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So sad, crying


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Turn on my computer this morning to be faced with yet another announcement to a child from the high school committing suicide. The parents are devastated of course. This is the 4th one that I have been told of this school year so far, I do not know how many total. Not every parent will come forward with what happened. I know this is not my child, but it makes me cry. So sad.

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How heartbreaking and scary.  I am still haunted by my best girl friend's best guy friend committing suicide on her 16th birthday. It really was out of the blue to her, and they talked for hours every day.


I just saw something that we lose more Middle Schoolers to suicide than car accidents now.  The current issue of Time is all about teens' anxiety and depression.


I think high school is way too much pressure these days...add in cyber bullying and everything else and wow.  It was a lot of pressure when I was a kid, but it seems worse.  We don't have good mental health in this country.  It took months for me to find somebody for one of my children who I could afford (most in my area don't accept insurance), had space, and whom this child actually liked.




Will hug my babies a little tighter tonight.

Edited by umsami
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My daughter lost a friend to suicide in high school.  He wasn't a best friend but it was a small school, so it really hit hard.  I still think about it and cry for his parents more than 6yrs later.  My daughter has often held that it might have been in part due to concussions (he was a lacross player).

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Another tragedy.  I have P.T.S.D. and went to a Psychologist in Dallas who is an "expert" (not a word I apply to people often) on P.T.S.D.   The son of one of my friends (a former colleague) committed Suicide, when they were out to Lunch. When I told my "shrink" what happened, he told me that the hardest patients he tries to help are parents who have lost a child to suicide.  

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Another tragedy.  I have P.T.S.D. and went to a Psychologist in Dallas who is an "expert" (not a word I apply to people often) on P.T.S.D.   The son of one of my friends (a former colleague) committed Suicide, when they were out to Lunch. When I told my "shrink" what happened, he told me that the hardest patients he tries to help are parents who have lost a child to suicide.  


Close friends of ours lost a daughter to suicide almost 18 months ago. They're still not doing well. Nothing can fix it.


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This terrifies me. How do we protect our kids from this? As someone who is raising 5 kids who will all someday be teenagers together, I have no idea how to prepare them for high school, which we're planning to send them to. This comes from a person who lost her brother to suicide.


I once heard my 8 year old say "I hate myself" after missing a math problem. My heart skipped a beat...just as my parents were completely sideswiped, I worry about it happening as well.

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I'm so sorry for this--for all these--losses.  My high school had 4 in my class (of 250 students) and I'll bet there isn't a week that goes by that I don't think of those kids, forty years later.  And now I understand that there may have been others whose obituaries didn't name the real cause of death--there may have been more.  I also understand better the grief of their parents as well, so it is almost worse 40 years later, in a way.  


That school has GOT to get going on some suicide prevention.  Too much evidence these shows that suicide *is* contagious, and that there is something that can be done to stop the contagion.  


After facing two student suicides of students, a small school of which I am aware completely put the brakes on whatever else they were working on to tackle this issue.  They made changes to their understanding of the situation, to their curriculum and to the things they discuss with parents at conferences.  They changed their policy manual regarding reporting.  


There is no point to a great education when the student takes this step...and I'm not being callous here.  I'm saying that this school is doing the right thing to address this, even if it costs some instructional time.  


So sad.  

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