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S/o "for fun." Share your best SWB tip(s)? :)


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I'll go first. I always keep these pieces of AWESOME advice in mind from SWB:


1) Whatever you do, don't saddle your kids with college loans. They'll be paying them off into their 50s.


2) Don't embed in a kid that he/she is gifted. When the going gets tough -- and it does for everyone -- kids who have been told that they're gifted struggle with "not being good at something" and end up avoiding the new activity completely.


3) She suggests piano and one for one of my boys it's been fantastic. He's on his fourth year of lessons and loves it. She suggests that kids have two years of piano and then, if they don't like it, can stop.


4) Forgive me SWB if I have this wrong, but sciency DH always said "don't do a lot with formal science until kids are in middle school." And I was all, "really?! I don't know. . . " Then I heard SWB say, essentially, the same thing so I was like, "cross that off my list!" But now that my kids are 8th graders, we're doing science.


That's it off the top of my head!



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1. Don't feel bad about not wanting to do a co-op.


2. Everyone silently (or not) screams in the bathroom sometimes when homeschooling.


ETA- I'm sure there are tons more, but those are my instant answers. :)

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You know, SWB has inspired me in so many ways, but her decision to pull back from using her kids as public examples (academically or otherwise) definitely made me take a step back and look at what I share.  I know I still share a decent bit, but people don't actually know who mine ARE, yk?  Nobody's going to walk up to my kids and say "So, I read what your mother wrote about you..."  But I've definitely dialed back over time.

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So many!


My favorite at the moment is not academic, and it's about teen boys. I think. I hope I have it right. :)


Sandwich, shower, nap.


That's it, that's all I remember.


But it's magic.


My DS has completely absorbed it, and tells me when he needs it.

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So many!


My favorite at the moment is not academic, and it's about teen boys. I think. I hope I have it right. :)


Sandwich, shower, nap.


That's it, that's all I remember.


But it's magic.


My DS has completely absorbed it, and tells me when he needs it.

Not just for teen boys, works on 7-8yos too! And mom.


Although I added a fourth "S" that also involves sitting in a bathroom. Amazing how much better they feel when they've at least accomplished that task.

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So many!


My favorite at the moment is not academic, and it's about teen boys. I think. I hope I have it right. :)


Sandwich, shower, nap.


That's it, that's all I remember.


But it's magic.


My DS has completely absorbed it, and tells me when he needs it.


Forgot this one: thanks for the reminder! Totally need it!

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Not trying to hi-jack... but could someone explain "sandwich, shower, nap" to me? I have a ds15... thank you!


If I remember it right sandwich, shower, nap is about what to do if your teen is being a pill. Get them to eat something. Get them to take a (hopefully relaxing) shower and/or let them sleep.


The idea is that they'll come out of the sandwich, shower, nap less grumpy.





Edited by Alicia64
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Binders. By nature I'm a spiral-bound notebook girl, so I rejected her binder suggestion. If you have kids prone to perfectionism, those spiral-bound books end up with 15 pages by the end of the notebook...and lots of torn out, crumpled pages in the recycling bin. We still go through a ridiculous amount of paper, but our organization and emotions are a little more under control.


I also ADORE when she says the schedule she put in WTM was at the publisher's request, and that no one should ever follow it. Whew!

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If I remember it right sandwich, shower, nap is about what to do if your teen is being a pill. Get them to eat something. Get them to take a (hopefully relaxing) shower and/or let them sleep.


The idea is that they'll come out of the sandwich, shower, nap less grumpy.





Yep. When the hormones strike, this is what we do. My DS doesn't nap, so he does alone time, if necessary. Honestly, often he skips the sandwich and goes straight to the shower, with loud music. He usually comes out happy. If not, we do sandwich and alone time - usually with art.


I think it hits everything. Blood sugar, sensory stuff, alone/sleep needs.



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Writing in the early grades is really mostly copywork and talking about what you read with the kid.


Crying is a sign that something is not working.


If the kid just isn't getting it, drop it. Drop it for the day or the hour or the year, but drop it. Don't keep beating him with it hoping he'll get it.

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Yep. When the hormones strike, this is what we do. My DS doesn't nap, so he does alone time, if necessary. Honestly, often he skips the sandwich and goes straight to the shower, with loud music. He usually comes out happy. If not, we do sandwich and alone time - usually with art.


I think it hits everything. Blood sugar, sensory stuff, alone/sleep needs.




Okay, wait. This "alone time in the shower"... was SWB saying that maybe your teenage boy needs some ALONE time (wink wink) or are we just talking about relaxation and solitude? Because when I think of teenage boys and long showers, there is definitely some nuance there. Ahem.

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Okay, wait. This "alone time in the shower"... was SWB saying that maybe your teenage boy needs some ALONE time (wink wink) or are we just talking about relaxation and solitude? Because when I think of teenage boys and long showers, there is definitely some nuance there. Ahem.


If I recall correctly, it started back actually when Susan was the one being homeschooled- her mom instituted it. So I think it just what it was at the time- relaxation and solitude. And of course, sandwiches. :) 

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If I recall correctly, it started back actually when Susan was the one being homeschooled- her mom instituted it. So I think it just what it was at the time- relaxation and solitude. And of course, sandwiches. :)


Ahhh, okay. I have to admit I'm relieved. I'm not that edgy of a mom. ;)


Yes, food always helps. And sometimes coffee (yes, I let my teens drink coffee)!

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Okay, wait. This "alone time in the shower"... was SWB saying that maybe your teenage boy needs some ALONE time (wink wink) or are we just talking about relaxation and solitude? Because when I think of teenage boys and long showers, there is definitely some nuance there. Ahem.

Oh. No. I didn't say, "alone time in the shower."


I said this: "often he skips the sandwich and goes straight to the shower, with loud music. He usually comes out happy. If not, we do sandwich and alone time - usually with art."


He takes a shower, blasting loud music. If he comes out in a better mood - great. If not, he eats a snack and since he doesn't nap, he does a version of quiet time either in his room or our art studio.


I want to clear that up, because I was not insinuating anything with a wink wink or a nudge, nor did I catch that particular nuance from SWB.


My take on this is that it gives him solitude, time with his thoughts, showers are good for many kids with sensory issues, and addresses any falling blood sugar problems.


Any other, errrr, needs being met aren't really my concern.


I'm not that edgy either.


Just wanted to make sure that my own meaning was clear, and that I did not pick that up from SWB either.

Edited by Spryte
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