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How to listen to music . . .


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That sounds like a crazy question, doesn't it?


So, how do you listen to the music you like, if your partner isn't into it. Yes, they can put up with it, but . . .


I find neither of us listens to our kind of music much anymore. We have a super small house, no escape places. I think I'll solve my problem by playing music in my car as I tend to drive a bit and we've finally got the CD player working. 


He enjoys his very loud rock music but he doesn't listen to it that much anymore. Is there any technological or other solution I haven't thought of? 



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That sounds like a crazy question, doesn't it?


So, how do you listen to the music you like, if your partner isn't into it. Yes, they can put up with it, but . . .


I find neither of us listens to our kind of music much anymore. We have a super small house, no escape places. I think I'll solve my problem by playing music in my car as I tend to drive a bit and we've finally got the CD player working.


He enjoys his very loud rock music but he doesn't listen to it that much anymore. Is there any technological or other solution I haven't thought of?



My dh mostly listens in the car as although I don't mind a bit of music I can't handle it constantly. I have enough noise competing for my attention, usually.

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My husband and I each have some music the other can't tolerate.  Actually the whole family is that way.


I listen to Joni Mitchell and Teena Marie when I am alone in the car or at home, or via headphones when convenient.  My husband listens to Kate Bush and a few others the same way.  


On a road trip, the driver chooses the music.  (Kids plug into music on their phones if they don't like what's playing.)    

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My wife has GooglePlayMusic on her Android phone. She set it up so that now I have it on my Android phone too.  Sometimes when she is making Breakfast, she has her phone playing music. Other times, I bring my phone into the kitchen and give her a concert of my music while she is cooking.    Very unusual that either of us have music blasting at high volume. However,  my Stepson does that...


When DD is studying, I have seen my wife with headphones on, when she is sitting at her Desktop PC.  


ETA: We both like the music played by "KOOL" (KEAG-FM) in Anchorage and we have listened to that station a lot over the years. 


My wife likes many kinds of music and she likes my favorite singer and group as much as I do.  

Edited by Lanny
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When we want to listen to something the other won't enjoy (or maybe it would be distracting to the other person) we generally use earbuds. But we also have a really nice small bluetooth speaker that I take into the bathroom when I shower.  We use the bluetooth speaker a lot- it has nice sound without needing to be at a high volume.  It's great when we have friends over and want to have music on the deck, when we're out on a picnic, or when I'm working on an outside renovation project and don't want the isolation of earbuds. 



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Thanks - I keep wishing I could create a space where my other half could listen to his music, watch his videos, play his xbox etc - all the things which have gone out the window a lot since we had kids! He does have a good set of headphones at least. I'll ponder further, I think part of the problem is that he can't just leave his things lying about - like his CDs - due to the kids. Maybe I could try to create a safe storage space so he can just grab his things without having to search everywhere when he wants to listen to something. 

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My dh and I have very different music tastes.  I blast mine in the car, wear earbuds when I'm in earshot of him downstairs, and play it over my bluetooth speaker when I'm upstairs in my office.  One of the first things we tend to do when he goes on a trip for work is take my speaker downstairs and crank the music up!  :party:


ETA:  I listen to pretty much all of my music through my phone, either from songs I've purchased on iTunes, or streaming Pandora and Amazon Music.  I have a connector to listen through my car speakers, a bluetooth speaker for the house, and earbuds when I want to keep it to myself.



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We have the family Spotify account (no commercials either!) and either listen through headphones or play for everyone on the computer. We share playlists and new bands since most of us have similar taste. I usually have my headphones on since I have weird taste in music that no one else appreciates. :001_cool:

Same here. It's brought us together in a funny way as my ds has set up our accounts so we can share things we like. I've been brought up to date by liking a lot of my son's music that I never would have heard when we were all playing in separate rooms. And we also share things that amuse us.


The family account is great.

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I work in a very, very loud/noisy environment and prefer a relatively quiet house when I get home.  Dh drives a lot and spends much of his day alone, so he likes background noise.  All.The.Time. He is the type to turn on TV that he isn't even watching and leave it playing in a room he isn't even in, forcing everyone in the house to listen to it.    It drives me absolutely nuts.  We have a relatively open floor plan, so If one of the TVS are on in the house, the entire downstairs has to listen to it.  


I have put in my earbuds before, without them attached to anything, just to block out the noise from his TV. 


I need background noise to fall asleep, so I use my laptop for movies etc.  That way, the noise is pretty much, only in my room (we sleep apart). 


I bought him wireless Bluetooth earbuds and if I ask him, he will use those instead.  

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