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Grrr. Our credit score has dropped 50 points because we paid off our house. That's messed up.

Suzanne in ABQ

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Our FICO score has hovered between 840 and 850 for years and years.  Pretty near perfect credit.  The A-student in me loves that!

We paid off our house in November, 18 years early.  

What do we get to show for it?  A FICO score of 801 because of a "LACK OF RECENT INSTALLMENT LOAN INFORMATION".  According to FICO, "Having a loan along with other types of credit demonstrates that you are able to manage a variety of credit types," but apparently paying off a $300K loan in 12 years just gets us docked 50 points.  



I know it's not a big deal, primarily because it's still considered "Excellent" and because we have no intention of applying for credit anytime soon.  It still gets under my skin.





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Paying off car loan also drops the credit score by a little. Luckily we did our first refinancing before we paid off the car. Paying off HELOC had no effect though.


When we were looking for a bigger place, the banks would rather have our long mortgage history with little loan left than for us to have finished paying the mortgage. Weird but we gave up trying to understand.

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I know, it is irritating. But it won't affect you that much. We paid off our house years ago. Our credit is in the upper 700's now. We had no trouble getting a zero percent interest loan for our car a few years ago. Lots of older people deal with this. A lot of older people no longer have mortgages. If you ever need credit, places seem to differentiate between when your credit is dropping because of bad debts and dropping because of having already paid off your debts.

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Incredibly irritating, but at the same time, it kind of makes sense, right? I mean, the purpose of a credit score is to help lenders estimate how much money they might be able to make off of you. If you're the kind of person who pays off debt early, they don't make as much money. It's messed up for the consumer, but the system wasn't set up for us!


Anyway congrats on paying your house off early! I think that's an amazing accomplishment no matter what FICO says!

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Our FICO score has hovered between 840 and 850 for years and years.  Pretty near perfect credit.  The A-student in me loves that!

We paid off our house in November, 18 years early.  

What do we get to show for it?  A FICO score of 801 because of a "LACK OF RECENT INSTALLMENT LOAN INFORMATION".  According to FICO, "Having a loan along with other types of credit demonstrates that you are able to manage a variety of credit types," but apparently paying off a $300K loan in 12 years just gets us docked 50 points.  



I know it's not a big deal, primarily because it's still considered "Excellent" and because we have no intention of applying for credit anytime soon.  It still gets under my skin.



Congrats on paying off your mortgage!  That is super awesome!

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Just wait a few years, and then you'll get an even bigger credit score hit when the mortgage drops off entirely.  Didn't good stuff stay on forever (many years ago)?   We own two houses, three cars and a combined loan amount of 25K, and according to my credit score I am worse of a credit risk than when I was in college.   Not because of problems but because of not much credit activity.  

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