a week off, play games, sleep late, eat cookies, read fun books?


My mother says she always wanted to quit home schooling in late November and early February, she she always took a week off and had fun instead.


That is good advice. February is definately my hardest month, no doubt about it.


I have paused our history study for the next three weeks and we are just going to park at the American revolution and I want to bring in lots of fun activities, maybe that will give me my spark back.

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Do you know what I mean?


Nothing inspires me and I am not inspiring my scholars.


I feel like we are just going through the motions.


I know it is a phase, I know it will pass. I know the grayness of Tennessee winter is contributing to this.


How do jumpstart yourself when the passion for your children's education is waning?


Yep. We're taking next week off.


This is why I'm forever rearranging my daily and weekly schedules, then I start messing with the yearly schedule and asking myself things like, "Do I take the summer off. Do I school 6 weeks on, two weeks off. Do I school 3 weeks and one week off." I've tried variations of it all, and I usually dig out the schedules and start messing around with them when I'm tired and bored and unmotivated.


Oh, and I rearrange the furniture, and rearrange the house.


You've been doing this way longer than me. But I just know I need a break.

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Now, now, Melissa, I believe we have had message board discussions before about I40. I don't do I40.



So Kelli, why don't you DO I40?


Also, I have post-tornado syndrome. We haven't had a decent day of school since Feb. 5..... maybe I'm just blaming it on the tornado as I usually have problems this time of year anyway.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
So Kelli, why don't you DO I40?


Also, I have post-tornado syndrome. We haven't had a decent day of school since Feb. 5..... maybe I'm just blaming it on the tornado as I usually have problems this time of year anyway.....


I just now saw this! I was in the Smokies on the 15th with no internet service!


Why don't I do I40?


Because everytime I have tried, the big trucks whiz past me and make me cry. I am pretty sure that a crying, shaking mom behind the wheel is a bad thing.


It is just on my list of issues. I have lots and lots of issues. I like back roads better!

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