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Ugh. Migraine.


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How does this feeling sick (dizzy, weak, hypersensitive to light and sound) last?


For my dh, he was always better by the next day.  For one of my dd's, it might continue longer.  But hers are chronic.


Are you feeling any better at all?  Worse?  The same?

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Worst part is it feels personal. Yesterday, I had a horrendous headache. Today I feel like my head almost hurts but no quite. But no coffee cold! That feels personal and like it aches or feels flu ish because of the sound of the tv my child is watching. It is overstook and I would have to go math with new. I wouldn't blame individual med. I just feel crabby. More like getting after decide.

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Feel better this morning. Most incoherent post ever last night. Please ignore. Not even I know what I was trying to say.


Headache is gone; thank God! It still feels like it might hurt but doesn't. Still queasy and generally don't feel well/ want to lie in dark room. Hoping that will pass soon.

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:grouphug: I am in the middle of a monster myself. Mine come every month like clockwork and last almost three days. I barely slept last night. Usually, I can contain them by alternating Excedrin migraine, ibuprofen, Coke (the soda kind:-) and lots of coffee. I have tried so many of the meds, but they usually stop working after a few months.


You might want to try some caffeine for the hangover. Plus, eat some bread. And salad or psyllium husk fiber. I know it sounds weird, but the bread helps my stomach recover from all of the crap (i.e. Drugs, etc.) and the fiber helps cart the crap away as quickly as possible.


Many hugs. Migraines are the devil.

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Sharing my experience in case it helps someone here.  I have only recently started treatment for migraines.  I have a lot going on with my health, but I suspect that I have had migraines sporadically for years and thought they were sinus headaches.  Recently I began to have them daily (I suspect b/c of overuse of Motrin during some sort of autoimmune attack).  Anyway I take a small dose of Amitriptyline every night as a preventative.  It has the added benefit of making me drowsy.  For the most part my migraines have stopped.  I do have days where I have a strange feeling like the migraine is happening but is so repressed that it interferes very little with my life.  I am hoping I will eventually be able to wean off this medication and till be migraine free.  I am allowed to take 2 pills but I only take 1 b/c I am very cranky the next day if I take 2.  I still notice a little bit of irritability even with 1, but I can deal with it.  I'd rather have that than be incapacitated daily.


I have insurance beginning January 1st so I will be able to have a bunch of testing done which will help my doctor figure out some idea of which auto-immune disorder is happening to me----or not. Last time I went through all the tests nothing specific could be pinpointed. whatever--I'm so thankful for my doctor and for not having to lie in bed for hours a day waiting for imetrex to kick in.

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Phenergan makes me horribly sick. You may have side effects from the meds in addition to the migraine hangover.


Take it easy. Stay out of bright light. Try to eat some protein and simple carbs and sleep. Don't get overheated or do anything that triggers headaches.

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Caffeine and something carb-y to settle your tummy should help with the hangover. Laying in the dark room and some pressure on the hot spot if you still have one (ie center of pain).


As a general migraine note - I don't think Ibuprofen helps me with migraines. I usually go straight for the excedrine (the aspirin helps even though it makes my stomach hurt) or Naproxen /Aleve can help if you catch it early.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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I'm getting over my third migraine this month. I can go months without one, then some months I get a cluster.


I have been on two prescription medications (at separate times) that barely worked for me. Ironically, the thing I found that works best is plain old over-the-counter Excedrine Migraine. As soon as I get the aura, I pop two pills, wait about an hour or so, then pop one more (which they say not to do, but I do it anyway). It allows me to still function throughout the migraine without the loopiness that ER shots give you.


Hope you're feeling better soon.


Eta: Agreeing with theelfqueen above. Ibuprofen alone does absolutely nothing for a migraine.

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I have never taken meds for them, but I asked my MIL about hers. Apparently she has this wonderful medicine for them and it costs a lot without insurance, but she has good insurance so it's affordable. I think it's called Relpax. I have no idea how much it would cost for me.


I was given a migraine pillow for Christmas. It has rice in it and can be used hot or cold (can't imagine wanting to use it hot?). I haven't tried it out yet so don't know how much relief it brings vs. a cold wash cloth or such. In fact last time I had one I thought about using one of the kids Be Kool fever strips.


Migraines can be very debilitating for me. I don't feel comfortable enough to drive when I have them. I often have nausea.

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I definitely cannot drive with a migraine, where's no WAY ... I can't do anything. No reading. NO TV. Nothing.


Sometimes I can't walk or stand. I have to get back and forth from the bathroom to my bed and that's about it for at least 6 hours usually a lot more.


Migraine Ice is a product that's a lot like Fever strips for placing a cooling strip. It's kind of helpful. Not terribly.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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No. I couldn't drive. TV hurts. Print is too small to read. Can do phone with adjustable font for short periods. GP gave me phenergan and something else. Helped but still would like to lay down. Life isn't cooperating yet, though.

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Ok, this is weird. Migraineish headache, nausea, exhausted, fever around 100 when I'm laying down but as soon as I get up and try to do anything, goes to 102 and feel miserable instead of "resting relatively comfortably." This is weird. Not how I wanted to ring in the new year, and I already had flu from hell earlier this month. I deserve a break. Stuff to do.

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I definitely cannot drive with a migraine, where's no WAY ... I can't do anything. No reading. NO TV. Nothing.


Sometimes I can't walk or stand. I have to get back and forth from the bathroom to my bed and that's about it for at least 6 hours usually a lot more.


Migraine Ice is a product that's a lot like Fever strips for placing a cooling strip. It's kind of helpful. Not terribly.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

I am the same way.  Last month I was at an event with an elderly friend and the migraine descended.  I was an hour from home and I was the driver b/c he can't drive anymore.  Of course I was in some of the heaviest traffic of the season.  I drove with the migraine b/c I had to.  All the way home I worried I would have a stroke while driving.  I hope to never repeat that experience again!

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