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Well Trained Bodies - 2/19/17


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It's a new week!


Whether or not you met your goals for last week, I hope you can look forward with renewed energy and discipline. Valentine's Day is behind us and we have a reprieve before we think about corned beef and cabbage. Let's see how much work we can do between now and mid-March.



I went to the Y this morning and worked on cardio. I am playing mixed doubles tennis in the city this afternoon.


I am a bit stymied by two painful areas that appeared this week. The first is the left lower neck/upper shoulder. This pain limits the rotation of my neck just a bit but is easily remedied with a couple of Ibuprofen. The other pain is in my right index finger. It feels constricted (like a string is wrapped around it) and is painful even with Ibuprofen. I cannot think of any traumatic event that would have caused either of these and hope both areas become pain free quickly. I am curious as to whether or not either of them are related to my tentative fibro diagnosis. 


I haven't done strength training in days and I have been enjoying chocolate and chai way too often. I think it might be tied in with PMS. 


My goals for the week are to limit sweets and chai and to get back to strength training. When I stick to that plan, I feel the best.


I think I might add a new section to my Bullet Journal. A simple section where I can rate on a Likert scale how I feel each day, if I exercised, if I was pleased with my eating choices, if I felt rushed or stressed...stuff like that.

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Scoutermom,  I hope you have some resolution with your pain.



1hr yoga this am- practiced my class again with some tweaks, was better but need some more tweaks

30 min- forest romp


It looks icky outside and today was supposed to be fabulous, hopefully, it clears off. 

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I'm really hoping to get back to normal this week!  I have been very sick, and I completely missed 8 days in a row of exercise.  Then for two days, a walk was all I could manage.  Yesterday I did gentle cardio at the gym for 40 minutes.  Pitiful, but that was the best that I could do.  I'm hoping to do weights today, though it will probably be considerably less weight than I was lifting right before I got sick.  


I've also been stymied by an increase in my migraines.  I exchanged email with my neurologist about it, and he wants me to come in for an appointment.  I haven't been able to make the actual appointment yet, but he usually books up months in advance, so I'm worried it's going to be a long time before I get relief.


So, I've got an uphill battle ahead of me, but I'm not giving up the fight!  I am determined to be as fit as I can reasonably be.  It's hard to force myself to go to the gym when I have a migraine, but I've done it before, so I know I can do it again!  I am so glad that this group exists, because this accountability and support really makes a difference!  


Scoutermom- I sure hope that pain resolves itself quickly!

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I'm really hoping to get back to normal this week!  I have been very sick, and I completely missed 8 days in a row of exercise.  Then for two days, a walk was all I could manage.  Yesterday I did gentle cardio at the gym for 40 minutes.  Pitiful, but that was the best that I could do.  I'm hoping to do weights today, though it will probably be considerably less weight than I was lifting right before I got sick.  


I've also been stymied by an increase in my migraines.  I exchanged email with my neurologist about it, and he wants me to come in for an appointment.  I haven't been able to make the actual appointment yet, but he usually books up months in advance, so I'm worried it's going to be a long time before I get relief.


So, I've got an uphill battle ahead of me, but I'm not giving up the fight!  I am determined to be as fit as I can reasonably be.  It's hard to force myself to go to the gym when I have a migraine, but I've done it before, so I know I can do it again!  I am so glad that this group exists, because this accountability and support really makes a difference!  


Scoutermom- I sure hope that pain resolves itself quickly!

I know it is hard to miss exercise when you are used to it(and I still get paranoid that i will stop and never start back again!) but it is obvious you needed the rest. it took me forever to get back into the groove after pneumonia, I just added a bit in at a time, take it easy and be prepared to quit or scale it back if you start feeling bad again. Good luck with your neurologist :( I've never had a migraine, I can't imagine how awful that is.

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OH, I forgot to mention I started keeping track of my food again, I'm looking at getting back at it strict for 30 days, then I'll re-evaluate. I eat fairly well, but in order to lose this weight from my thyroid mess I am going to have to be more strict. I'm aiming or 2000 cal a day, I don't do starvation and with my activity level that is still a deficit (I'm aiming for 1/2 pd a week).  Fingers crossed and all that.

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I went for a wonderful 1.5 hour ski this afternoon. It was warm and sunny, and my skis actually gripped the melty snow well. I did have on "cheater fish scale" skis, though. I stopped bothering with waxing skis years ago out of laziness. ;) I'd rather put my energies into skiing than trying to figure out how to choose and apply wax that never seems to work anyway.  

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I know it is hard to miss exercise when you are used to it(and I still get paranoid that i will stop and never start back again!) but it is obvious you needed the rest. it took me forever to get back into the groove after pneumonia, I just added a bit in at a time, take it easy and be prepared to quit or scale it back if you start feeling bad again. Good luck with your neurologist :( I've never had a migraine, I can't imagine how awful that is.


Yes, it's that fear of never getting back into it again!  I exercised only sporadically and ineffectively most of my adult life.  It's only been the last year that I've truly pursued fitness.  I'm so afraid of undoing what I've accomplished - it was so much hard work!  But I did make it to the gym today, and I did a full body workout.  I wasn't able to lift as much as I had been lifting right before I got sick, but I had not lost as much ground as I'd feared either!  So I'm counting it as a win!


Regarding my migraines, I recognize that I'm very lucky in that mine are not as severe as those of most migraine sufferers.  Where I'm unlucky is the frequency.  But, it could be worse!  I have to keep reminding myself of that a lot lately, but it is absolutely true.  Migraines and all, I'm still very fortunate to have the good health that I have.

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This weeks I'm going to stick with BBOD T25 or 21 day fix and get 2 days of 2 workouts a day. Limit sugar, bread, pasta. Continue to working on cutting back on caffeine without getting major headache.



Sunday: Beach Body On Demand (BBOD) 21 day cardio fix

Monday: Insanity Max 30 Tabata

Tuesday: T25 1.0 and 2mile walk with dh

Wed : t25 total body cardio 2 mile walk

Thurs and Friday walked 2 miles

Sat t25 lower body focus

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I went skiing Saturday and Sunday. My thighs enjoyed the workout that mashed-potato snow provided. :-)

I've still achieved 10,000 steps a day, even while traveling 9 hours each direction for said ski trip, so I'm pretty proud of myself!

My eating has been less than awesome this weekend. Here's to being back on track starting with dinner this evening. I'm now registered for my half marathon in mid-March and am nervous and excited!


Goals this week:

Food back on track 100%.

Run three times, including a 10 miler.

T25 3-4 times.

Upper body weights at least twice.

One full rest day, likely on Saturday.

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Doing meal prep for the first time today.  I often think ahead of what we will be eating but have not previously done up my meals for the week.  But giving it a try this week to see if it makes a difference in my goals.


on the agenda fitness wise. I seem to be recovered from last week so goals this week include at least 2 5 km walks, plus following the full first week of core de force.



*water intake needs to be a priority. It was getting pushed aside the more coffee I was drinking, so need to make a focused effort on that.


*vitamins vitamins vitamins.  I am about to embark in the most stressful upcoming couple weeks, with accreditation coming to my work to evaluate us. I have been through it a few times before but never as the program lead with our certification riding on my shoulders.  I know this will screw with my cortisol levels which are already screwed, and it will screw with my immune system which has had its own struggles lately.  Need to make sure I am taking my vitamins to stay on top of it.


*drink my shakeology everyday, this goes with my meal prep.  I always plan to but then grab a coffee and go on with my day and the day is over before I think about it again


ETA: Saturday I go to Garth Brooks, with my folks.  Goal to have a blast singing and dancing without killing my mother haha. 

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(I did another 30 min walk with the kids last night)


BUTI Yoga this am  10 min (it is supposed to be a mix of plyo, dance and yoga) 


(yes the lady totally looks like Paris Hilton, which is crazy distracting)

1hr yoga practicing my class, 2 more days to go! Getting ready to go for a solo walk, loving this warmer weather(it is at fifty at 7:30)


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Yesterday's mixed doubles was wonderful. Since I am playing with new people (4.0-5.0) and am trying to get accepted into the group so I have a chance at next year's USTA league, I am playing my hardest and leave it all out on the court. I was exhausted on my way home last night but it was a good exhaustion because I was able to pull out two aces and some marvelous saves. I love being able to hit with power (well, with as much power as I can muster) and being able to hit balls that are coming at me with speed and spin. It's much different than playing with the 3.0-3.5 players in my town.


This morning I was up and at the Y early. I did just 15 mins of cardio (stair climber) and then went on to strength training!


I was looking at myself in the wall mirror  (something I never do) and noticed that one b00k is significantly larger than the other. I also need a new sports bra.



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I am always so impressed by what you all are up to! I'd love to go skiing!!


I went to my 6:15am boxing class, even though it's a holiday and I was considering canceling it... It was really tough today, though I do feel like I'm starting to get the hang of it. I felt light headed toward the end. I think I'll try eating a protein bar or something before my Wednesday class.


I'm planning to go on a hike later today and do my stretches. And drink lots of water.


But first I'm going to take a little nap. I woke up at 4am and never went back to sleep...

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Yesterday's mixed doubles was wonderful. Since I am playing with new people (4.0-5.0) and am trying to get accepted into the group so I have a chance at next year's USTA league, I am playing my hardest and leave it all out on the court. I was exhausted on my way home last night but it was a good exhaustion because I was able to pull out two aces and some marvelous saves. I love being able to hit with power (well, with as much power as I can muster) and being able to hit balls that are coming at me with speed and spin. It's much different than playing with the 3.0-3.5 players in my town.




Sounds like a lot of fun! Hope you get to play in the league. I love the speed of my league play. The only trouble is that it's tough to go back to ladies doubles. The long, slow rallies with more lobbing drives me bonkers. 


ETA: There's always a big need for ladies to play mixed doubles in our competitive leagues. If you are willing and able, I'm sure you'll be welcomed with open arms.

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My weekend was a bit discouraging but I'm trying not to dwell on that and stay focused on the positives. It started with not making the grading list at karate. I was disappointed by that but trying not to show it too much since a couple of my kids didn't make it either. Instead, I'm trying to set a good example of being happy for the ones who did make it and working hard to improve so I/we can grade in May.


Then, I decided to weigh myself and see how much progress I'd made in the past 2 weeks. Nothing. The scale hadn't budged. My DH told me it'd be a bad idea to weigh myself and that I should focus on measurements and how my clothes are fitting but I didn't take his advice.


My eating was a bit off. With Valentines, celebrating with DD who moved up a rank in karate, and two birthday parties, there was quite a bit of unhealthy food. I did pretty eating healthy otherwise - except finishing the ice cream last night. I only drank enough water on one day. I could really feel it too. The sugar crash after was pretty bad.


I worked out 5 days so I'm happy with that.


Now I'm trying to put last week behind me and just move on with working towards my goals. I'll never get there if I give up. I'm tightening my diet back up and I'm going to work hard to drink enough water. I'm going to keep going with my workouts too. I'll finish the rotation I've been doing at the end of this week and next week I'll change to something else.

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2ndgen, one day at a time, keep moving forward.


I took another walk with the kids yesterday, maybe 2 more, we did lots of walking, I can't remember specifics, the weather was gorgeous. I slept horribly, dh kept me up as he was sick and then I had a hard time settling down. Didn't wake up until after 6. Practiced teaching my class again (tomorrow is the big day), a bit more smooth, although I still have plenty to improve upon. There are times I forget what I want to do, heaven help me I hope to not do that during my actual class, might be a lot of child poses while I think! Took a short walk with the kids this morning, no time for a solo walk since I woke up late. I think I'd like to take a nap today, we'll see. I'm afraid I won't sleep tonight from nerves! I hope to practice teaching my class again this evening, or at least part of it. 


I ate more yesterday in addition to official exercise I have just been really active, I did track everything however, I came in around 2300 cal(however I came in below my target Sunday). Today will be a struggle with not sleeping well I will be as hungry as a horse. I made almond flour pumpkin muffins for breakfast, I hadn't made those in forever.

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I went for a 45 min skate ski on the local groomed trails. It was glorious! The groomer had been by to mush up the hard-packed ice so that I had some snow to grip. 


Scoutermom, I wish you were close by as we're in need of a lady to play tennis on our team this Saturday. Wanna come up to Canada?  :laugh:

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I took a ninety minute Bikram class yesterday; hot pilates today.


I have surgery on Thursday and have had to come off all medications and supplements, so sleep has been fitful without melatonin. I'm also grumpy because of that can't work out for two weeks thing. There, that's my whinge for the week. :ack2:

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I took a ninety minute Bikram class yesterday; hot pilates today.


I have surgery on Thursday and have had to come off all medications and supplements, so sleep has been fitful without melatonin. I'm also grumpy because of that can't work out for two weeks thing. There, that's my whinge for the week. :ack2:

:grouphug: That's worth whinging about. I hope that your surgery and recovery go well!

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Ladies Doubles tennis today for an hour and a half.

I will try to get to the Y this evening for strength training if I get caught up on class work.


DH and I were talking today and I'll be getting a new tennis racquet soon. My current racquet is 8+ years old (probably closer to 10+) and was used when I bought it. I'll keep this one as my back up. It will be fun to test out new racquets and see if my game improves.



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I went to my usual Tuesday morning zumba/killer bootcamp class.  Lots of dancing along with lots of weights.  It was tough!  I am already feeling a little sore.  I also ran 2 miles - outside on this glorious day!! (outside is different than the treadmill - I know this, but I've been faithfully running on the treadmill for the last two months of snow and ice, and thought the transition to outside would be easier... I guess it's easier than if I had done nothing at all...)  And I did my stretches.  And I've been drinking my water.  


Yay for a good day!

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DH and I were talking today and I'll be getting a new tennis racquet soon. My current racquet is 8+ years old (probably closer to 10+) and was used when I bought it. I'll keep this one as my back up. It will be fun to test out new racquets and see if my game improves.


You can always re-string the racquet and put on a new grip to see if that makes a difference, too, if you haven't tried this already. It's cheaper than buying a brand new racquet.  My dh bought a stringing machine, so he'll re-string ours quite often. It makes a huge difference. You can also try out different weights on the string and different types of string. 

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I'm off to a good start this week. I've eaten really healthy meals both yesterday and today and managed to make my water/fluids goal both days (this one is huge for me). Yesterday I was drinking the rest of the water at 11pm but I was determined to do it. Today I only need about 4oz more which I'll get in easily when I have my kombucha later. I also remembered vitamins both days. Yesterday I did my scheduled workout, plus ice skating in the afternoon and practicing karate in the evening. Today I did my scheduled workout and karate class. I didn't get the whole workout in before class so I finished with the mat work tonight. I was going to skip it but I'm glad I didn't. We have some good weather days coming up so maybe I can get in a walk one of these warm afternoons.

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You can always re-string the racquet and put on a new grip to see if that makes a difference, too, if you haven't tried this already. It's cheaper than buying a brand new racquet.  My dh bought a stringing machine, so he'll re-string ours quite often. It makes a huge difference. You can also try out different weights on the string and different types of string. 

I've been regripping frequently, about once every three months. Since I've been playing 3-4 times a week, it seems I go through grips quite often. The head is chipped a bit, even with copious amounts of head tape and restringing only helps an old racquet so much. 


There's no one in my town who strings anymore. Players either ship them out or drop them off in the city an hour away so it's difficult to get frequent restringing. I really should be getting it done every 3 months since I play so often.


I'm an economical/frugal person and even I think it's about time for me to change my racquet. I was playing with this one when my DD was a sophomore in high school in 2008. My current backup is my 20 year old Wilson Hammer.  My backup backup is the racquet I played with in college, another Wilson Hammer. It's teal and purple. I love that racquet.

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I've been regripping frequently, about once every three months. Since I've been playing 3-4 times a week, it seems I go through grips quite often. The head is chipped a bit, even with copious amounts of head tape and restringing only helps an old racquet so much. 


There's no one in my town who strings anymore. Players either ship them out or drop them off in the city an hour away so it's difficult to get frequent restringing. I really should be getting it done every 3 months since I play so often.


I'm an economical/frugal person and even I think it's about time for me to change my racquet. I was playing with this one when my DD was a sophomore in high school in 2008. My current backup is my 20 year old Wilson Hammer.  My backup backup is the racquet I played with in college, another Wilson Hammer. It's teal and purple. I love that racquet.


You could get yourself a stringing machine and make some cash. They're not expensive and the string itself is cheap. My dh gets quite a lot of business in the summer just from our little club. He originally bought the machine as an investment for our dc so that they could start their own business, but for now he's the one doing the stringing. 


Sounds like it's definitely time for a new racquet. Happy shopping! 

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I am losing motivations on my walks but I think it's because I'm listening to a drab audiobook (Smart, But Scattered). It's one that I feel is important, but there's no plot so I'm not excited to listen or finish. *sigh* I still did 2.7 miles on my own and then 4.8 with The Hubs so I guess that's good.


I am feeling guilted into doing some strength training...but I really hate weights and push ups and planks and junks. I'm thinking some gentle or fun yoga that doesn't make me feel ridiculous? Also short because I don't have a ton of time. Any recommendations for a beginner like me who really doesn't want to do it? Something motivating? It can't require a whole lot of heavy breathing stuff because my lungs can't take that...

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 I slept better but feel worse. I'm not sure if it is my period that is expected to make an appearance any minute or fighting off the sickness that dh has. 


I did take a short nap and practice my yoga a bit more, so that is a win.


I resisted the cookies dd made for poetry time. I had one mid-morning snack but otherwise kept to just my meals, which was a Herculean effort with the lack of sleep and PMS. I did not meet my calorie goal but kept it right around maintenance level- so it could be worse. My kidney was killing me yesterday too, I had been thinking it was a recurring infection but I'm wondering if it is stones from reading more, my pain is much better today, I just have some light period cramps, perhaps my body deemed it unfair to have both at once?


I woke up late today but I needed the sleep. I should be practicing yoga now, well see if I get off my butt. I really don't feel like doing anything and am running really late. Besides the fact that my nerves are really getting to me about teaching tonight, which makes me not want to think about it, I'm afraid I will suck and freeze up and sound stupid. Sigh.

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I am losing motivations on my walks but I think it's because I'm listening to a drab audiobook (Smart, But Scattered). It's one that I feel is important, but there's no plot so I'm not excited to listen or finish. *sigh* I still did 2.7 miles on my own and then 4.8 with The Hubs so I guess that's good.


I am feeling guilted into doing some strength training...but I really hate weights and push ups and planks and junks. I'm thinking some gentle or fun yoga that doesn't make me feel ridiculous? Also short because I don't have a ton of time. Any recommendations for a beginner like me who really doesn't want to do it? Something motivating? It can't require a whole lot of heavy breathing stuff because my lungs can't take that...


Maybe try another book? What kind of yoga makes you feel ridiculous? Is it flowery stuff? Jules Micheal has some yoga that would build strength and it is certainly not flowery (she isn't my preference but might work for you), maybe some DDP yoga - there are some clips on youtube- https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ddp+yoga The Buti yoga I linked upthread might be fun or it might be silly to you, I don't know, it is a mix of cardio and strength. Or maybe pilates? It is strength based work on a mat w/o any of the "extra" stuff yoga has.

I'm off to a good start this week. I've eaten really healthy meals both yesterday and today and managed to make my water/fluids goal both days (this one is huge for me). Yesterday I was drinking the rest of the water at 11pm but I was determined to do it. Today I only need about 4oz more which I'll get in easily when I have my kombucha later. I also remembered vitamins both days. Yesterday I did my scheduled workout, plus ice skating in the afternoon and practicing karate in the evening. Today I did my scheduled workout and karate class. I didn't get the whole workout in before class so I finished with the mat work tonight. I was going to skip it but I'm glad I didn't. We have some good weather days coming up so maybe I can get in a walk one of these warm afternoons.


Way to bounce back!

One of my kids had a birthday today, so I ate too much cake and ice cream and didn't find time to squeeze in yoga. I did walk about 5.5 miles, though. I'm pretty beat anyway. 

Good job, happy bd to your kid!


pushed myself hard last night...good to know that my efforts pay off and I can manage to increase intensity...and ya know I'm not dying today....so that's good


of course there is always tomorrow....sometimes the reaction is delayed (so much for positive thinking...LOL)

ya for not dying! how are you feeling today?

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I awoke early so I made it to the Y earlier than usual. I was able to do 50 mins on the treadmill. I do a fast paced walk (3.8-4.4 mph) with variable incline (3, 8, or 10). I like it so much better than running. I was able to get in some strength training, too. I did back extensions, rotary torso, and assisted pull ups. I don't know if I'm playing tennis tonight so I have to figure out what to do later on. I really should walk the dog since I didn't take him yesterday.


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Blonde violin: Time for a new addiction for sure.


I don't know if I picked up that stomach bug going around, got food poisoning from the Asian fusion restaurant where we had lunch, or if this is just third trimester discomfort, but today, I mostly aspire to keep down some water.


Oh, yuck, I sure hope you feel better soon!  :grouphug:



I just returned from a skate ski with my ds 12. The conditions were much better than I expected after the rain yesterday. We also saw an owl and 2 deer! The owl turned his head 360 degrees to look at us, ahead, then at us again. Fantastic! I wish I had my camera with me. 



That is so cool!  It's very rare to see owls where I live.  Lots of roadrunners and red-tailed hawks, but very few owls.

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That is so cool!  It's very rare to see owls where I live.  Lots of roadrunners and red-tailed hawks, but very few owls.


This was only the second owl I've seen in my life. The first one was sleeping, which was interesting, but seeing the wing span and head turning was amazing! 

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I got a little over three miles on today. Audible has the first books in almost all series for $5. Any recommendations? Today I did a lecture by SWB and it was much more enjoyable of a walk.


Thanks for the yoga/Pilates links and ideas. Anything cardio is probably out but I'll weed through them and try them out. I just feel ridiculous with all of the deep breathing stuff since my inhale/exhale pattern is dramatically different than most.

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I *did* manage to practice my class this morning, albeit it a bit later, we skipped the mornin walk but did a lunch time bike ride. My class is done, I was nervous but not as bad as I feared, it went pretty well and I'm relieved to have it done.

Thanks for the yoga/Pilates links and ideas. Anything cardio is probably out but I'll weed through them and try them out. I just feel ridiculous with all of the deep breathing stuff since my inhale/exhale pattern is dramatically different than most.

You can just ignore the breathing cues, the important thing is to just breathe, the cues in yoga are more to remind you of that, don't stress it if you aren't the same.

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Getting caught up on everyone's week here, and as usual I was impressed by the variety of workouts represented here. I think it is especially cool when the workouts can involve husbands/partners, so kudos to the tennis players! Scoutermom, I hope you resolved your pain issues.


I entered week 7 of my efforts to get back in shape (I'm thinking of it as letting go of the past 8 years of stress!) The program will be slightly different for the next three weeks; it's supposed to be more of a cleanse. Exercise will be light, so for me that means an hour stretch dvd everyday and walking the dogs (which is becoming more challenging as we have had endless snow of late. The sidewalks are covered and the hiking trails are at least mid-calf deep.)


This particular plan also involves quite a bit of cooking, which I have mixed feelings about, lol. But so far so good.


I'm continuing to avoid the scale.

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No early workout, I slept in to 6:30, my period came this morning and I just didn't feel like doing much. This afternoon we went hiking/geocaching. 1.5 hrs of walking/carrying various kids and running to keep up with them. I'm pooped. I'm really, really, really hoping for a solid nights sleep tonight.


I'm hoping for some walking and/or biking tomorrow if we can miss the rain, maybe some yoga in the am if I sleep good.

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