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Well Trained Bodies - 3/26/17


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Did my hour cardio class tonight. Dh's boss was the teacher, which is always fun because he really knows how to push you out of your comfort zone but not far enough where you'll injure yourself.


My arms and legs are already feeling that good ache! That is 2 out of 3 workouts down.

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Upon arrival at the skating rink, we discovered there was no ice. So no skating for ds and I, though we did get in a really nice walk around the town. It was beautiful outside today! I may go for a wee bike ride, if there's a bike with 2 good tires to be had.

 Well, that was a bummer! Glad you got in a nice walk, though!

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So I went to Zumba tonight. Whoa. I had been thinking my low energy feeling I had all day was just inertia/psychological because of the cold I've had and that I was getting better and just being kind of lazy. Not.  I guess anything respiratory going on can really sock you in a cardio activity. 


Anyway, it's done. I'm zonked and tomorrow if I feel low energy, I won't feel guilty if I need another rest day! I would like to get in some kind of strength training though, but I think I won't do a complete workout---maybe just a set or two at lower weights than normal.

Edited by Laurie4b
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Dh and I played singles tennis this morning. It was so much fun. My tennis/skiing friend gave me an excellent tip for my tennis technique that I was able to implement to great success! I beat dh in a tie-breaker. Our entire set was very intense with lots of great rallies. I was feeling so good fitness-wise as well. default_hooray.gif


We're supposed to get snow tonight/tomorrow morning, so my plan is to go skiing early in the morning. It may be my last ski of the season.

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Peeking my head back in here! I was off program last week while out of town with my daughter. Started back on Monday with the 21 Day Fix eating plan, and an exercise routine using The Firm videos (plus daily walks with the Great Dane puppy in our recent heavy snow, ugh!)


I am, of course, unhappy this week as I adjust back to weight loss eating mode, haha! But hanging in there. I will stay away from the scale for a couple weeks.

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I did Kettlebell Interval today.  The instructor was telling us that she was going to sign her grand daughter up for swimming and I thought, "say what?"  How could she have a grand daughter?  She looks amazing!  I can only hope to have her level of fitness and energy at her age.  We don't need to be defined by our ages or the scale, right ladies?  


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The instructor was telling us that she was going to sign her grand daughter up for swimming and I thought, "say what?"  How could she have a grand daughter?  She looks amazing!  I can only hope to have her level of fitness and energy at her age.  We don't need to be defined by our ages or the scale, right ladies?  


Yes, that would be a little unnerving. Though, I guess a 40-something lady could easily be a grandma if she had a child at 20 and that child had a baby at 20. You just don't think of your kettleball instructor, who is rocking the fitness, to be a grandparent!  :laugh:   We should set a new trend and tear down those pre-conceptions, ladies!

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Yes, that would be a little unnerving. Though, I guess a 40-something lady could easily be a grandma if she had a child at 20 and that child had a baby at 20. You just don't think of your kettleball instructor, who is rocking the fitness, to be a grandparent!  :laugh:   We should set a new trend and tear down those pre-conceptions, ladies!



I will say,  I've tried a lot of the classes at my YMCA and several of the instructors are grandmothers and they all look amazing!  Most of them are in their 50's.  

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Still really slammed by allergies or cold. Took a simple walk in the neighborhood and am breathing hard. So I'm going to "listen to my body" and do some stretching, but not a strength training routine. 


I'm in the exact same condition with bad allergies or a cold. Hopefully tomorrow is better, but tonight the nose is running like crazy. 


Hope you're feeling better soon! 

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I am NOT happy with how my week is going.

After making it to the gym Monday, I planned to go Wednesday and either Friday or Saturday.  But I got worried that I'd be late for my Wednesday meeting so, instead of just shortening a workout, I pushed it off.  After an extra busy first half of the week, I stayed home yesterday.  And then I got notifications that we will be getting ice from last night into tomorrow morning, so there's no way I'm driving.


I also gave in to more than a reasonable number of Girl Scout cookies.


I couldn't sleep in the wee hours, so I did some relaxing stretching this morning.  It was kind of creepy, because I could hear everything in my body making gross noises in the otherwise silent house.  I also found that there's definitely some sort of imbalance in my hips, so I'm hoping there's a good enough trainer in my gym who will let me convince them to arrange a single session to figure out how to work on that.  (Having passed lots of PTC practice exams myself, I don't trust anyone for just their initials.)


I suppose I'll convince myself to do some body weight stuff today, but my attitude isn't going to make it very good.  :toetap05:

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Yesterday morning I chose sleep over boot camp, because I only got 3-4 hours of sleep before I had to wake up to take kids to school. Luckily it was a workout night for my husband, so I did a mini arm circuit while I was keeping him company. Today I'm heading to class. Hopefully we work on glutes and back. I also plan to do a HIIT workout after class if we don't do much cardio.

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I'm doing well with my no sugar challenge. The exercise - not so much. I've worked out once and played tennis once. I just cannot shake this fatigue. I'm also still congested and coughing at night. Neither Mucinex nor Zyrtec are working. I've been brainstorming with what is different in my life that could be causing the chronic fatigue. The only answer I could come up with is vitamin D deficiency. This is a condition that I have had before (as recently as a year ago) Initially, it was due to celiac. Now, however, I think it's because I'm not getting outside like I used to. I've been playing indoor tennis and working out at the indoor gym. No hiking, kayaking, camping, dog walking - really, no outdoor anything except walking from my car to a building. I also stopped taking Vit D about 2 months ago.


So - I'm back on Vit D. I'm going to give it a week to see if I have any positive changes. I really don't want to go the the Dr for two reasons - $ and my weight. I do not want my weight officially listed on my medical records. I keep telling myself if I could just lose 5 pounds I will go in. Well, I'm not losing any weight so I'm not going in. I know how stupid that sounds but I just cannot deal with the stress and depression it would cause.

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I'm doing well with my no sugar challenge. The exercise - not so much. I've worked out once and played tennis once. I just cannot shake this fatigue. I'm also still congested and coughing at night. Neither Mucinex nor Zyrtec are working. I've been brainstorming with what is different in my life that could be causing the chronic fatigue. The only answer I could come up with is vitamin D deficiency. This is a condition that I have had before (as recently as a year ago) Initially, it was due to celiac. Now, however, I think it's because I'm not getting outside like I used to. I've been playing indoor tennis and working out at the indoor gym. No hiking, kayaking, camping, dog walking - really, no outdoor anything except walking from my car to a building. I also stopped taking Vit D about 2 months ago.


So - I'm back on Vit D. I'm going to give it a week to see if I have any positive changes. I really don't want to go the the Dr for two reasons - $ and my weight. I do not want my weight officially listed on my medical records. I keep telling myself if I could just lose 5 pounds I will go in. Well, I'm not losing any weight so I'm not going in. I know how stupid that sounds but I just cannot deal with the stress and depression it would cause.

Please reconsider going to the doctor. Do you have a low grade fever? Could it be walking pneumonia?

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I am NOT happy with how my week is going.

After making it to the gym Monday, I planned to go Wednesday and either Friday or Saturday.  But I got worried that I'd be late for my Wednesday meeting so, instead of just shortening a workout, I pushed it off.  After an extra busy first half of the week, I stayed home yesterday.  And then I got notifications that we will be getting ice from last night into tomorrow morning, so there's no way I'm driving.


I also gave in to more than a reasonable number of Girl Scout cookies.


I couldn't sleep in the wee hours, so I did some relaxing stretching this morning.  It was kind of creepy, because I could hear everything in my body making gross noises in the otherwise silent house.  I also found that there's definitely some sort of imbalance in my hips, so I'm hoping there's a good enough trainer in my gym who will let me convince them to arrange a single session to figure out how to work on that.  (Having passed lots of PTC practice exams myself, I don't trust anyone for just their initials.)


I suppose I'll convince myself to do some body weight stuff today, but my attitude isn't going to make it very good.  :toetap05:


Sorry all that piled up. Good idea to do stretching when you couldn't sleep in the wee hours. DId it help you relax enough to go back to sleep? 


The road to fitness includes many episodes of climbing right back on the wagon. It's a normal part of the journey, not a failure. 

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I'm doing well with my no sugar challenge. The exercise - not so much. I've worked out once and played tennis once. I just cannot shake this fatigue. I'm also still congested and coughing at night. Neither Mucinex nor Zyrtec are working. I've been brainstorming with what is different in my life that could be causing the chronic fatigue. The only answer I could come up with is vitamin D deficiency. This is a condition that I have had before (as recently as a year ago) Initially, it was due to celiac. Now, however, I think it's because I'm not getting outside like I used to. I've been playing indoor tennis and working out at the indoor gym. No hiking, kayaking, camping, dog walking - really, no outdoor anything except walking from my car to a building. I also stopped taking Vit D about 2 months ago.


So - I'm back on Vit D. I'm going to give it a week to see if I have any positive changes. I really don't want to go the the Dr for two reasons - $ and my weight. I do not want my weight officially listed on my medical records. I keep telling myself if I could just lose 5 pounds I will go in. Well, I'm not losing any weight so I'm not going in. I know how stupid that sounds but I just cannot deal with the stress and depression it would cause.


I'm not sure how long you've been having the fatigue but if you've had respiratory symptoms for a long time, too, that is a likely culprit. I have either allergies or a cold right now and am usually very active. I've found that a 30 min moderate paced walk now has me huffing and puffing and I am very tired afterward.... and my respiratory symptoms do not even seem that bad. I just know how I normally respond to fitness and have been kind of shocked about how strong the impact has been. 


If you are Vit D deficient, it usually takes a couple months of supplementation to get back to a good level. They won't test your level to see if it's come up before that length of time has passed. 


I am sorry and worried to hear that your stress over your weight keeps you from seeking medical care. Does your doctor or your staff shame you in any way about your weight?  Or is it internal pressure? Is there some consequence for a certain weight being recorded in your medical records? 

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I'm not sure how long you've been having the fatigue but if you've had respiratory symptoms for a long time, too, that is a likely culprit. I have either allergies or a cold right now and am usually very active. I've found that a 30 min moderate paced walk now has me huffing and puffing and I am very tired afterward.... and my respiratory symptoms do not even seem that bad. I just know how I normally respond to fitness and have been kind of shocked about how strong the impact has been. 


If you are Vit D deficient, it usually takes a couple months of supplementation to get back to a good level. They won't test your level to see if it's come up before that length of time has passed. 


I am sorry and worried to hear that your stress over your weight keeps you from seeking medical care. Does your doctor or your staff shame you in any way about your weight?  Or is it internal pressure? Is there some consequence for a certain weight being recorded in your medical records? 


Allergies was my first thought, too. Especially this time of year, environmental allergies can be brutal. There are a lot of products available for them, though. It's well worth a visit to your dr to find out. You don't need to keep suffering.

Edited by wintermom
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Just wanted to share because it's a small victory and there aren't many places to share small fitness victories 


Stretching is my least fave type of fitness thing and the one I will put off.  I think because it seems to take so dang long and you're supposed to warm up before stretching, so that's more time unless you stretch after you already worked out which I know I should do but dang, I want to be done!


Anyway,  I had committed to 1 hamstring stretch per day (it's a start) and the exercise physiologist whom I saw gave me multiple stretches for my shoulders and chest to help me with other fitness goals. 


So today, I realized that I could do most of the stretches while I am outside catching some sun for Vit D. I try to get around 15-20 min of sun on sunny days for that. So if I do the stretching in the sun, I don't have the "wasting time" feeling. (The exercise physiologist told me to hold each stretch 30-60 sec but 60 was better. Seems like an eternity to an impatient person like me!) 


I think I will be consistent this way, so I'm pleased. 

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Drive by posting, I'm reading along but haven't got time to comment.


Yesterday class ended up being just Yoga. The kids and i also took a longish walk. We got in 3 walks this week. 2 days of gardening. Lots of yoga, 2 days of bodyweight stuff, meant for 3 but with the class I was supposed to do Thurs I thought doing it Wed. too would be too much.


Today was some HIIT bodyweight stuff. Kicked my butt- endurance and muscles. This Fri, Sat & Sun is all back to back yoga classes with training. I just hope I can walk by Monday. Lots of mental work planning out yoga classes for my training practicum. Anyway, this weekend i finish up adult(200 hr) yoga training and can move my focus to kids. Did gardening today with the kids, now to the bath because I have to be leaving in just a bit.

Edited by soror
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Stretching is my least fave type of fitness thing and the one I will put off.  I think because it seems to take so dang long and you're supposed to warm up before stretching, so that's more time unless you stretch after you already worked out which I know I should do but dang, I want to be done!




Stretching?  What's that?   :confused1:


Seriously, nice job!  I never stretch even though I know it's so important.  


Used my spin bike this morning since it was pouring and I didn't feel like getting soaked during my run.  Also did shoulders/arms. But I didn't stretch.

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I feel tired last few days. I still fenced every day, but I think I need a nap if I want to survive today. Also, I fenced a 14 yo boy a couple of times, and now I look like a victim of abuse: my arms, right shoulder, and right thigh are covered in bruises. I know that bruises come with this sport, but it is just ridiculous. I now remember why I don't usually fence boys.

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I went for my weekly snowshoe this morning. I brought along some sunflower seeds to feed the birds during my hike. It was really nice, as usual. The chickadees are the most social and curious, and they started the eating at each place I left seeds. I took so much time feeding birds, watching them eat, and taking a few photos that I had to jog back to the car in my snowshoes. It was pretty fun on the flat terrain, not nearly as fun as skiing, though.  :p

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Hope everyone is having a good Saturday! I was thinking about having another cheat weekend :-) Then I decided to step on the scale, and realized it would be smart to stay the course! Ha! No major workouts planned, but will likely hike/walk with the dog.

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I made 2 different meat pies for dinner (which both tasted wonderful!), and needed to move after all that protein. I walked through the neighbourhood, walking through as many forested pockets as possible, and somehow ended up going all the way to the local wine store! Something was telling me that meat pies needed some wine.  :laugh: 


On the walk back home, the sky was the most gorgeous pink and purple. I really wish I had a camera to capture it over the snowy fields and trees. Back at home now, enjoying my glass of wine, which IS very nice after meat pie. ;)

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I ended up getting the cough/cold thing all my kids have had and not following through on most of my plan for this week. I went ahead and weighed and measured myself though since it's the beginning of a new month. My results weren't spectacular but it's something. I lost a pound and a quarter to half an inch in a few areas.


I'm working on a plan for next week. My ankle is feeling a bit better so I'm going to try walking and some low impact workout videos. I want to try karate class on Tuesday too but I'm going to practice a little first and see how it goes.

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wintermom-- that sounds beautiful.


solascritura- I'll join you in the sore club.


I was already sore Friday night, then I had class, then another this morning, this afternoon and evening. Not to mention the little bits of work on various poses we workshopped and playing on the gymnastics rings- just for fun (and torture). I've worked every muscle, even my fingers, it hurts to breath, it hurts to walk. I'm bone dead exhausted. Tomorrow is 4-5 more hrs of classes.


olglaLA- I can't imagine sparring 14yo's, kudos to you!


Scoutermom- I tell you, in most of the United States you can not get enough vit D in the winter period, no matter how much you are outside. Some of us just have absorption issues, even off gluten forever i have to watch my levels. With the weight and such being an issue you might want to have your thyroid checked, then check out Stop the Thyroid Madness and check your numbers against their lab recs. 


Laurie- here is an article on flexibility and stretching for you- https://gmb.io/stretching-tips/


re: older instructors, a lady in my Yoga teacher Training turns 70 this year, she has rheumatoid arthritis and so many other problems but has been a dancer and kept active, teaching PE and all sorts of fitness class for decades, it has made all the difference in the world to her, following the doctors advice she kept getting worse and worse.


hjkffkj- kudos on the weight loss.


Carrie- we all have those bad weeks, hopefuly next one is better.


2ndgen- this has been a horrible year for illness, hopefully it passes through your house soon.


Erica- good job on the biking and arm exercises.

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I did meet my week goals: I fenced my 5 days. Today was a rest day, and I checked my equipment for tomorrow. Naturally, I found one broken cord, which I can fix and I have a spare. Unfortunately, I also found an unglued wire on one of my epees. Ok, on my DD's epee. The bummer is that fixing it is easy, but I don't have that glue. If I noticed it yesterday, it wouldn't be a problem,  but tonight it is. It's just weird that it never happened before in almost three years that the kids were fencing and competing. The first time was on my son's competition in March, and now again. Well, we still have three working ones between the two of us, so let's hope that the last one won't be needed.

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After a very  frustrating  week of recovering from bronchitis which turned into asthma issues and being told to "take it easy and rest" (I hate those words!)   I finally am able to work out again.  I did not have to stop once and did 21 day extreme dirty 30.  I have been watching what I am eating as to not feel sorry for myself and overeat and undo all the work I have been doing.  So happy to be moving again!  

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I had a really fun singles tennis match with my friend and former ladies doubles partner. We split sets, so everyone went home happy! 


I also went snowshoeing instead of trying to ski in the "heat" - a whopping 50 degrees F! I ended up snowshoeing for 2 solid hours. Those showshoes got really heavy by the end, I'll tell you! I want to return to the same trails for some mountain biking. I was on mountain bike trails where they use fat wheels in the winter. I'll wait to use regular wheels in the spring/summer. There were even names posted beside some of the features on the trail, such as "slabby way" and "eye opener." :laugh:  

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I survived and am now 200 hr Yoga Teacher Trained certified, I've got some paper work to do to complete my registration. 


I feel like a wrung out wash cloth, this week will be a recovery week. I got through today only with the help of ibuprofen. I start my 3rd consecutive, 3 day weekend of yoga training this coming Friday. I'm so feeling it. I'm focusing on hs'ing this week, we're finishing up our school year this week and next. We also have some house renovation to finish up, and other general life stuff. 

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Congratulations, soror! It's quite an achievement, especially on top of homeschooling and renovations. We did a huge landscaping/exterior renovation project this year, which is just coming to the end right now, and all together it was a nightmare. I don't know how we survived. Adding 200 hours of training to it sounds impossible. But you did it!


My competition today went pretty much as expected - with everyone with a pulse kicking my behind. What helped was that DD took second place, losing by just one touch in the final bout. I am very proud of her. I think that the fact that I took her with me every day for the last three weeks really helped her get in shape for this competition. Anyway, she qualified for Division II and III National championship, and now we are considering going there in July. Before she was really against this idea, saying that she wouldn't go even if she qualified. So, all in all, the day was a win. Oh, and one of my swords did malfunction, but we got them all fixed. Now, the competition on Friday is several times more competitive, so I'll probably be the last again, but the older ladies were very nice, so I hope it will be as much fun as it was today.

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Congratulations, soror!!!  :grouphug:   What kind of yoga do you do and teach?

General hatha and vinyasa style. Sometimes we do some Ashtanga, as that is one of the styles my current teacher is primarily trained in but mostly general vinyasa classes. I do have another teacher I sometimes take who was trained more in Iyengar style. I only teach children myself. As of now I don't have a desire to teach adults, although I guess that could change.


Congratulations, soror! It's quite an achievement, especially on top of homeschooling and renovations. We did a huge landscaping/exterior renovation project this year, which is just coming to the end right now, and all together it was a nightmare. I don't know how we survived. Adding 200 hours of training to it sounds impossible. But you did it!


My competition today went pretty much as expected - with everyone with a pulse kicking my behind. What helped was that DD took second place, losing by just one touch in the final bout. I am very proud of her. I think that the fact that I took her with me every day for the last three weeks really helped her get in shape for this competition. Anyway, she qualified for Division II and III National championship, and now we are considering going there in July. Before she was really against this idea, saying that she wouldn't go even if she qualified. So, all in all, the day was a win. Oh, and one of my swords did malfunction, but we got them all fixed. Now, the competition on Friday is several times more competitive, so I'll probably be the last again, but the older ladies were very nice, so I hope it will be as much fun as it was today.

Congrats to you. Good for you for showing up, giving it your all, and facing your fears, that takes a lot of courage. Kudos to your daughter, way to be an inspiration!

Edited by soror
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Oh, and my weight is actually up this week. My diet has not been the best being so busy, I've had a bit of medication change(per my NP based on last labs) and I'm crazy sore. On the plus side I'm sleeping better. I hope after next weekend I can get back on track, I'm really not exactly at the weight I'd like to be but I guess we'll see what happens.

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I biked to the grocery store this morning!!! My first bike ride this season. I needed coffee, so it was high motivation to get out. Ds had already fixed up the tires, so I just sprayed on some spring-time lubricant. It was really fun riding again. 


I think my ski season may be over. default_cray2.gif It's warm all week with rain a few days. It was a wonderful ski season while it lasted. It was actually 5 months long, so that's pretty good.  The good news is that the outdoor tennis season is almost here!!!  :hurray: 

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My competition today went pretty much as expected - with everyone with a pulse kicking my behind. What helped was that DD took second place, losing by just one touch in the final bout. I am very proud of her. I think that the fact that I took her with me every day for the last three weeks really helped her get in shape for this competition. Anyway, she qualified for Division II and III National championship, and now we are considering going there in July. Before she was really against this idea, saying that she wouldn't go even if she qualified. So, all in all, the day was a win. Oh, and one of my swords did malfunction, but we got them all fixed. Now, the competition on Friday is several times more competitive, so I'll probably be the last again, but the older ladies were very nice, so I hope it will be as much fun as it was today.


Very well done, Olga!!!  And congratulations to your dd!!! That's very exciting. I'm sure all the consistent training you and her have been doing is a good thing. Glad all your equipment is in good shape for the next competition. You'll learn so much with each competition you participate in, and just keep getting better and better.

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That's a wonderful accomplishment, soror!! And Olg, how awesome for your daughter!


wintermom, I do think you win the prize for the most varied workouts :-)


I stuck to the eating plan over the weekend, and did the expected walking on the ice/snow with the dog. Our trails are in rough shape right now! Back to my Firm workouts for the next 5 days.



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Hope you feel better soon! It's a fine line between good soreness and "uh oh" something is wrong.

By yesterday I wasn't feeling a bit sore! I know what you mean though. I know that as I get older I'm more susceptible to injuring myself more easily. I'm trying to establish good habits now to try and avoid injuries down the line.


I rested all weekend, but today I was out and running, literally. Tomorrow I plan to go to my morning class for a leg workout. Meanwhile I'm fighting the urge to eat all the carbs in the house. This isn't normally a thing I struggle with.

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