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How to gain weight in a healthy manner

Night Elf

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I can't believe I'm asking this. I've maintained a low weight for years. I'm tired of my jeans falling off my body and the next size down is too tight. I'm too old to wear tight jeans. So I figure if I gain a little weight, my jeans might fit better. I have a couple of problems trying to figure out how to do this. First, I don't like eating a lot of junk so I don't want to start binging on junk food. Second, I can't eat a lot at meals. Seriously. I've gotten so used to eating small meals. I usually skip breakfast because all I want is coffee. I'm not hungry in the mornings. I eat a light lunch and that satisfies me. I eat a small snack between lunch and dinner. I eat a small dinner. Then I have another snack at bedtime. And that's usually what I consider to be a big snack because I have three things: milk, peanut butter crackers and a Weight Watchers brownie. I eat about 1100 - 1200 calories a day and maintain my weight within a 2 lb. range. I'm totally sedentary so I really don't need a lot of calories. How can I gain about 5 lbs. with my lifestyle? I'm not interested in adding in any type of exercise to build muscle. I just want to add calories in a healthy way.

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I would switch jean styles before I messed with my weight. When I gain or lose, my proportions stay relatively constant. Except over the years I am getting increasing apple shaped. Any pants that can be buttoned at the waist are going to be baggy in the hips and thighs. Any that fit through the hips I won't be able to close at the waist. So weight loss or gain doesn't change the problem, the tightness/bagginess just happens in a different size.


Have you identified where the fit issues are in your jeans? Waist? Hips? Overall?

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Eat more often? Add in something like cream cheese on an English muffin about an hour after your morning coffee. Switch out your weight watchers brownie for something with a few more calories.


You're body is not used to eating heavy things or eating often. You can't change that overnight and shouldn't try. But you can look at what you do eat and try to add maybe one or two more calorie rich (but healthy) additions to your existing meals or switch out what you are eating for something more calorie dense.


Is your weight considered healthy for your body type/age?

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I would switch jean styles before I messed with my weight. When I gain or lose, my proportions stay relatively constant. Except over the years I am getting increasing apple shaped. Any pants that can be buttoned at the waist are going to be baggy in the hips and thighs. Any that fit through the hips I won't be able to close at the waist. So weight loss or gain doesn't change the problem, the tightness/bagginess just happens in a different size.


Have you identified where the fit issues are in your jeans? Waist? Hips? Overall?


I tried on every brand/style at Kohls, the only place I shop. I don't like to buy clothes online because I hate having to repack stuff and mailing it back. My jeans are saggy in the back and on the waist. I'm an apple figure. I have a very paunchy stomach. When I was heavier, my stomach was much bigger. I feel if I gain weight, it will go to my stomach and my jeans will sit on my waist again rather than slipping down to my hips. The two alternatives I see are going to dresses/skirts which I don't want to do, or go into pants that have elastic waist bands. I refuse to dress like my mom and grandmother though. I like jeans and tshirts. It's my entire wardrobe.

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Well, why are you buying Weight Watchers anything? Make yourself some real brownies. :) 


I'd add healthy fats. Avacodo. Fatty fishes. Nuts. Healthy oils (EVOO, etc) 


If you buy any low-fat dairy, STOP. Buy full fat only. 


1100-1200 calories sounds very low to me. That's a weight loss diet for most people. 


If you add 250 calories a day, that should help you gain about half a pound a week.


FWIW, being underweight or even low-healthy weight is a significant health risk as we age.  So, I do think you are correct to be concerned. 


Go ahead and eat something healthy and with some calories for breakfast. It doesn't have to be big or super high calorie, but go ahead and have a smoothie or a toast with peanut butter, etc. Just because you aren't really feeling it doesn't mean you shouldn't eat a little something. 






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Increase the healthy fats in your meals by adding butter, olive oil, or avocado.


Add a small dish of ice cream to your diet every day.


Add exercises such as strength training to your daily activities.


This is exactly what DH's doctor told him.


The strength training might make you hungrier, too.  

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Are you short waisted? I am, even though my torso is average length for my height. It sure doesn't help the pant fitting issue-I have no waist!


Consider something like the Jag Jean that is pull on but doesn't look like your grandmother's elastic waist pants. http://www.jagjeans.com/


Oooooh, this looks promising!  Do you wear them?  Did you size down as the website suggests?  I'd love to wear jeans, but they are normally so uncomfortable.  These are tempting!  

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If you start eating breakfast, soon your body will adjust and you will feel hungry in the morning. My son is trying to gain weight, and he cooks steel cuts oats with bananas overnight in a rice cooker. Before eating them in the morning, he adds chopped almonds and walnuts, dried low sugar cranberries (he doesn't like sweet things) and whole milk. He also does strength training several days per week.

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Oooooh, this looks promising! Do you wear them? Did you size down as the website suggests? I'd love to wear jeans, but they are normally so uncomfortable. These are tempting!

I alter my own pants by cutting off the waistband and adding an extension with elastic, so no, I don't have any of those.

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Increase the healthy fats in your meals by adding butter, olive oil, or avocado.


Add a small dish of ice cream to your diet every day.


Add exercises such as strength training to your daily activities.


Although if I recall correctly she was/is trying to avoid diabetes.  So ice cream is probably not a good idea!  But yep, sugar is fattening.

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I agree with the stretchy jeans/jags/jeggings recommendation.  


Apple is really hard to fit.  


I know you said no exercise, but you could do JUST a quick (bodyweight) butt building routine and probably get a bit rounder in the rear with 10 minutes a day.  Lots of quick routines on pinterest, or just google Kardashian butt exercise routine.  :-)  


One of my favorite breakfasts is a sugar-free protein powder (chocolate) mixed with the amount of liquid called for, PLUS 50g (maybe 3-4 Tblsp?) cream cheese.  You get protein and fat but no sugar to make you feel icky.  And it tastes WAY better than just the protein powder + milk/water.    



Edited by Monica_in_Switzerland
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Jeggings are not as bad as people make them out to be. They don't have to be skin tight either. My jeggings look exactly like normal pants/ jeans except they are tapered below the knee. With child bearing and other woman stuff, aging etc a stretchy waistband is great and not some sort of defeat to 'mom jean' status.


Lots of PYTs are wearing stretchy waist anyway and have never given birth and are 22.

Edited by pinkmint
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The problem with just gaining weight is there is no guarantee you will gain it where you want to gain it. I'd guess it is more a lack of muscle than weight. As an apple I'd think you are more likely to gain it up top. If you want to get a bigger butt I'd be working it with some squats along with some food.

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Jeggings are not as bad as people make them out to be. They don't have to be skin tight either. My jeggings look exactly like normal pants/ jeans except they are tapered below the knee. With child bearing and other woman stuff, aging etc a stretchy waistband is great and not some sort of defeat to 'mom jean' status.


Lots of PYTs are wearing stretchy waist anyway and have never given birth and are 22.


I love my jeggings!  They are so comfortable and I think they look great.  My weight varies quite a bit and the jeggings are forgiving if I lose or gain.  I buy the Old Navy Rockstar jeggings.  I've heard these are wonderful, but I haven't tried them yet https://www.hsn.com/products/dg2-by-diane-gilman-superstretch-comfort-waist-jegging/7521471?cm_mmc=sharingsite-_-Pinterest-_-PD-_-7521471&utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharingsite&utm_content=product_fashion

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I decided to go try on jeans at Kohls again. I actually found a pair that works. It's Lee's Relaxed. It's a size down from what I've been wearing but it's still roomy enough to not fit snug.


DH wishes I would gain a little weight. He thinks I'm too thin. I'm only a couple pounds heavier than I was when I met him. It's just the weight has redistributed after 22 years. Haha!

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Oh, I wanted to comment on a couple of things mentioned in the thread.


First, about diabetes. Both my mom and her sister have it so I'm worried about it. My A1C got up to 6.1 a couple of years ago and I lowered my carb intake. I lost almost 10 lbs. without even trying due to that change. My last A1C was 5.0 which I consider to be good. I don't think I'm in danger of becoming diabetic but I do try to avoid too many sweets or carby junk. If that makes sense. FWIW, I do eat ice cream several times a week but I buy Carb Smart.


Yes, 1100 - 1200 daily calories seems low. That range does seem to be encouraged for those seeking to lose weight. But it's the range I need to maintain my weight. I have weighed within a 2 lb. range for the past 4 years. During that time, I've lost weight but mostly I stay the same. I have a few big days of eating each week, where I'm definitely eating more than that but I usually feel sick when I eat too much in the day. I would personally rather feel a little hungry than a little full.


I joined Weight Watchers in 2011 so I've adopted a way of eating that is easy to keep up with on a daily basis. I eat whatever I want but I eat small portions of it and that satisfies me. What I was hoping to get, was how to add calories into my day without overeating. I think I'll add in a breakfast and start eating full fat dairy. I haven't had a full fat yogurt in I don't know how long. I can't drink whole milk though. It's like drinking a milkshake! It's just too rich.


So anyway, thanks for the suggestions. I really appreciate it.

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First, about diabetes. Both my mom and her sister have it so I'm worried about it. My A1C got up to 6.1 a couple of years ago and I lowered my carb intake. I lost almost 10 lbs. without even trying due to that change. My last A1C was 5.0 which I consider to be good. I don't think I'm in danger of becoming diabetic but I do try to avoid too many sweets or carby junk. If that makes sense. FWIW, I do eat ice cream several times a week but I buy Carb Smart.



Same story with my mom and sister.  I work to avoid it.  I sometimes get the Carb Smart.  It's a nice treat. 

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I'm curious as to why you only shop at Kohls.


It's the closest clothing store and I always find good deals so I don't feel I spend a lot of money. I get my girl's clothing sometimes at Target and Old Navy, but I have never found anything in those stores that I like for me. I haven't been to a mall in over 2 years, but I did like the department stores. It's just too much traffic around the closest mall, which is about 45 minutes away. I'd rather hop on over to Kohls in 15 minutes, run in, try on a few things, and run out. I'm not a shopper.

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Wait, if you're underweight/low weight and have always been that way, why is weight watchers in the equation? I think I missed something.


Oh I haven't always been low weight in my adult years, especially after having 3 children. I was 30 lbs above the top end of my weight range when I joined Weight Watchers in 2011. And I don't consider them to be a diet, it's a lifestyle change so I have always kept up with it. It's easy peasy. I do continue watching my weight though. I think that's smart actually. I have no desire to ever be overweight again as long as I can actually do something about it. So far, I haven't developed any medical reasons to gain weight. I was on medication that caused me to gain once, and I got off it. I haven't started menopause yet but there could be a weight gain there too. All I can do is continue eating in my own way and hope for the best.

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