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2017-2018 1st Grade Plans!


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Here's what I'm thinking so far:


Math - CLE


Language arts - The Good and the Beautiful


History - US history with her older sisters using America's Story and many living books


Science - I selected lots of books from the Memoria Press 2nd grade read aloud set. Many are science related. I also am using some of the early Heart of Dakota science books. She may do some CLE light units simply because she likes them.


Bible - CLE and the gospels in morning time with everyone.


Lots of books



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So far I have:


Read something

Do something with numbers

Write stuff

Read aloud books

Follow interests in science

Play a lot


Kind of looks like this year...




I'm so much help... :leaving:     :lol:





Well, actually, I know we'll more than likely continue with MEP 1 and Shiller.


That's all I got.


So far I have:


Read something

Do something with numbers

Write stuff

Read aloud books

Follow interests in science

Play a lot


Kind of looks like this year...




I'm so much help... :leaving:     :lol:





Well, actually, I know we'll more than likely continue with MEP 1 and Shiller.


That's all I got.



1. Nope, no laws.


2. More than likely, what I will do. MFW Bible journal was just the child drawing a picture then narrating a sentence (gradually got longer by end of the year) that had to do with the story they read, the parent writing it down, and the child copying. Since I did it in Spanish, I was winging it anyway. I wing a lot. I should be an expert on flying. But, alas, I am not. 


Confounding the problem is not knowing whether I will still be working part time, going full time, or at all next year, so not knowing how much time I will actually have. First grade shouldn't take more than an hour and a half or so anyway (sit-down work). But, I'll also have a graduating senior.  :ohmy:  :scared:


Very, Extremely, Tentative:


Phonics - finish The Reading Lesson (starting the book tomorrow. Printed samples "got done," so I bought the book) with MFW supplementing


Spelling, once TRL is done - start AAS 1. Dancer was dyslexic (and there is a possibility that Gymnast is as well), so I have levels 1-4 on hand. Will limit to tiles and whiteboard on days she has writing from MFW.


Spanish phonics - La Pata Pita 1, or index cards and the Silly Word Game (hey, it works)


MFW1 for Bible, history, science (including nature study), and writing. I still have it from when I did it with oldest. Other science will be done at student interest. She's currently talking about space...


Math - continue a mix of Shiller and MEP 1


MFW includes book basket (library), and I have a lot of Sonlight and other books on my shelves, for reading aloud and supplementing other subject areas. It will contain a mix of English and Spanish.


This plan will probably change at least 3 times - once before this school year ends, another time within 6 weeks of starting 1st, and once mid-year. I will probably change writing to our own thing.


ETA: I forgot to add German. She'll play with German apps. That's all I'll probably have time for...

ETA2: I also forgot outside. Probably all day. We'll need to work a lot outside. Because outside. And she needs it.


I've decided not to make any more decisions. We're just going to do whatever happens to work at the time. Because Gymnast is Gymnast. So, basically what I wrote in my first post.


We ARE still working on The Reading Lesson, and started Jugando a Leer. We haven't used MEP or Shiller for months. We're using MLFLE and Singapore. We'll continue until ... whenever. She's interested in space stuff and different languages. I'll eventually incorporate copywork. And I'm reading aloud. Playing goes without saying, because there isn't a curriculum for running up the walls and across the ceiling, and jumping on beds.


That is the plan. Because 1st grade is fun and easy. :D

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I've decided not to make any more decisions. We're just going to do whatever happens to work at the time. Because Gymnast is Gymnast. So, basically what I wrote in my first post.


We ARE still working on The Reading Lesson, and started Jugando a Leer. We haven't used MEP or Shiller for months. We're using MLFLE and Singapore. We'll continue until ... whenever. She's interested in space stuff and different languages. I'll eventually incorporate copywork. And I'm reading aloud. Playing goes without saying, because there isn't a curriculum for running up the walls and across the ceiling, and jumping on beds.


That is the plan. Because 1st grade is fun and easy. :D

What a coincidence! We're doing the same thing! I like making plans, he likes throwing them away. At least he has the decency to do so while I'm still in the planning stages and not in the "But I already purchased everything" stage.

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My youngest will be in 1st this fall; I think I've finally figured everything out....


Math: continuing MEP 1; starting 2 if we get that far


Phonics: continuing OPGTR; might start Good and the Beautiful if she finishes OPG


Reading: her choice


Handwriting/copywork: she'll probably get exposure to that in sci and history, but if not, I'll wing it


History: SOTW 1


Science: Elemental Sci Bio 1


Bible: undecided. Might just wing it


I want to do some sort of hymn study but we'll see.


I'll also be homeschooling her never-stops-moving older sister next year so I'm sure she'll get plenty of PE/art/music during the millions of dance/brain breaks we'll be taking each day.

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I am going to have two first graders this year (and a second grader!)


Phonics: finish Abeka language 1 (started this year and then Abeka 2


Math: one will be in Rightstart C and the other in MUS beta


Spelling: Spelling you see B


History: we are trying a combination of Adventures in America curriculum with alot of living books and a sprinkling of SOTW3. (I am an eclectic history mama. Nothing ever feels perfect so I mesh up my own)


Geography: Draw the USA with Cantering the Country


Science: Elemental Grammar Stage Chemistry with some ROS Chemistry experiments thrown in.


Grammar: First Language Lessons 1


Handwriting/Writing: doing a combo of WWE and Draw Write Now plus their is copy work on the science and history curriculum.


Art: Meet the Masters B and C (my kids LOVED track A this year!)


Music: continuing on with our recorder study and piano wizard.


Then of course reading reading reading :)

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After bouncing around and back and forth, I think I've settled on:

*Math, Subtraction facts that stick and Singapore 1b, possibly start 2a

*LA, BW Quiver of Arrows, ETC, finish spelling you see level B.

*Reading, quiver of arrows books as read alouds, he'll read pathway books to me, and book shark readers for independent reading.

*History, as a family BF US geography and CA history plus a bit of early American history.

*Science, physics with Let's read and find out science books and Magic School Bus science kits. DK science workbook.

*Other, swimming, possibly early music class, drawing

Edited by vaquitita
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Phonics: Phonics Pathways, then daily reading through all our graded early readers

Handwriting (and eventually Spelling): Copy work, and eventually dictation, from his reading, maybe cursive Beginning Traditional Cursive

Grammar: First Language Lessons 1 

Math: Continue through Miquon, Math Mammoth 1

Science: Science in the Beginning (with all his siblings)--also regular documentaries, books, nature study, a possible Nature Pal Exchange, etc.

History: Either A Child's History of the World or Story of the World Volume 2: The Middle Ages (with a couple of his siblings) -- haven't decided which one yet

Literature, etc.: Ambleside Online Year 1 (with a couple of siblings)

+ Ukulele, drawing, crochet, Spanish, other stuff


I've been making decisions. Decisiveness is such unfamiliar territory for me.  ^_^

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  • 3 weeks later...

It will change some, almost definitely, but here's the gist for dd6. Most is just continuing what she's already doing.


Math: Beast Academy 3b-4a?

Writing: Writing With Ease 2

Spelling: All About Spelling 3

Grammar: First Language Lessons 2

History: unknown

Science: Mystery Science

Piano: Hoffman Academy

Reading: Continue Mensa reading list


There's more to it than that, but I'll edit when we get there. We start our year about Independence Day, so we've got some time and tweaking to do.


Is beast academy 3b for 1st graders?  I just thought it went with the grade.   

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now I'm thinking


  Math:  Finish MM1 (we have 2 more chapters), then into MM2. 


  LA:  HWOT 2, Good and the Beautiful 1 or 2 for grammar/phonics/spelling (we may speed through 1 and then slow down at 2), HOD 3rd grade reader pack (she's an advanced reader), bits and pieces of WWE1


  Science:  Complete Book of Animals plus some DVDs


  History:  Beautiful Feet Early American, semester 2 (without the guide) and Liberty's Kids DVD's    


  Lots of picture books and some fun chapter book read alouds



I am going for a Mom-doesn't-have-to-spend-all-day-Sunday-planning year for all 3 of my school aged kids because I am burned out!!  :)

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I think I've finally finalized my choices. :laugh:


Calendar, then morning time that rotates through bible, memory work, music, logic puzzles and workbooks, read-alouds and yoga

Language Arts: Logic of English Foundations C and D, journal entries with prompts

Math: Singapore 1A and 1B (slightly possible we'll move into 2A as well, she LOVES math and I can't decide if 1A is going to be too easy for her)

Science: Abeka's Discovering God's World, My Body by Patty Carratello, Mystery Doug videos

History: Usborne's First Encyclopedia of History

Geography: DK's Children Just Like Me

Art: Usborne's Art Treasury

Extras: Dance, tennis and softball (iffy on these since she'll be getting casts, then braces in the fall for toe walking)


Looking forward to a good year!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Second time teaching 1st grade.  I am planning:


Math: Singapore and Beast Academy (once level 2 is released)

Spelling: All About Spelling

Grammar: First Language Lessons

Writing: Intense focus on proper letter formation using SCM Delightful Handwriting then Writing With Ease


Tag along with big brother on Tapestry of Grace Year 4 and Dad designed physics course

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Here is our plan for first grade next year!


My Fathers World Adventures (She is doing this with her older brother that is in second grade.)

Math U See Alpha

Logic of English C (If we get done with this we will move to D)


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Chiming in with my plan for DD!

Finish the last couple books of CLE Learning to Read and begin CLE Reading 100

CLE Language Arts 100

Rod and Staff 1st Grade math

Bede's History of Us

Various books for Science, mainly Lets Read and Find Out

Piano Lessons

I Can Do All Things Art


Morning Time schedule that includes Bible, picture study, poetry, hymn study, etc.


Looking forward to a great year! :-)

Edited by mykidsrmyjoy
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I posted plans for 5yo DS#3 in the K thread months ago, but we've since decided to accept a formal grade skip to 1st for him from the school district and enroll him in a HS charter.  My plans for him have evolved a lot since then too, so here's what I've got for now:


RightStart D (2nd edition) + MEP 3 + Beast 2A and 2B as they are released and 3A (and 3B?) as he shows interest and needed maturity

IEW People and Places in the Community
IEW Fix It! 1

MCT Island (minus writing assignments)
Spelling You See B

SOTW modern times

Read-alouds from BkSk and BYL lists


Science I have planned out to be done together with DS#1, roughly following the schedule of topics for the first half of BFSU 1 overlaid with RS4K Building Blocks 3, plus stuff from Developing Critical Thinking Through Science, living books, and Bill Nye, Magic School Bus, and Brain Pop videos.  We might get to Quark Chronicles and Ellen McHenry Botany around the end of the school year, otherwise that'll get bumped to the beginning of 2nd grade.

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I posted previously but things have changed so much for my plans with the twins since then I am just going to start my post over:



Phonics: finish A beka 1 and then on to TG&TB 2


Spelling: SYS B


Grammar: FLL1


Writing: ELTL1 (modified to follow WWE1 sequence).


Math: RightStart C (DS1) and MUS Beta (DS2)


Geography: Cantering the Country with Draw the USA


History: Adventure is American History


Science: Apologia Astronomy


Bible: Long Story Short, Buck Denver, What We Believe Vol 2, Vos Children's Bible continue


Art: first semester they will take a painting and drawing class at their co-op and then Meet the Masters track B


Music: Piano lessons at their co-op


PE: DS1 Karate and DS2 gymnastics


Computer: typing instructor and Kodable

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I posted previously but things have changed so much for my plans with the twins since then I am just going to start my post over:



Phonics: finish A beka 1 and then on to TG&TB 2


Spelling: SYS B


Grammar: FLL1


Writing: ELTL1 (modified to follow WWE1 sequence).


Math: RightStart C (DS1) and MUS Beta (DS2)


Geography: Cantering the Country with Draw the USA


History: Adventure is American History


Science: Apologia Astronomy


Bible: Long Story Short, Buck Denver, What We Believe Vol 2, Vos Children's Bible continue


Art: first semester they will take a painting and drawing class at their co-op and then Meet the Masters track B


Music: Piano lessons at their co-op


PE: DS1 Karate and DS2 gymnastics


Computer: typing instructor and Kodable

Do let me know how apologia astronomy goes. My son love astronomy, but I have had so many people suggest saving apologia for 3rd and up, so I decided to wait.

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I posted plans for 5yo DS#3 in the K thread months ago, but we've since decided to accept a formal grade skip to 1st for him from the school district and enroll him in a HS charter. My plans for him have evolved a lot since then too, so here's what I've got for now:


RightStart D (2nd edition) + MEP 3 + Beast 2A and 2B as they are released and 3A (and 3B?) as he shows interest and needed maturity

IEW People and Places in the Community

IEW Fix It! 1

MCT Island (minus writing assignments)

Spelling You See B

SOTW modern times

Read-alouds from BkSk and BYL lists


Science I have planned out to be done together with DS#1, roughly following the schedule of topics for the first half of BFSU 1 overlaid with RS4K Building Blocks 3, plus stuff from Developing Critical Thinking Through Science, living books, and Bill Nye, Magic School Bus, and Brain Pop videos. We might get to Quark Chronicles and Ellen McHenry Botany around the end of the school year, otherwise that'll get bumped to the beginning of 2nd grade.

That is the first I saw the new IEW book. My older two both loved Bible Heroes, which I frequently recommend on the "what to do for first grade writing" threads, but they never had a secular version. This is so exciting!

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Do let me know how apologia astronomy goes. My son love astronomy, but I have had so many people suggest saving apologia for 3rd and up, so I decided to wait.

Jumping in to say I would definitely recommend waiting until at least 3rd grade for Apologia. I did astronomy last year with my 3rd grader and parts of it were still a little advanced. Of course, YMMV.
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Do let me know how apologia astronomy goes. My son love astronomy, but I have had so many people suggest saving apologia for 3rd and up, so I decided to wait.

We actually bought the textbook and the junior notebooks for this year and then ended up deciding to wait until this coming year. With that said, IMO, it seems spot on for 1st and 2nd grade. My kids,who are space crazy, have already looked through the book multiple times. I have even ready 4 sections to them and everyone did great with it. I noticed that Timberdoodle puts it in their 1st grade package and I would say that is a good fit. My kids went giddy after looking at the junior notebook. You would think it was Christmas. It looks pretty great. We got an astronomy book with age appropriate labs to go along with it just for fun :)

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My dd6 is older-1st age (7 in November). She's somewhat asynchronous and learns differently from her siblings. I am finally beginning to figure out how she needs things to be able to learn well.


Phonics--AAR 2 (After years of OPG, we switched to AAR. Phonics are finally starting to click!)


Spelling--I am going to give R&S Spelling by Sound and Structure that we already have a try for a month, but then switch to AAS if it's not working. I expect she will need the AAS approach, but want to give the simpler, more affordable option a chance.


Penmanship--Pictures in Cursive C, D, & E


Writing--copy work, narration and dictation


Grammar--only if the charter insists, as I think it should wait until she is reading well. I don't know what.


Math--Singapore Primary Mathematics 2b/3a and Beast Academy 2


History--SOTW 3


Science--finish up BFSU 1, begin 2, maybe also include Mystery science, may do a big science fair project unit


Art--Child-size masterpieces and lots of supplies for free use


Music-Violin Suzuki Lessons; maybe introduce reading music?


Interest--she has asked to learn German. I am putting together my own curriculum based on German preschool songs with lots of movement involved for her learning style.

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My dd6 is older-1st age (7 in November). She's somewhat asynchronous and learns differently from her siblings. I am finally beginning to figure out how she needs things to be able to learn well.


Phonics--AAR 2 (After years of OPG, we switched to AAR. Phonics are finally starting to click!)


Spelling--I am going to give R&S Spelling by Sound and Structure that we already have a try for a month, but then switch to AAS if it's not working. I expect she will need the AAS approach, but want to give the simpler, more affordable option a chance.


Penmanship--Pictures in Cursive C, D, & E


Writing--copy work, narration and dictation


Grammar--only if the charter insists, as I think it should wait until she is reading well. I don't know what.


Math--Singapore Primary Mathematics 2b/3a and Beast Academy 2


History--SOTW 3


Science--finish up BFSU 1, begin 2, maybe also include Mystery science, may do a big science fair project unit


Art--Child-size masterpieces and lots of supplies for free use


Music-Violin Suzuki Lessons; maybe introduce reading music?


Interest--she has asked to learn German. I am putting together my own curriculum based on German preschool songs with lots of movement involved for her learning style.

If you have to do grammar, maybe something gentle and not time-intensive, like Primary Language Lessons? I remember doing quite a bit orally, but it's been a while. It's good for grades 1-3.

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A lot of the first grade stuff we have is from when my oldest was in 1st. I'm not sure they'd all be my top picks now, but they'll work and didn't cost any additional money.


Reading - Horizons Phonics & Reading grade 1 (omitting writing composition lessons), free reading books from Mensa's list, and reading comprehension practice on readtheory.org.


Spelling & Vocabulary - Horizons Spelling & Vocabulary grade 1


Grammar & Writing - Houghton Mifflin English grade 1


Math - Math in Focus 2A/2B, math facts practice on xtramath, and utilizing khan academy for further help/practice when necessary


Science - interest led with science facts from CC, some unit studies from Ranger Rick Big Books, and some additional work from McGraw-Hill's online science resources to cover certain topics in order to prep for end-of-year testing


History/Civics/Geography - US history facts & geography from CC Cycle 3 with supplemental US history & geography work from Harcourt Horizons grade 1. We'll also be working through History Pocket's Explorers of North America & Native Americans books.


Art - CC & Artistic Pursuits Gr K-3, Bk 1


Music - Musical appreciation, tin whistle, & composers through CC, piano


Foreign Language - Latin through CC & ASL through Lifeprint if he wants to follow along with his sister


Computer - typing.com & Scratch


Extras - Tiger Cub Scouts elective adventures, Wednesday night classes at church, t-ball

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The FINAL reveal! Because I know you're all dying to know.


Seat Work

Bible: Explorer's Bible study in the morning, adding in BSGFAA cards as we finish a "book"

English: Handwriting (M), RLTL (T,Th), and English For The Thoughtful Child (W,F)

Math: Ray's (M), School Arithmetic (T-F)

Spanish, Greek, signing and singing activities as I see fit


Book Basket

Science: Apologia Astronomy, One Small Square, Read & Find Out

History: SOTW I and corresponding readings as desired, Heroes For Young Readers

Literature: AO, Suppose The Wolf Were An Octopus

Readers: CLP Nature Reader, My Book House, Treadwell

Spanish: Poemas, De Calores, mas TBD


Activities (one a day)

Artistic Pursuits, SOTW AG, Heroes AG, Jot It Down



Devotionals, puzzles, games, free range art

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Do let me know how apologia astronomy goes. My son love astronomy, but I have had so many people suggest saving apologia for 3rd and up, so I decided to wait.

We used Apologia Astronomy for 1st, and it went well. We did not use the junior notebook. We read, narrated, and did all the hands on activities in the textbook.

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DD will be 1st next year. This is what I have so far:


Geography-Homegrown world geography/cultures loosely using trail guide as a spine

Art-Geography through art. She loves art, so I'll supply other options for her to use independently as well.

Science-continue BFSU, focus on b&c threads

math-continue Shiller, probably finish up 3 and then start 4.

Spelling- continue homegrown multi-sensory lessons, inspired by wrtr, aas, and sys (finally got it fine tuned, not going to mess with it)

LA-? Still working on this. Thinking IEW atff, mbtp la, or lightning lit 2. Need to see where we are when we get closer.

Music-? not much, maybe continue to hang out with little brother doing mmpt and listen in on classics for kids with big brother. Maybe add wee sing around the world to tie into geography. I need to check this out from the library to preview it. She likes to dance and play percussion, but hates singing. Or maybe I will let ballet lessons satisfy the fine arts exposure.

Got our final plan. We're moving to rod and staff spelling 2 and cle math 2 because it provides a more structured, consistent lesson format, which I hope will help help with ADHD issues. Music will be Wee Sing Around the World. Language arts will be mbtp. Phew, now one more order to place at RR and I can get started with my spreadsheets.

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  • 1 month later...

I just wanted to update since my plans have changed some. My younger daughter has matured a lot and neither of my kids really want to work together at all. Plus I've learned more about other curricula and adjusted for their changing needs.



Math - Shiller, 1/2 book 1 then start book 2

Writing/Phonics - ETC 2-4

Spanish - Outschool classes; Pimsleur; stories; songs

Hebrew - Shalom U'vracha pre-primer; various readers; songs

Whole Person - Yoga and Meditate


Weekly or on Loop:

BYL 1 for history, lit, and science

BFSU book 1

Tennis; Lollipop Logic; LoL fine arts


Circle Time with sister: Music appreciation, artist study, poetry, Shakespeare, folksongs all done the CM way; readings of a Jewish studies nature; mapwork and timeline entries, Mystery Science, Draw the World by Draper with Evan Moor Daily Geography


I have a really unmotivated rising 1st grader who really did not want anything to do with learning in K. I kept it simple for her this past year. MEP K for Math, Getty-Dubay 1 for writing, Get Ready Get Set and Go for the Code books for phonics, the McGuffey primer and then circle time with her older sister where she tolerated readalouds, songs, oral Spanish I make up as I go, and fine arts enrichment, as well as a multipurpose category that I call Jewish Studies (which means a children's Jewish Bible storybook, oral Hebrew, crafts and calendar activities, Jewish character building/ethics type stories, and Jewish history which I loop with one going into circle time on any day).


This year, I want her to do more, and she is both reading and willing to do more school stuff, but I didn't think she was ready for full blown school of the type her more academic older sister did for first, so I sort of set it up for them to do some stuff together hoping her older sister's enthusiasm and work ethic will carry her along. She's more arts and crafts oriented than big sis also so I've discovered Layers of Learning and instead of following their schedule for history I'm working through their fine arts topics.




Math - MEP 1

Reading/Phonics - McGuffey 1; ETC 1-2

Writing - Getty-Dubay B

Spanish - Pimsleur, folksongs, story

Hebrew - Shalom U'vracha pre-primer, folksongs, story

Whole Person - Yoga and Meditate


Weekly or on Loop:

Lit - see note below

History - see note below

Science - library books and circle time science

PE - Tennis

Logic - Lollipop Logic

Afternoon Electives - Nature Study; various Usborne drawing books; Layers of Learning fine arts


Circle Time with sister: Music appreciation, artist study, poetry, folksongs all done the CM way; continue our Jewish studies stuff; Mystery Science


History & Lit note: The last two years my older daughter did mashups of History Odyssey and Build Your Library for Ancients and Medieval. This was not going to work for my rising first grade daughter who really isn't ready for history. I thought it would be good to organize history for them together, however since older DD has already started history, I have decided to skip history entirely this year in favor of a geography year. I'm taking the BYL Kindergarten program as my spine and doing that for my 1st grader plus Evan Moore Daily Geography, Layers of Learning stuff where applicable, and enrichment from Janice Van Cleave's Geography for Every Kid. We'll also do various kits and games I've been collecting. The BYL K program does a lot of lit readalouds from different parts of the world so older DD will enjoy those with copywork but younger DD will just listen.

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May I ask what Spanish folksongs you're doing? We're doing De Colores. I puffy pink heart Pio Peep if you care to check it out. And the Spanish version of Madeline is totally fab as well.


Have you heard of Bright Beginnings? How did you decide on Behrman House? I am not Jewish so I'm completely ignorant about the subject, but I'd like to teach my children Hebrew.

Sorry I missed this post before!


I do like and use/have used Pio Peep and De Colores. My husband is from Honduras and he says that most of the tunes in De Colores are how he remembers them so he really approved of it. We also have a lot of Spanish children's books.


I'm in a weird spot with Spanish. I didn't talk about this in the third grade thread where I also posted, however my kids have a lot of Spanish already. They're not native speakers but they are approaching speech fluency pretty quickly. We did the one parent one language approach and their Abuelita lives here as well and has poor English. So they are too advanced for most programs their age but not reading and writing well enough (in Spanish for my older child but in both English and Spanish for my younger) to be doing advanced programs unless they're oral. My younger daughter is going to do work with a lady on Outschool. My older daughter is doing Outschool and I planned on Galore Park SYRWTLS but now that I have a copy, the only part of it that would be useful is verb conjugation. I'm looking at doing Spanish phonics with her now instead from another thread I found here on the boards, and I've decided to start Lively Latin with her, which will introduced grammar. It's tricky!


As far as Hebrew goes, we're Jewish, and I have a minor in Hebrew. I just chose Berman House books for the early years to supplement what they're doing in their classes at the synagogue. I didn't need a "program" to do Hebrew alphabet and say their first 500 words or so, just a workbook I could guide them through myself. They're getting other exposure. I have seen Bright Beginnings but it would duplicate their Hebrew School work too much. I think if we weren't doing synagogue work I might consider it.


As it is, I personally want them to do more modern Hebrew also, they'll get plenty of Biblical and prayer book Hebrew just through life, so I'm considering switching my older daughter over to something in the Shalom Ivrit series in fourth grade after I see how she adjusts to Latin. We read Israeli children's lit and she's picked up on differences already. I forgot to say this in the third grade thread but she's working on switching to Hebrew script using the Kitav B'kalut book from Handwriting Without Tears.


If I were advising you or any homeschool mom who wasn't Jewish but still interested in Hebrew, I'd suggest starting with yourself, learn the aleph-bet and vowels with a good primer like Learn Hebrew Today or Ivrit Ulpan (also Berman House). At that point you'd be ahead of your kids enough to do Shalom U'vrachah with them and at the same time do the follow up books in the Ivrit series, Shalev 1, etc. or if it's too textbook-y for you, then I like the vintage Hebrew at Your Ease or Basic Hebrew by Feinstein. That could get you ready to work through Biblical and prayerbook Hebrew with your kids or move on to Modern Hebrew. At that point you'll know enough to decide what's next or you'll come ask for more suggestions.

Edited by bwdiaz
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I'm in a weird spot with Spanish. I didn't talk about this in the third grade thread where I also posted, however my kids have a lot of Spanish already. They're not native speakers but they are approaching speech fluency pretty quickly. We did the one parent one language approach and their Abuelita lives here as well and has poor English. So they are too advanced for most programs their age but not reading and writing well enough (in Spanish for my older child but in both English and Spanish for my younger) to be doing advanced programs unless they're oral. My younger daughter is going to do work with a lady on Outschool. My older daughter is doing Outschool and I planned on Galore Park SYRWTLS but now that I have a copy, the only part of it that would be useful is verb conjugation. I'm looking at doing Spanish phonics with her now instead from another thread I found here on the boards, and I've decided to start Lively Latin with her, which will introduced grammar. It's tricky!



If she is already strong in English, she will pick up the Spanish quickly as those skills transfer from one language to another. More advanced vocabulary will be learned in context as she continues to read. We homeschool bilingually, using native materials; it has worked well so far.

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I've decided not to make any more decisions. We're just going to do whatever happens to work at the time. Because Gymnast is Gymnast. So, basically what I wrote in my first post.


We ARE still working on The Reading Lesson, and started Jugando a Leer. We haven't used MEP or Shiller for months. We're using MLFLE and Singapore. We'll continue until ... whenever. She's interested in space stuff and different languages. I'll eventually incorporate copywork. And I'm reading aloud. Playing goes without saying, because there isn't a curriculum for running up the walls and across the ceiling, and jumping on beds.


That is the plan. Because 1st grade is fun and easy. :D

Now that it is August, I've actually put some stuff together - like her countries and languages study.


English - MFW phonics, the Reading Lesson, AAS

Spanish - Jugando a Leer, copywork

Math - MLFLE, math lab

Countries and Languages - homemade, library books, she'll get a few Highlights Adventure mags; I even have a general plan all organized on google drive. Go me!

Science - Space - homemade, library books; anything else that comes up in the year (human body and plants are still interests)

Art - Drawing with Children; appreciation

Music - getting some violin lessons for a few weeks; I may teach her more piano;

Extracurricular - she let me know she does not want to do soccer this fall, shocking us all. Hopefully, she'll get a scholarship to do this circus/tumbling class. She'll also participate in any free acting workshops the Bible theater group does.


Now, for when we'll start all this stuff...who knows?


ETA: forgot Bible - Explorer's Bible Study, and A Hive of Busy Bees for character development.

Edited by Renai
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Math: Life of Fred

History: Story of the World 3 (I have older kids, so this is just where we are in the cycle); Leagues & Legends

Handwriting: Patriotic Penmanship Kindergarten 

Bible: The Story Traveler's Bible

Reading: The Ordinary Parents Guide to Reading; Phonic Tales; Alpha Tales

Language Arts: We'll be starting with a fairy tales and fables unit. And we do once a week poetry as a group. 

Science: Handbook of Nature Study with Nature Walks. Considering zoology at the zoo, just not sure we'll have much time for it this fall with a newborn. 

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