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Well Trained Bodies - 2/19/17


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I am losing motivations on my walks but I think it's because I'm listening to a drab audiobook (Smart, But Scattered). It's one that I feel is important, but there's no plot so I'm not excited to listen or finish. *sigh* I still did 2.7 miles on my own and then 4.8 with The Hubs so I guess that's good.


I am feeling guilted into doing some strength training...but I really hate weights and push ups and planks and junks. I'm thinking some gentle or fun yoga that doesn't make me feel ridiculous? Also short because I don't have a ton of time. Any recommendations for a beginner like me who really doesn't want to do it? Something motivating? It can't require a whole lot of heavy breathing stuff because my lungs can't take that...

I really like Ellen Barrett. Her workouts are pilates, yoga, dance(?) fusion style. They're different but I enjoy them. Some of them use light (2 or 3 pound) dumbbells and there are occasional planks and push-ups but not many. I'm currently doing a rotation I put together of her DVDs that I own. I'll finish my 4th time through on Saturday and then move on to something else.


This week continues to be successful for me. Healthy meals with tons of veggies, vitamins, and daily workouts. Biggest success is drinking 75oz of water/fluids a day. This is probably the hardest thing for me. I usually don't even feel thirsty and in the past have gone a day or two at a time without drinking anything. Today I've actually been thirsty. It's weird since I've been drinking so much more than normal. Maybe that sense of thirst had been ignored so long I just couldn't recognize it anymore? Definitely made it easier to drink enough!

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Well, I haven't done nearly as well the last few days as I'd hoped.  It was a rough few days, with bad migraines.  This morning, though, I was feeling quite a bit better, so my husband and I went to the gym together and did weights.  It is so much more motivating and fun when I have my favorite workout buddy with me!   :001_smile:


Also, I know this group is mostly about the fitness and less about food, but still, I thought others might find this helpful/motivating with regard to diet:  http://www.bbc.com/news/health-39057146


For awhile, I was keeping a record of how many fruit/veg servings I was getting every day, and while I was doing that, I was getting about 7-11 servings per day.  I stopped doing it, and now I've slipped.  I'm getting less fruit and veg, and more things like crackers and bread (higher on carbs and calories, which might explain why I've gained back two of the pounds I had lost!).  So I'm going to start tracking again, and aim for 10!



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Thanks for the link Greta, that is a god reminder. I always feel better when I eat more fruit and veggies but sometimes i get lazy. Sorry to hear about your migraines.



i slept much better here, didn't wake up early but much more energy than the past couple of days. After mopping the floor the kids and i headed out on a walk, 5 miles, with 4kids, took us 2.5 hrs. We hadn't planned to so I really could have ate more before hand but we all survived. I had to carry the 7 yr for a few short parts(kicked my butt carrying her up a hill). Doing good on food I had a couple of days I ate more but also had a couple of days i ate under so my average is right on target.

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Thanks for the link Greta, that is a god reminder. I always feel better when I eat more fruit and veggies but sometimes i get lazy. Sorry to hear about your migraines.



i slept much better here, didn't wake up early but much more energy than the past couple of days. After mopping the floor the kids and i headed out on a walk, 5 miles, with 4kids, took us 2.5 hrs. We hadn't planned to so I really could have ate more before hand but we all survived. I had to carry the 7 yr for a few short parts(kicked my butt carrying her up a hill). Doing good on food I had a couple of days I ate more but also had a couple of days i ate under so my average is right on target.



Yes, I feel better when I eat them too!  But the laziness you mention, ugh, I am terrible about that!  It's easier to grab the crackers and peanut butter than it is to peel and slice an apple and grab the peanut butter.  It's not that much easier, but it's enough that I make less-than-ideal choices.  Counting servings really helped motivate me in the past, though, so I'm going to try it again.


Another funny thing I've noticed is the more fruit and veg I eat, the more I enjoy and appreciate them.  The more junk food I eat, the more I crave it, too.  But it doesn't give me that same sense of satisfaction and appreciation.




Sounds like a really fun family walk!  

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We had a snow day yesterday, so my exercise was hiking up our hill and sledding down for as long as possible.  I think I'm a little sore from that, actually!


Today I was able to attend my favorite step/zumba/bootcamp class.  It was great!  


Drinking my water and eating my veggies!!


The weekends are the toughest for me for both staying on plan with food and for keeping with some exercising.  I'm hoping we can go on a family hike or snowshoe or something. Any tips for staying strong on the weekends??

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 Any tips for staying strong on the weekends??


I could use some help with that too!  I do a pretty good (not great) job of planning out meals for week nights.  But then for some reason on weekends, I tend to do a "let's see what's in the fridge" thing, which often leads to a "let's pick up burgers or tacos" thing.  Not good!  So I'm going to try to do a better job of meal planning:  include more veggies in the plans, and extend the plans through the weekend!


With regard to exercise, my husband is a huge help on the weekends.  Since he's not rushed to get to work, he usually does either a longer workout session, or two different workouts on his days off.  So that keeps me pretty motivated too.  Do you have someone that you could plan to exercise with on the weekends?

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Bad weekend.  I cannot stick to my draconian and weird diet with observers around, so three days of DH was not helpful. 

Plus it rained like crazy every day so could not hike as planned.

One day we headed out to hike and detoured over to REI where I spent hours on my feet looking at things--trying to get outfitted for the season, since my fanny pack was stolen along with all my normal supplies.  That was good but it didn't increase my step count all that much.




When we went out for Valentine's Day, I had a salad with an avocado half and a dollop of crab meat on it for dinner.  That's probably 2.3million fewer calories than normal.  Of course, I did have crème brulee and late harvest Zin for dessert, but since I hadn't really eaten all day I stayed within cruising range of my calorie count despite that. 


Also, since I had to eat out yesterday for business lunch reasons, the fact that I had a avo/mozzarella/tomato plate and carpaccio instead of the normal restaurant fare was a major win calorie and carb control wise.


And today I have already had a head of radiccio. 


Weight only crept up about a pound in the Valentines/long weekend corridor, and I expect that it's dropping again now.


AND!  I now have a trail running fanny pack to wear around town, and a bigger one to wear on short hikes.  I'm super happy because this means that I can go walking hands free without stressing my shoulders, but still have water with me at all times (crucial--I am a heavy drinker, LOL!).  Happy happy happy! 

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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It's warm outside, which is really nice, but raining, which isn't as nice, so no skiing today. I'm really hoping that the ski season isn't over.  :crying:  I still want to play with the new skate skis a bunch. 


I took the dog for a walk, though, and he wasn't pulling as much as he usually likes to do, so that was something. 




Edited by wintermom
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I am currently at 8 lbs to go. Started at 10, went down to 9 pretty quickly, then my period came and with it lots of bloating. Anyway, I hope that I will be staying on the downhill now. I started losing in Jan and then shot up, my thyroid was wonky and I had a boatload of stress. I'm hoping that things will get and stay on the right track with getting my medication lined out and watching my food intake(and of course continuing exercising BUT I am not trying to go too crazy or it just makes my hunger through the roof).

I hear you.  I sometimes just buy already cup up everything.  Sure, it costs more, but to me that's better than not eating veg.

Yep, better to buy convenient health food than snack food!

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Well, I just don't know what to say. I was on point through the 22 and feeling pretty good. For some reason, the past 3 days, I am physically and emotionally drained. Instead of exercising, I've been catching up on my pleasure reading (I read through 250+ pages of The Underground Railroad and finished it yesterday evening).


I only played tennis once this week - Wed was cancelled due to not enough players, Thurs. and Fri were cancelled because non e of the ladies wanted to pay to play inside and the weather turned cold again so we couldn't play outside.


Yesterday's eating wasn't great either. I ate a GF pizza (half for lunch and half for dinner), finished a box of GF thin mints, had chai and cocoa. Just lots of comfort foods. 


Now that I think about it, work was rough. Two of my three courses were 'randomly' selected for review, I was told I have to have a student evaluation this term, there are two more unpaid trainings that must be completed ASAP, the OER resource isn't going well... The book I was reading (TUGRR) was emotionally charged (in a bad way). DH and I paid off our car (yay) and maybe I'm feeling the equivalent of "holiday blues" now that the pressure is off to meet our payoff goal date.


Does anyone else find that physical fitness is tied with mental fitness? Or am I just a cottonheadedninnymuggins?

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Does anyone else find that physical fitness is tied with mental fitness? Or am I just a cottonheadedninnymuggins?


Yes, there's a definite connection for me too!  I find it much harder to exercise when I'm not in a good place mentally.  But the good side of this connection is that sometimes forcing myself to exercise anyway can kind of pull me out of an emotional slump.  Especially running!  There really is something to that whole "runner's high" thing.  (I haven't been running recently, but I remember the good old days.)


I hope that you feel better soon.  :grouphug:  Maybe next you can read a really light-hearted, humorous book!  Sorry about all the stress at work.

Edited by Greta
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I was able to use the racquetball court at the Y for 30 mins to hit balls. That's a start.



Edited before I even get to publish! I just received an invite to join a 4.0 league. Sweet. I'm subbing today but it's a foot in the door. I have to drive to the cities but it will be worth it.


Thank goodness I didn't lift weights after hitting balls for 30 mins. 


Woot woot! This is a great psychological boost.

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I was able to use the racquetball court at the Y for 30 mins to hit balls. That's a start.



Edited before I even get to publish! I just received an invite to join a 4.0 league. Sweet. I'm subbing today but it's a foot in the door. I have to drive to the cities but it will be worth it.


Thank goodness I didn't lift weights after hitting balls for 30 mins. 


Woot woot! This is a great psychological boost.


Congratulations on making the team/league!! Hope you have a wonderful time tonight. 


I like to keep my activity light on the day of my league play, too, and save myself for the match. ;) Enjoy!

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My workout plans did not go according to schedule at all, but I'm happy with how they shook out.  My usual plan is M, W, F at the gym.  Instead, I got a 2 hour hike on Monday, and the gym on Thursday and today.  That's pretty huge for me, considering I usually just throw my hands up when life gets in the way!


I'm also back on tracking my nutrition for a week.  I've been getting WAY too loosey goosey with the coffee creamer and random, absent minded treats.  Fortunately, I haven't been having any real hunger pains or cravings while holding myself accountable for the past few days. I *like eating better, so I'm not sure how I wind up getting so far off track!

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Half an hour of cardio - which isn't much I realize - but it was on the stair climber, which is pretty intense cardio!  I know it's kind of pathetic, but I feel like I'm still recovering from my cold.  So all things considered, it wasn't a bad workout.

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I think I met all of my goals for this week. I stuck to my healthy eating plan and drank tons of water. Wednesday night DH brought home donuts from a new bakery he found. I tried just one bit of a couple of different ones and that was it. I also skipped the brownies and ice cream DD10 made last night. I have to be so careful with desserts. Once I start it's so hard to stop. I also got in 6 workout videos plus 2 karate classes and some extra practicing at home. Today's karate class was a tough one. The Saturday instructor likes to do things "old school" so it's already a good workout but today it was hot and muggy in there. The floor was sticky at first making everything harder and then by the end of class it was wet and slippery. I flet like I was working so much harder than I was because I was sweating so much. I was tempted to skip my other workout today but I want to start something new on Monday and I didn't want to leave it undone. I finally talked myself into it at 8:00 tonight. Tomorrow is rest day.


To reward myself for accomplishing my health and fitness goals this month I'm going to get myself a new exercise mat. Mine is really thin and doesn't do much. I need some new workout clothes too but maybe I'll make that my reward for March if I stick with it through the whole month.

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Half an hour of cardio - which isn't much I realize - but it was on the stair climber, which is pretty intense cardio!  I know it's kind of pathetic, but I feel like I'm still recovering from my cold.  So all things considered, it wasn't a bad workout.


Not pathetic!  I won't go near the stair climber. It's an evil, evil beast!

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I'm back from my tennis match. It's a good report - my partner and I won! Our total team score was 4-1 so it was a team win, too.





I think I met all of my goals for this week.


:hurray:   :thumbup1:


My tennis match was cancelled because the court was flooded. I'm sad, and a little relieved as I've got the start of a cold/flu thing going on now.




I hope it's just a cold, and not the flu!  :grouphug:

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