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Weird phone call

Miss Peregrine

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Dh called and asked me if I had called a lawyer. He got a call at work on his extension and identified themselves as a law firm and asked for him by name. They started asking questions about his marriage. Is he having trouble in his marriage, is he happy? etc. He asked who they were and why they were calling. Then he hung up on them.


Is this some kind of weird scam?

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Could it be similar to how he accuses you of inappropriate texts/messages?


No law firm would do that, but I'm sure you knew already. Well, no legit law firm. We aren't allowed to cold call for clients, and anyone you saw would be forbidden to contact him for confidentiality reasons.



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That's what I'm wondering?

Did he give you the number?


The whole situation is bizarre. I wish I had some advice for you, but I've got nothing.


Could your dh be messing with your head? Or could he have really gotten the phone call, but it was from a woman who's interested him and is trying to find out if he's available?


Ok, that sounded crazy as soon as I typed it.


As I said, I've got nothing. I don't even have any decent speculations.



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Did he give you the number?


The whole situation is bizarre. I wish I had some advice for you, but I've got nothing.


Could your dh be messing with your head? Or could he have really gotten the phone call, but it was from a woman who's interested him and is trying to find out if he's available?


Ok, that sounded crazy as soon as I typed it.


As I said, I've got nothing. I don't even have any decent speculations.



He told me earlier that he called the number back and no one answered (I think) When I asked for the number he said he didn't have it. I asked how he called them back. He said he wrote the number down but he doesn't have it, gave it to his supervisor to investigate.

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He told me earlier that he called the number back and no one answered (I think) When I asked for the number he said he didn't have it. I asked how he called them back. He said he wrote the number down but he doesn't have it, gave it to his supervisor to investigate.

Do you think that's what really happened? (I have no opinion one way or the other because I don't know your dh.)


If it had happened to me, I would have saved the number.

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Do you think that's what really happened? (I have no opinion one way or the other because I don't know your dh.)


If it had happened to me, I would have saved the number.

He just called back and said his supervisor looked into it. They told him it was an 809 area code and not a domestic number. I looked it up and 809 is a notorious scam number out of the Dominican Republic. The personal marriage questions are still strange, considering our marriage, lol and the fact that they asked for him by name, but ??? Edited by Miss Peregrine
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The other night someone called DH's phone and asked for me by my first name which I use for filling out forms, etc. (I go by a shorter nickname). DH asked who was calling and why. He didn't give a name but said it was about the table I was selling???!!!

DH told him it was the wrong number and he didn't call back. Only the last digit in our numbers is different. It was very strange. My DH deleted the number immediately out of habit🙄.

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His explanation smells fishy.

He told me earlier that he called the number back and no one answered (I think) When I asked for the number he said he didn't have it. I asked how he called them back. He said he wrote the number down but he doesn't have it, gave it to his supervisor to investigate.


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Might be a long shot, but from some of your other posts, I agree it's fishy- perhaps he's setting up a story to cover up HE called a lawyer? In case a bill shows up? Or maybe another party hired a PI?

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There is a scam going on right now where the scammer tries to get you to say "YES" on the phone.  They record your voice, then use the recording in a malicious way, as "confirmation" that you agreed to let them access your... bank account, I think it was.  I would be more suspicious of this scam than I would be of your husband, unless you are having difficulties in your marriage and this is just one more sticky thing.

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Many years ago, a law firm got into trouble doing this.  They would hire knock outs, and sent them out to bars. Of course, they would get hit on .  But , their morals wouldn't let them  do it with a married man.  They just happened to know a lawyer who could help  their new friend. These ladies where hot, and firm's fees were big. 

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