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Please Rec books (f/nf) and videos - main character works with people with mental disabilities.

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That was a hard title to come up with, because I want to be respectful, yet get my point across. My 15dd volunteers at a children's museum. Yesterday, an adult group came in on an adventure and dd was paired with a nonverbal adult male. To begin with, she said he just grunted and made sounds but over the course of the time they spent together she said that she began to understand him. Long story short, she said that she just felt peacefully working with him. She glowed when she came home. I know today that she will question me about books and videos. At this point everything is a potential career to explore. Could you guys please recommend some books ( fiction or nonfiction) or videos in which the main character works with people with mental disabilities?


Thank you!

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Out of My mind by Sharon Draper. Fifth grader with Cerebral Palsy who cannot speak or talk but has a photographic memory and learns to communicate using a computer. Ends up joining the school's Wuiz Bowl but still experiences subtle discrimination. It's very good.

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Out of My mind by Sharon Draper. Fifth grader with Cerebral Palsy who cannot speak or talk but has a photographic memory and learns to communicate using a computer. Ends up joining the school's Wuiz Bowl but still experiences subtle discrimination. It's very good.

We just read this for a literature class. My boys (6th graders) loved it.

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I really enjoyed Torey Hayden's books on working with children with emotional and cognitive disabilities as a teen. Mary McCracken is another teacher who wrote about teaching children with developmental and learning delays. There are also two foster parents in the U.K. who have written books about their experiences with foster children-Casey Watson and Cathy Glass. Not all of theirs deal with disabling conditions, but some do.

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After a few books of normies writing ABOUT disabled people, I would suggest books written BY disabled people. Disabled people often see things very differently than outsiders and caregivers.


To get such a bad case of PTSD and then to suffer brain damage from seizures thrust me from being an outsider to an insider. I have such a hard time dealing with caregivers that I have to avoid them more and more.


I receive care at one center that was founded on lowering the divide between staff and "guests" but over the years as staff has changed, I kept pointing out to the few remaining staff how much it was changing and how much even they were being influenced by their new peers. Stuff kind of came to a head recently and a certain staff member is now aware of how deep the divide is now. And I'm going to have to be more independent and rely on them less.


Disabled is not subhuman. We are fully human. Reading too many mainstream books by caregivers can do more harm than good, and result in yet another well-meaning caregiver being more hurtful than necessary. If she thinks she wants to go into this field, I would have her saturate herself with what insiders think before allowing herself to become prejudiced by outsider accounts. She will get enough of that during schooling and training.

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"The curious incident of the dog in the night time" is from the perspective of an autistic boy, and tries to explain how he sees the world.  In the non-fiction department, I'd also recommend books by Temple Grandin.

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