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What do you like for grammar? 4th/6th


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My boys are having a hard time with Rod and Staff.  My dd has done fine, now doing the 8th grade.  My boys seem to be stuck on just trying to remember subject and predicate!  I am not sure if I should just stick with it and slow down a bit or try something different and a bit more interesting (to help their motivation, focus).  Not sure what else people like for those grades.  

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Easy Grammar?


It goes "backwards" by starting with prepositions. Seems to be working well here. Plus, I think my boy just really likes striking words out, instead of writing them.


You could probably combine both boys in EG5 or so. 

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My boys are having a hard time with Rod and Staff.  My dd has done fine, now doing the 8th grade.  My boys seem to be stuck on just trying to remember subject and predicate!  I am not sure if I should just stick with it and slow down a bit or try something different and a bit more interesting (to help their motivation, focus).  Not sure what else people like for those grades.  


For grammar only? Easy Grammar.


I like R&S's English overall, but it is much more than grammar, so if you want *only* grammar, then Easy Grammar.

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I just slowed down R&S. We used it maybe 3 days a week, so my 7th grader is halfway through the 5th grade book, and my 9th grader just started the 8th grade book (after skipping the last half of the 7th grade book, lol.) She will read through grades 9-10 over 10-12th grades.  I buy the worksheets, and on days that have the worksheets we do those instead of the assigned work in the book. If someone is having a problem with that, I can always assign the lesson out of the book instead of moving on. I often only assign the odds, so that leaves the evens for more practice the next day. Plus, all lessons have a review section and oral drill in the TM to go over to constantly go over past lessons to keep it fresh.


I don't worry about the grade level on the books. The grammar is very good and thorough.

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Mine are in 4th and 6th, also. We did R&S the second half of last year and for about about 10 weeks this year. I just wanted to poke my eyes out. *I* absolutely hated it. I bought Learning Language Arts Through Literature (Orange & Tan books) and we are doing that along with Fix It: Robin Hood. I think I like the combo a lot. It's not as rigorous as R&S, but I go back and forth as to whether or not we need to be as rigorous as R&S. So, my opinion may change by the end of the year, but we are certainly breathing some fresh air here right now. 

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My "I hate school" boy doesn't mind, possibly likes, Fix-It from IEW. He also loves CC Essentials. But possibly because I really dislike it and require nothing of him other than not disrupting the class much. Reverse psychology at work[emoji3]



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I really like BJU English for those ages. But, I have found that I generally have needed to back up to use it. For example, my son who came home after 2nd grade, we started with 2nd grade. For my child who came home at the end of 4th grade, we had to start with 4th grade, but even then, we might have needed 3rd. Since your children have been in Rod and Staff, I am sure they likely won't need to back up.

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Another vote for CLE Language Arts- it has been incredibly thorough!


ETA- we have been R&S users for many years and finally switched over to CLE this year- my personal opinion is that CLE is just as rigorous, but the format is much, much more conducive to actual learning and retaining of info for my kiddos.

Edited by bodiesmom
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We do Analytical Grammar spread out over 3 years for 6th-8th and FLL 3 & 4 spread out over 3 years for 3rd-5th. I like it because they are relatively short lessons, and we don't have to do grammar all year long that way.

To do this, do you have 1-2 grammar lessons a week, or space out chunks of grammar study though out the year?

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To do this, do you have 1-2 grammar lessons a week, or space out chunks of grammar study though out the year?

We alternate grammar with writing. So for 3rd - 5th, we do 1 week of FLL doing 1 lesson per day, then 1 week of writing lessons, and so forth.


For AG, we do season 1 in 6th which takes about 10 weeks, then focus on writing the rest of the year. 7th grade season 2 takes about 8 weeks, then we write after that. And 8th grade season 3 takes about 18 weeks and we finish the year out with writing lessons after that.

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