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Well Trained Bodies - 3/5/17


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It's a new week.


If anyone new is reading the thread I want to invite you to participate. This thread is for both those working toward achieving physical fitness and/or losing weight.


If you are struggling with sticking to your diet, looking for new ways to exercise, or sharing your progress on a current fitness regimen, please post and share.


All are welcome.



It's a new week. I hope everyone had a good seven days and saw some progress toward personal goals. I've seen some progress in upper body strength and have been able to do more assisted pull ups, and have increased weight in some (but not all) of my weight training exercises.


On March 1st, I began a 30 day wall sit challenge. The goal is to get to 3 mins. I did a baseline sit (60 s) and moved on from there. I'm adding 10s a day. So far I'm up to 90s. 


Today will probably be a rest day as I am struggling with some foot pain. I think it's due to my tennis shoes. It's a style I haven't worn before and it's causing some friction on my toes.  Callouses are forming on my hands from the weights. I think I'll wear my biking gloves next time I lift weights and see if they help.


I'm doing well with my eating but still struggle with craving sweets late at night. I've decreased my carbs and have avoided most of my trigger foods. I won't weigh again until Wednesday. I have 8 weeks left until our big family get together and I am concerned that even though I am trying that I won't lose any weight. I'm not going to give up and will continue doing my best.

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I'm working on losing some of the baby weight. So far I'm down five pounds. This week I'm going to try adding exercise back in. I was sick for a while with a respiratory thing that made me cough so I skipped exercising for a few weeks. My goal is to be able to run a mile in a decent time. So I'm going to keep working on it. I'm trying to motivate myself to get up early and get on the treadmill tomorrow. Sigh.

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 I got in a great little ski this afternoon. Some of my favourite trails weren't accessible because a lot of snow melted a week ago, but the ones that were groomed were excellent. I figure every ski day is a bonus now, and I'm treating it like my last.   :p


An additional bonus is that I've lost the winter pounds I tend to pack on over the season. It's usually caused by less exercise, but with all the skiing I've been doing I've got rid of the extra cold-weather "padding."

Edited by wintermom
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Sticking to my plan for the 3rd day.  Not really hungry, which is HUGE for me.  


Started adding back ACV that I know helps my gut so much if I remember to take it.  I mix it with ginger powder and stevia and it tastes like a ginger beer.



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Last week went well. 

Goals for this week: 

Continue logging food and shooting for 10 servings fruit and veges per day

4-5 aerobic activities, at least 3 of 1 hour or more

3 strength-training workouts

Hope to lose 1 pound.

Longterm goal: I had lost 60 pounds and kept it off for a couple years, then gained about 8 back. I am back down to +5. However, the 8 pounds came with an increase in 

 inches around the belly and waist. So my real goal is not a certain weight, but a healthy waist/belly measurement. So I need to lose about 1 inch at the waist and about 2 in. around the belly button. 

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training weekend over, I am sore all over, after classes hitting - shoulders, core, hips, legs and backbends and then yin yoga to end it(intense stretching). 


Last week was good on food and exercise. After training this weekend I will probably take it pretty easy at least tomorrow. 


I'm feeling a little blah this evening, my sinuses have been bothering me, blah. I hope I'm not coming down with something.


goals(I Just don't feel like being real specific this week)



track food- eat 2000 cal avg- eat good food



I'm working on losing weight from my thyroid going wonky, beginning goal was 10 lbs, now at 7, so far I'm averaging 1 lb a week, we'll see if that continues.

Edited by soror
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Eating those less than healthy foods over the weekend tasted good in the moment but was really not worth it. It made me feel sluggish and tired, my belly felt bloated and uncomfortable during the night and even the next morning, I didn't sleep well and had strange dreams and my legs were itchy and restless.


Goal #1 this week - remember how junk food makes me feel later on!


My other goals are pretty much the same as they have been. Eat 10 servings of fruit and vegetables a day, avoid sugar, limit dairy and grains, exercise 6 days, drink 64+ ounces of water a day, take vitamins.


This weekend I have a couple of events I'll have to be careful at. The first is a mid afternoon baby shower on Friday. It's at 2:00 so I'll eat lunch before I go and then eat only fruit and vegetables and nuts there. No dessert or other snacks.


Saturday evening we have a birthday party. My plan is to eat a snack before we go - maybe a salad - and then choose the healthiest options offered for dinner and skip dessert.

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I woke up this am to a 1 lb drop on the scale.


I had mentioned in my post that since i started tracking I've lost 1 lb a week but that is not quite accurate, it has actually been about every 5 days, this is the first week those 5 days will occur in the same week. We will see if it holds and continues. Except for having a baby I have not lost weight quickly, not when I came off of depo, or the rest of my baby weight or when I had to go on thyroid meds originally. Of course my hormones aren't messed up this time, like they were the other times. I've heard of some that had it melt off once they started meds or adjusted meds to get to the right level, it just hasn't been me. One friend lost 10 lbs nearly overnight. I am not going to bank on it but am happy while it happens, and considering my body can pack on the pounds so quickly when things go wrong it seems a little bit of karmic justice that I get a bit of a break taking it back off!


I woke up feeling ok, better than I expected, so hopefully that means I am not getting sick after all. This weather has just been crazy and things are blooming early, perhaps it is just sinuses and allergies.


Today we are hoping for a walk, the temps are supposed to be nice, if we can catch it between the rain.

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 So my real goal is not a certain weight, but a healthy waist/belly measurement. So I need to lose about 1 inch at the waist and about 2 in. around the belly button. 

I had gained some in my waist, thankfully my belly has went down the quickest (some of it bloating I am sure) Where the most of my size is my hips and thighs. I'd like to lose 2 in on my hips, I don't know if that will happen. I also don't know how much of my size gain is due to muscle gain, I have worked on gaining muscle and am stronger, of course, it is not all muscle I am sure. When I look at my legs the circumference seems too much but when I actually look at them I mostly just see strong legs, maybe I am oblivious! My daughter is 10 and 60 lbs, lean as can be, but she is unable to find jeans because they won't accommodate her thigh muscles. I can see it easily on her, it is muscle. But I am not as lean as my 10yo and won't be. I wish I had easy access to a body fat measurement. Health is associated with smaller waists so it is more vanity I guess but it would be nice to fit into some of my pants better(I've already complained here about that though, at a 12 in difference pants are hard to find anyway).

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Wishing everyone luck this week!  


Going to a funeral today so I may or may not have time to exercise but I have stayed true to my commitment to cut down on caffeine and intend to continue with my one cup of hot tea and one cup of coffee routine for now.  No caffeine after 3pm, either.  


Sleep is still a bit of an issue but I am trying to at least get 7 hours instead of 3-4.  Some days I'm successful and some not so much but I did get roughly 7 hours last night.




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It's Monday and a return to my early morning workouts. I slept well again and am quite thankful for that.  I did 40 min on the treadmill, varying inclines and varying speeds. I also did a bit of strength training. I signed up for a singles tennis ladder and my first match is today so I didn't want to fatigue my arms before playing. I'll try to get back to the Y this evening to do more weights.


Today's Wall Sit challenge will be easy as the time is reduced to 1 min.


Breakfast was healthy (2 eggs, 1.5 slices canadian bacon, two mushrooms, and a tad of soft mozzarella). Of course, I had my chai with unsweetened almond milk and 1/3 c cran-grape juice. Lunch will be quick since I have to eat on the road to my tennis match. I'm holding study groups this evening so I just might have a twice baked sweet potato or a salad.


My finger stopped hurting (I noticed sometime over the weekend) and my toes feel a bit better after soaking in epsom salts and taking an easy day yesterday.  I'll be shoe shopping as soon as I can. It means putting off buying a new tennis racquet but my feet are important.


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I went for a ski in the mountains/hills with dd and ds 11 this morning. It was a great work-out and warmer than last week's ski. There were quite a few other skiers out there. One couple in particular caught my eye. It was a man and lady in their 70s. First I saw them coming down the monster hill doing a nice controlled snow plow, then later stopping on the trail for some hot beverage from their thermos. So inspiring to be out there doing the challenging uphills and downhills of the park.  :hurray:

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I played my 4.0 singles match and I was tired before the end. We played for 90 minutes and didn't complete two sets; we were evenly matched and both of us played hard. I thought my stamina was better than that so I was a bit surprised when I was so tired. I hadn't had any carbs in 24 hours and I wonder if that was a reason behind my waning energy. I only had salad and veggies (no meat or fruit) for lunch. I had forgotten my water bottle so there is also the whole possible dehydration thing going on.


I was stressed from work going in to the match. After reading Spark, I was encouraged to use exercise to burn off that stress and bring my body & mind back to baseline. After playing I was no longer stressed or focusing on the negatives pertaining to work and I can now look at the situation from a different perspective.


I still have to do my wall sit challenge but I don't think I'm gong to go back to the Y for strength training. Is that bad?




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Weight Day:  deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, seated rows.


My workouts sound so boring compared to what you guys do!


Scoutermom - I think the carbs could definitely be the reason you didn't feel very energetic.  If you're planning to continue eating low carb, you will feel better in a few days, when your body makes the metabolic shift.  But until then it's pretty blah.

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I played my 4.0 singles match and I was tired before the end. We played for 90 minutes and didn't complete two sets; we were evenly matched and both of us played hard. I thought my stamina was better than that so I was a bit surprised when I was so tired. I hadn't had any carbs in 24 hours and I wonder if that was a reason behind my waning energy. I only had salad and veggies (no meat or fruit) for lunch. I had forgotten my water bottle so there is also the whole possible dehydration thing going on.


I was stressed from work going in to the match. After reading Spark, I was encouraged to use exercise to burn off that stress and bring my body & mind back to baseline. After playing I was no longer stressed or focusing on the negatives pertaining to work and I can now look at the situation from a different perspective.


I still have to do my wall sit challenge but I don't think I'm gong to go back to the Y for strength training. Is that bad?


All the cool athletes eat carbs.  :laugh:  It's quick energy for the muscles before and after a strenuous tennis match. You can even bring along a Gatorade or similar to boost your energy during the match. 


I find a fast-paced mixed tennis match very physically demanding, and a singles match is even more exhausting. It's not the time to fast, that's for sure. And always have lots of water. I've had to raid the club's lost and found if I forgot my water bottle. (I've even seen some people raid it for shoes if they forgot theirs). 


Glad the tennis reduced your stress. 


ETA:  You may want to look at managing your exercise leading up to a demanding tennis match. For example, don't do a really tough work-out less than 24 hours before the match. Don't do any other strenuous exercise the day of the match. Skip the wall challenge the day of the match. You may just be trying to do too many things all at once (i.e., increase your exercise and lose weight AND start playing tennis at a much higher level).

Edited by wintermom
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Today was tough. I didn't feel like eating healthy stuff. I didn't eat junk but I didn't put the same thought into my meals that I typically would. As a result I was incredibly hungry at 10:00 tonight. I think I only managed 8 servings of fruit and vegetables and I ended up eating bread and cheese tonight when I was so hungry (I'm trying to be really careful with those). I also only did about half the water I should have.


I slept in this morning so my workout was bumped to this afternoon. Today's was Insanity Cardio Recovery. I didn't really need a recovery day since I'd just had a rest day but this was a good workout regardless. Definitly still a tough workout. My legs were shaky for quite a while afterwards.


Hoping for a better day tomorrow.

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Loads of freezing rain out there since yesterday afternoon. I'm so glad I got in that ski yesterday morning. Hopefully I'll have a window of non-rain time to take the dog for a walk, but it could be hazardous walking. Time to bust out the grippy things for the bottom of my runners.



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Didn't go to the gym all last week due to a wicked cough.  Like a can't hold my pee sort of cough.  So tomorrow for sure.  Need to get back on track.  I find taking off too much time makes it harder to go back.


Still wish I could find more fun activities than the gym, but I just haven't. 



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Today was tough. I didn't feel like eating healthy stuff. I didn't eat junk but I didn't put the same thought into my meals that I typically would. As a result I was incredibly hungry at 10:00 tonight. I think I only managed 8 servings of fruit and vegetables and I ended up eating bread and cheese tonight when I was so hungry (I'm trying to be really careful with those). I also only did about half the water I should have.


I slept in this morning so my workout was bumped to this afternoon. Today's was Insanity Cardio Recovery. I didn't really need a recovery day since I'd just had a rest day but this was a good workout regardless. Definitly still a tough workout. My legs were shaky for quite a while afterwards.


Hoping for a better day tomorrow.


Can I suggest something about the evening hunger.  OMG... when I stopped snacking at night, I was ravenous to the point that my stomach hurt.  It does get better eventually as your body adjusts to the new norm.  What also helped was having a cup of fruity herbal tea at night.  I lOVE having a glass (or 2) of wine at night so I really love the Sangria Zinger tea by Celestial Seasonings.  It really helps a lot at night now when I would love a taste of something but I really can't snack.  The night time snacking after the kids go to bed is a killer.  I never counted the calories, but I probably consumed over 600 calories at night!  

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Can I suggest something about the evening hunger.  OMG... when I stopped snacking at night, I was ravenous to the point that my stomach hurt.  It does get better eventually as your body adjusts to the new norm.  What also helped was having a cup of fruity herbal tea at night.  I lOVE having a glass (or 2) of wine at night so I really love the Sangria Zinger tea by Celestial Seasonings.  It really helps a lot at night now when I would love a taste of something but I really can't snack.  The night time snacking after the kids go to bed is a killer.  I never counted the calories, but I probably consumed over 600 calories at night!  



Yes!  When I first gave up snacking, it was definitely my late-night, in-front-of-the-tv snack that was the hardest to give up.  So I treated myself to a pretty infuser tea cup, and some nice herbal teas.  That helped so much!

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This week started off badly. I'm in a bad mood and with that usually comes making poor food choices. Over the weekend and Monday I had a few too many bad choices and a stomach ache to show for it. I'm still in a bad mood today but am making better choices. Hopefully I can keep that up until I'm out of this funk.


Reading all the working out you all are doing really makes me want to jump back into it. But I'm not ready. My body is still healing and I have to keep reminding myself not too soon. I'm going to at least wait another week before easing back into my normal exercise routine

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Can I suggest something about the evening hunger.  OMG... when I stopped snacking at night, I was ravenous to the point that my stomach hurt.  It does get better eventually as your body adjusts to the new norm.  What also helped was having a cup of fruity herbal tea at night.  I lOVE having a glass (or 2) of wine at night so I really love the Sangria Zinger tea by Celestial Seasonings.  It really helps a lot at night now when I would love a taste of something but I really can't snack.  The night time snacking after the kids go to bed is a killer.  I never counted the calories, but I probably consumed over 600 calories at night!  



I can't see it on the shelf or hear it without thinking of a guy I once dated.  He had a cup every evening.  He loved it.  


Funny how certain things bring back such memories.

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Last two nights, I haven't gotten enough sleep, but it was not that I had gone to bed late. Ah well. But it really does affect how I feel. 


Yesterday, I was set to do strength training and started some light sets. Then had a dental appt which was painful so stressful (I have sensitive teeth) so I was feeling wiped out by the time I got home. I decided to "listen to my body" and just chill out. Kept logging food. 


Today, I need to do the missed strength training workout. Like now. Hopefully, you'll soon read that I've done it!


ETA: Done strength training. 


I would have liked to do some cardio but had unexpected guests, so that was out. 

Edited by Laurie4b
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I reread my earlier post and have to laugh at my unintentional joke.


I was playing tennis to relieve stress and get back to "baseline". LOL


I amuse myself.


I have had a busy day at work grading and prepping for midterms. No exercise yet. I'm leading a study session in a bit so I don't know if I'll get anything in today. Ugh. My PT job is taking up way too much of my time.

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It's been raining and really icy outside all day, so when ds 14 and dh went to basketball practice tonight, I dropped them off and went to the local mall - NOT to shop, rather to walk laps and do stairs.  :laugh:  It was great, and the best part was that I'd forgotten about the Super WalMart in the mall, so I grabbed a few groceries after my hour "work-out" (including a little salty snack for me and for ds after his practice). Happy faces all round.  :D

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I'm on the last week of Ultimate Rest, which is a very specific eating plan, but is not supposed to include much in the way of exercise. However, I have been doing the P90X stretch every day. My flexibility has improved exponentially! Last week I added a 1 mile treadmill run and 10 minutes of an abs tape. I've been sticking to the eating plan.


Next week I will go back to a round of 21 Day Fix. I'm looking at several months of this ahead of me, but it doesn't seem awful.

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I'm on the last week of Ultimate Rest, which is a very specific eating plan, but is not supposed to include much in the way of exercise. However, I have been doing the P90X stretch every day. My flexibility has improved exponentially! Last week I added a 1 mile treadmill run and 10 minutes of an abs tape. I've been sticking to the eating plan.


Next week I will go back to a round of 21 Day Fix. I'm looking at several months of this ahead of me, but it doesn't seem awful.

Did you lose any weight doing Ultimate Reset? I have a friend trying to get me to do UR and she claims people lose crazy amounts, esp the first week.


I don't want to give up all of my activities (esp tennis) for three weeks.

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I did my Wall Sit challenge yesterday and that was about it. I am looking forward to Spring Break next week.


Today - I made it the Y a bit early. I did my 40 mins incline on the treadmill. Then I did about 30 mins of strength training. I still have to do my 2 min wall sit at some point. I was hoping to play tennis tonight but we have 9 players so I'll probably have to sit out. Maybe I'll go and do some running drills and serve practice.


Today was weigh in day and I did lose this week! I'm thrilled. It's only .5 # but it's in the right direction.


I'm sitting at a crossroads and need some advice. I'm out of chai. Do I do a no chai challenge and see if my weight loss accelerates or do I go buy some?

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Did you lose any weight doing Ultimate Reset? I have a friend trying to get me to do UR and she claims people lose crazy amounts, esp the first week.


I don't want to give up all of my activities (esp tennis) for three weeks.


:iagree:   No way I'd give up tennis, or a lot of my muscles I've worked so hard to build up. Muscle mass is lost very fast, as well as water. There's a bunch of weight loss right there. No thanks. I'll just eat the healthy food and snacks, keep playing tennis, and forget the expensive "cleanse," thanks.

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I'm sitting at a crossroads and need some advice. I'm out of chai. Do I do a no chai challenge and see if my weight loss accelerates or do I go buy some?


You're just talking about your lower-calorie made-at-home version, right?  If so, I think you're fine either way.  If you can give it up relatively easily to see if it aids your weight loss, then go for it.  But if that is a major treat that you really look forward to, then maybe keep it.  We all have to have something fun and indulgent, right?  I have given up so much:  my beloved red wine, all of the many and varied forms of sugar that I used to love, my daily sweetened iced tea, snacking, white flours, etc.  I've changed my eating habits a great deal.  But if anyone wants to take away my coffee, they're going to have to fight me for it, and I will fight dirty!  :lol:


One other thought is you could make it conditional.  If you meet your workout goals for the day, then you get your chai.  If you don't, then no treat.  (Or whatever goal you're working on, doesn't have to be workout.)

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I went and did 45 hard minutes on the elliptical today, and an upper body workout.  Nothing terribly exciting, but it got done.


I am getting frustrated with the lat pull-down at my gym, because it doesn't have 5lb increments, and I could really use that in-between right now!

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I am getting frustrated with the lat pull-down at my gym, because it doesn't have 5lb increments, and I could really use that in-between right now!



I have this frustration with several of the machines at my gym.  My method of dealing with it so far has been to do as many reps as I can at the slightly-too-high weight, and then finish out the set at the slightly-too-low weight.  If anyone has a better suggestion, I'm all ears.

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I have this frustration with several of the machines at my gym.  My method of dealing with it so far has been to do as many reps as I can at the slightly-too-high weight, and then finish out the set at the slightly-too-low weight.  If anyone has a better suggestion, I'm all ears.


I'd either:


A. lower weight and more reps




B. higher weight and fewer reps


Lower weight and more reps is more toward the aerobic endurance end of the range, while higher weight and few reps is toward the muscle building range. You can alternate days, where you do A one day and B a different day. I wouldn't mix weights within a set of reps.

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I'd either:


A. lower weight and more reps




B. higher weight and fewer reps


Lower weight and more reps is more toward the aerobic endurance end of the range, while higher weight and few reps is toward the muscle building range. You can alternate days, where you do A one day and B a different day. I wouldn't mix weights within a set of reps.



Thanks!  I'm definitely trying to build muscle, so I'll go with B.

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The rain has stopped, the ice has melted, and the sun is shining. It inspired me to get outdoors and run. Man, running is harder on the body than skiing. There is no fun gliding down the hill parts. You have to keep your legs going the entire time.  :laugh:

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You're just talking about your lower-calorie made-at-home version, right?  If so, I think you're fine either way.  If you can give it up relatively easily to see if it aids your weight loss, then go for it.  But if that is a major treat that you really look forward to, then maybe keep it.  We all have to have something fun and indulgent, right?  I have given up so much:  my beloved red wine, all of the many and varied forms of sugar that I used to love, my daily sweetened iced tea, snacking, white flours, etc.  I've changed my eating habits a great deal.  But if anyone wants to take away my coffee, they're going to have to fight me for it, and I will fight dirty!   :lol:


One other thought is you could make it conditional.  If you meet your workout goals for the day, then you get your chai.  If you don't, then no treat.  (Or whatever goal you're working on, doesn't have to be workout.)

Yeah, the home version was what I was thinking about. Well, that got sidetracked in a big way. I had to take DD to the City to pick up her car from the dealership. She has an older model and no local dealership so it had to be dropped off an hour away and left for a couple of days. Long story short, I stopped at Panera, got a chai, and drank it on the way home. I figured it's midterms and I had proctored and graded exams all day so I deserved it.


I still have the problem of no chai ingredients at home. Tomorrow is another day!

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