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White leather couch + kids = insane?


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Help me out here.


We are replacing our leather sofa and chairs with a sectional.  Has to be leather for asthma reasons.  I would prefer to buy something lightly used for environmental and reasons.  The financial bonus is nice, too.   We are in an area that has good options for lightly used furniture - lots of people moving away at the moment, who barely lived in their upscale apartments due to crazy work hours.  


Our space is odd - we have a lot of very low windows, and want to preserve the treehouse feel of our living room, and our beloved view.  But the sectional is going to be along a wall with windows, so we are aiming for a low backed sectional.


I found one on craigslist, after a lot of waiting patiently.  Measurements are perfect.  


The catch:  it's a warm, off white.  Huge change from our dark brown leather monstrosities!  I think the white would actually look better than the dark, since we've moved - our living room has been screaming for lighter furniture.  But I'd not envisioned actual white!  Trying to think this through.


We have kids, obviously, and dogs.  But my experience with leather thus far has been that it's pretty forgiving re: any messes.  We just wipe it off, and use leather cleaner/conditioner here and there, and we're good to go.


So, what do you think?  White sectional + kids + dogs = crazy?  Or doable?  



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This reminds me of the time we moved into base housing as someone was moving out, and they wanted to sell us their carpeting, sofas, and curtains.


Did I mention they were DINKS?


We went to the house to look, and it was WHITE carpeting, WHITE sofas, WHITE curtains...


We left there just laughing. There's no way our family could've handled that decor. Worked for them, but definitely NOT for us.

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I should add the caveat that we always eat at the dining table. We did not relax this rule until the kids were well into their teens. (Now, we did not do this in order to "save" the sofa, but to instill eating culture - but the side effect was that kids did not eat in the living room. If you allow food on the sofa, YMMV.)

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So, what do you think?  White sectional + kids + dogs = crazy?  Or doable?  


Nope, I wouldn't do it. The dirt is only one issue.


The scratching and chewing could be a problem. I'm thinking animals here, but some children may come under the same category. ;)

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My parents ruined their white leather couch by reading newspaper on it because the ink rubbed off!


We have a white leather couch and it is pretty darn grungy. But as long as I was going for shabby chic and not perfect I'd get another one. (This one is a hand-me-down from a furniture show room.)


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Nope, I wouldn't do it. The dirt is only one issue.


The scratching and chewing could be a problem. I'm thinking animals here, but some children may come under the same category. ;)

That gave me a great mental image of kids gnawing on the couch. :)


We have leather now, scratching and chewing hasn't been an issue that I can see but - I do worry that our newest dog will scratch the couch with her nails - she hasn't learned to stay off it yet.


Pondering more...

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I have an ikea leather chair that has lasted 16 years and looks brand new. There's not a scratch on it and at that price, I'm sure it's not top quality leather. We've raised two kids and a dog with perpetually long claws and there's no damage. Now, mine is black, so I wouldn't see discoloration the same way, but leather is just sooo tough, forgiving, and easy to clean. I'd definitely take a chance on second hand furniture. As long as you're not the type to lose it if a kid gets a mark on it, it should be fine.

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Fabric would worry me more than leather. So far the white leather couches at my inlaw's have fared well with active grandkids.


But our couches are espresso brown microfiber. Never ever regretted that choice myself ;)

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Fabric would worry me more than leather. So far the white leather couches at my inlaw's have fared well with active grandkids.


But our couches are espresso brown microfiber. Never ever regretted that choice myself ;)

Great minds...


We have brown microfiber, too. Had it for 13 years, through six kids, large dog, and I-don't-know-how-many relocations. Still looks great.

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I do like microfiber, but we must do leather per the almighty allergist - it is better in our particular allergy and asthma situation. Sigh. Microfiber envy is real.


But I think I'm good with the off white leather. We won't eat in there, I'm not the freak out type, and at the secondhand price . . . Replacement down the road isn't a nightmare. And if it does last 10+ years like our other couches, bonus!

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We had a cream sofa and chair from Sam's that lasted for YEARS with two little kids and two dogs. We essentially wore it out over 10 years. Dogs aren't allowed on furniture without a person and a blanket underneath them, so they aren't a huge factor. Food stays in the kitchen for the most part (occasional sneaks and snacks... mostly adults). 

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