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Giving away the Rainbow System?


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We purchased a Rainbow System several years ago, maybe 2008. It has a few boards that need to be replaced. It is covered by warranty, but the warranty process is proving to be a PITB. Basically, originally, they said they would send us the boards but we have to pay the local Rainbow dealer to do the work. That seems like nonsense. We could purchase the replacement boards ourselves for much cheaper and do the work quickly. Later, we found out the Rainbow Dealer in our area stopped being a Rainbow Dealer. Now Rainbow says they are willing to send us the boards. I am unsure about this part, but we might be expected to pay shipping. Whatever. It is about 5 boards. 


My husband wants us to get rid of the system. It is in good enough shape that if anyone wants to replace these 5 boards themselves, I would happily give it away. Problem is, the kids LOVE it. The 1 yr old can now climb it and it also has swings and a slide. No way would I be willing to give this away and then turn around and purchase a new one. It also has a sandbox underneath. I do not mind purchasing a new sandbox. But the sandbox part is the part my husband hates most and the kids love most. The 5 yr old has been misbehaving with the sandbox so much anymore that I would just get rid of it if it were not for the others who do not misuse it (she keeps scooping up buckets of sand and dumping on the patio and gets in trouble, punished, and gets sand priveleges back eventually and eventually, breaks the rules again).


I would personally rather just keep the system a few more years, because the younger kids love it. But, oh yeah, one other thing, the wood attracts wood hornets. We have not had trouble in the last couple years, but this year, we did not get a freeze so I suspect they will be back. 


What do you think? Just fix it yourself? Or, give it away and maybe get some other sort of back yard toys, like..something inexpensive..I don't know what I would get...but, well, what do you think? Husband does not want to fix it and has said this many times. I know he will fix it if I insist, but he doesn't want to.

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These things are expensive to replace.  You have kids that could potentially use it for years to come.  I would repair it.  If there are only 5 boards that need replacing I would just replace them.  I wouldn't even worry about trying to go through all the hoops of dealing with the warranty.  The warranty may not be worth it for just 5 boards.  


Also, if you are worried about wood insects, pressure wash it then paint or treat the wood.  There are several types of paint/treatment you could use to protect the wood from insects that are safe to use on material played with by children.


Since the sandbox is an issue for the one child, can you put a cover over it and only allow playing in the sand box when someone is able to supervise?  Does this child have issues with impulse control?  Is there another place the child can safely dump sand besides the porch?  Scooping out sand can be a really fun past time.  Maybe a second sand box, empty, next to the Rainbow version?  Cheap plastic one?

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We had one.  Dh replaced boards himself. 


My advice is to fix it, get some hornet spray, and if the 5yo makes a mess with the sand she gets to clean it up.  She's not too little to learn how to use a whisk broom and dust pan for returning sand to its place.

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Oh wow, we had something like this a long time ago. If the kids use it, KEEP IT. Fix it yourself and do a check for hornets every week - get the spray that lets you blast it from a safe distance. A playset like this is one of the things the kids will remember fondly for years.

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Keep it, fix it and let the kids enjoy it.


We just got rid of ours about 9 months ago and our youngest is now 15!  My kids would go out there occasionally when the neighbour's boy (8) would want to play.   By the time we sold it, it was nearly 20 years old and it definitely needed some pieces replaced.  My husband listed it on craigslist, a family came and looked at it, bought it, and dismantled it over the course of 2 weekends and took it away.  I miss it, but the garden my husband put in is pretty awesome, so I think it was a good decision.


One of our most favourite things to do with it in the summer time was to make it into a water slide.  We put an inflatable pool under the end of the slide and then tied the hose to the top of the slide.  Hours of fun.... oh, the memories!!!!

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Keep it. Repair it. Your kids will enjoy it.


Were you thinking of moving? If so, and you're thinking of getting rid of it as part of putting the house on the market - that might change my thoughts. But maybe that wasn't you. :)

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