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My PSA about gluten and muscles


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This is my PSA for those who are having muscle pain/ inflammation/ and spasms.  For 15 years, I have been dealing with muscle spasms and inflammation in my lower back and hips.  I have been to numerous chiropractors and physical therapists.  It has been so bad at times that I could not walk without severe pain.  


About two years ago, I went gluten free for thyroid issues.  I wasn't totally consistent since it didn't seem to affect me - or so I thought.  I wouldn't have a lot of gluten, just every once in a while.  Then I went to my mom's for 5 days.  She made me my favorite cinnamon rolls (gluten), we went to my favorite restaurant- Panera (gluten), and I ate whatever she was cooking (basically more gluten).  By about 3 days in, I was in such severe back pain.  I couldn't even lay down to get comfortable.  Then, coming home again, I went back to my gluten free diet.  The pain disappeared.  Now, I am aware that every time I eat gluten in a decent amount (two pieces of pizza will do it), I will get my muscle pain again.


My frustration that I don't want others to have to endure is this.  I lived for over 15 years with pain all due to gluten.  Apparently, gluten can cause muscle inflammation.  I told this to a friend who on the whole 30 diet realized his chest pain due to muscle inflammations in his chest muscles (which he thought was a heart attack 2-3 times) went away on his whole 30 diet.  Apparently, that was his connection also.  Gluten causing him muscle inflammation in his chest.  So now when I hear of someone in pain from unexplained muscle inflammation, I tell them what I have told you.  

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I can eat sugar and other carbs (rice, oats, etc) just fine.  I haven't figured out if it is a wheat thing specifically or gluten in general.  I can also eat wheat in moderation such as a small serving of sweet and sour chicken from the chinese restaurant, but really will feel it if I eat a couple of slices of pizza.

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My physical therapists told me to try gluten free due to pain and inflammation.  I had been in PT for foot/hip/low back about 8 months.  Everytime we tried to stretch out the appointments to get me discharged, I'd be in such pain that we couldn't.  So they suggested I eliminate gluten and see what happened.  After 2 weeks, they could see a difference.  After a month, I could FINALLY be discharged from PT.  I have been gluten free since May.  It does make a difference in my world.  However, I am still experiencing flares/spasms/pain.  Not sure if it is hidden gluten (quite possibly) or some other trigger.  I am not celiac nor have I ever tested positive for gluten allergy or sensitivity.  I did eat a banana chocolate chip muffin in late May but the pain was not worth it.  I ate a slice of dd's birthday cake in Oct and again, the pain was not worth it.  The holidays should be interesting.....

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My physical therapists told me to try gluten free due to pain and inflammation. I had been in PT for foot/hip/low back about 8 months. Everytime we tried to stretch out the appointments to get me discharged, I'd be in such pain that we couldn't. So they suggested I eliminate gluten and see what happened. After 2 weeks, they could see a difference. After a month, I could FINALLY be discharged from PT. I have been gluten free since May. It does make a difference in my world. However, I am still experiencing flares/spasms/pain. Not sure if it is hidden gluten (quite possibly) or some other trigger. I am not celiac nor have I ever tested positive for gluten allergy or sensitivity. I did eat a banana chocolate chip muffin in late May but the pain was not worth it. I ate a slice of dd's birthday cake in Oct and again, the pain was not worth it. The holidays should be interesting.....

I had a slice of my niece's birthday cake this past week. I agree with you - it was not worth it.


Sugar does not affect me as much, as far as I know. I can eat all the (grain free, pure chocolate) chocolate bars I want with no noticeable problem. One bite of grainy-gluteny cake though and I'm in my own self-induced hell. For the most part I've learned to just say No. Every once in awhile though, I "try it to see what happens" and regret it every time. I have to avoid all grains, but can handle (very) occasional white rice.


Aside from intestinal pain, bloating and headaches, the pain in my upper back between my shoulder blades for 3-7 days following is just.not.worth.it.

Edited by fraidycat
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I've been gluten free for over 5 years. I'd had chronic muscle pain must of my life, as well as depression, brain fog, and had recently developed severe joint pain. All disappeared within 2 weeks when I went gluten free.


That's not to say I don't still hurt. I still have occasional muscle aches and cranky joints (today my shoulder is bugging me), but it doesn't even begin to approach the level of pain I had when I was 15 years old (20 years ago) and eating wheat.

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Thank you for posting this tonight!  I've seen this connection, too, but after a while I forget and have to relearn the lesson.  Usually, I eat very little gluten, but yesterday I had quite a bit.  Today I've had horrible muscle pain, and I couldn't figure out what I'd done. It was yesterday's pizza, crackers, toast, muffin....  Back to gluten free in the morning.  *Sigh*


Thanks again.

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I can eat sugar and other carbs (rice, oats, etc) just fine.  I haven't figured out if it is a wheat thing specifically or gluten in general.  I can also eat wheat in moderation such as a small serving of sweet and sour chicken from the chinese restaurant, but really will feel it if I eat a couple of slices of pizza.


I still think possibly you are lowering carbs and that might be "the" thing.  You say you eat other carbs, but how much of these other carbs are you eating on a given day?  When you eliminate wheat you are eliminating a ton of what people typically are having as a huge part of their diet.


Not that it matters!  If you found what works at keeping your achiness away then why argue with that!? 


I have a lot of achiness lately.  I dropped down my carbs lower than usual (plus I'm trying to lose weight).  I've eaten lower carb for years.  I don't notice any improvement with the achiness unfortunately. 

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