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JAWM Feeling less than accomplished about some things at the end of this year...

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I just can't seem to learn my lesson with my younger dd...


She just cannot seem to stay consistent without me right on top of her...to the point where I almost feel like she's lying.  ...I turned over her Abeka Science scheduling to her right around February.  I sat with her two weeks in a row and showed her how I schedule it...and she would supposed to do all Section Reviews IN full sentences for various reasons ....I reiterated that over and over (plus, I had been requiring them in full sentences all along anyway).Every Friday, when grading the quiz I would ask, "Did you do your section review in full sentences?"...and she would say yes...so that's lying IMO...they are so sloppy, and single word answers all the way from February till now.   :(  So, I can't put them in her binder for work samples.  Not only that but, she lost her quiz book last week.  She was scoring pretty well on her quizzes and studying a lot, so the quizzes would have served as a nice work sample in and of themselves.  They are nowhere to be found, and I have searched.  


Not only that, but all of her Section Reviews from BEFORE February are missing :(


Luckily neither my PSP or my state require work samples of 7th graders.  If we were back in FL I would really have a problem! Even here, I just feel bummed...I hate it that there's no record of her work in Science. :(


Additionally, she didn't hand in the last Quiz to her English teacher, from the co-op. I asked and asked and asked, and there it is just sitting in her binder undone.   :(


I just really need to get a grip and realize I have to stay on top of her way way WAY WAY more than my older child. 


TO be fair, she is an amazing artist, she sews, she cooks, she is the most loving, kind and gently spoken of our family, serves at church...but she is just SO DISORGANIZED and everyone lets it go.  Even at church, half the time she doesn't show up to set up with the Kitchen ladies even though she is on the schedule.  Her English teacher (paid, not co-op) let it go all year, and didn't say anything when she didn't turn in her work. Luckily I DID stay ON TOP of English all year and only one assignment was never turned in.  But, I feel like I am the only human in her life keeping her accountable.  It's so tiring....





Edited by Calming Tea
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If it makes you feel any better, I was like that all the way through 8th grade and got better in high school. Most of the middle-schoolers I taught who were like that were also doing much better in a couple of years.


Keep offering the tools.

Edited by whitehawk
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Your problem is an organized first born.  My first born is my scattered one. At 16 he is so, so much better.  I do have to keep on top of him and still monitor his online work--but don't need to remind him now often, not unless he's under a lot of stress. I've worked with him on timers, writing things down, checking your plan book, checking your online class pages, checking that you handed in your work, checking that you uploaded the right file and he is getting better.  But honestly, I still remind him about church obligations.


Now, my second born, she is on it.  So, actually is my fourth born.  Organized genes run in our girls I guess. I

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Sigh.  But, as I read it, I am picturing someone else's distracted kid (and it's a boy in my mind's eye!! haha!) 


Reality CHeck Needed.


Nope, here I have one of each, LOL! Hang in there. I know it's exhausting. Definitely worth it to help her (gradually...over years...) develop some organizational strategies that will work for her. 

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Sigh. But, as I read it, I am picturing someone else's distracted kid (and it's a boy in my mind's eye!! haha!)


Reality CHeck Needed.

My DS11 can't draw well, can't sew other than simple mending and can't cook even microwave meals. He can only "cook" Nissin instant cup noodles, not even instant noodles using a small pot.


I have to check his progress three times a day or nothing much gets done.


He forgot to hand in a WTMA German 1 homework and didn't realize until he saw the zero in his grade report.


When we were with CAVA, if my kids lost their work, they have to redo something nicely so that I have work samples for every required subject for the supervising teacher every term.


I have never had a class teacher come after my kids for missing work. They just get a bad grade. Only personal tutors would nag or would let me know that my kids had forgotten to get their homework done.



My firstborn is so structured that it is a different pain in the neck. For example he prefer reading before any school work and math before physics. Break in routine runs a risk of "grouchy bear syndrome".

Edited by Arcadia
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Sounds like my dd. ((hugs)) :grouphug: She's an disorganized artist, too. My first born is my very neat, focused son. There's been some progress over the years, but I can still tell where she's been just by walking through the house. She still has some work left to finish up before she can call it a year, but I can see some laziness kicking in on the quality. sigh


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Thank you everyone. 


God provided a light...


My son took her to the pool and actually played with his sister for two hours (he is a great brother, just doesn't usually play outside anymore)....


she was so happy, sun-kissed and relaxed, that she sat with me and discussed this, as well as plans for next year for half an hour!!....basically she wants almost all Lifepacs, (except math-she goes to Mathnasium now for math)....(she has used Lifepacs before) and less running around during the school day, so she can focus.  But, when we do have to go out, she will know exactly what to bring, and what is expected of her.  So other than the once a month projects, and the Science projects, it's very predictable and portable and that's what she really really needs.  


I'll be able to keep her accountable better with that system as well.  I can see what she was supposed to do, and when, and have an afternoon meeting every afternoon.  We will work on the schedule to stop leaving the house so early too.  The homeschool Academy classes made it pretty hard for her to focus because of the timing.


Works for me!!

Edited by Calming Tea
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Wish I could see inside on Amazon! I'm guessing it's too young for an 18 yo?!


It's geared toward middle schoolers, but hey...good advice is good advice, right? lol. I haven't read this one, but my friend really liked it! (We do have several of the other American Girl "advice" books and I've found them all to be wonderful.) 

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Funny, you could have been describing my first born's disorganization and penchant for losing things, but #2 is my artistic dreamer! (And #2, who is far from perfect, is my clean-room, organized, on top of it, get it done early kid.)


Hugs. Sometimes we parents have lessons to learn, too. Here's hoping next year is better!

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Sounds like most of the middle school kids I know. It still is so insanely frustrating. I am sorry *hug* It does tend to get better with age. I always love natural consequences but it sounds like she is so sweet and kind that everyone around her let's it slide. I get that because those lovable teens are so hard to set boundaries with some times. Hang in their mama ;) You are doing a good job staying on top of it.

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