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It's election day!

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I know, Canadian politics is really boring - especially compared to the upcoming American election and all the hoopla surrounding it. But, it's voting day for us Canadians and I'm excited!


I've been reading Canada Votes! with the kids and I'm on my way to the polling station with them right now. Personally, I'm hoping we can manage to vote in a majority government.


Anyone else voting today?

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We watched your last election here on tv, I wonder if it will be on tonight. So many parties.

Enjoy your vote.


I know, Canadian politics is really boring - especially compared to the upcoming American election and all the hoopla surrounding it. But, it's voting day for us Canadians and I'm excited!


I've been reading Canada Votes! with the kids and I'm on my way to the polling station with them right now. Personally, I'm hoping we can manage to vote in a majority government.


Anyone else voting today?

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Sarah, I too am eagerly waiting to find out the results. I have my favourite Ontario radio station on-line, and can hear everything live. I sense that it will not be a majority government....again....sigh. Part of my excitement, is that my cousin is the Conservative candidate for my old riding in Ontario. She has poured her heart and soul into several elections now, but never won...Belinda Stronach won against her last time.

I have shared the Canadian Parliamentary and election system with some American friends down here, and they are stunned, that it can actually be that easy. They are envious that the whole campaign and election process can be over in 6 weeks, unlike the 2 yr process here in the USA. We are so sick of all the political posturing which has gone on....we have been in the US for 2 yrs now, and all we have heard the whole time has been campaigning, and it's wearing a little thin.

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Personally, I'm hoping we can manage to vote in a majority government.




Liberal, right? :D


I'm actually fine with minority governments. We've had one here in NS for the past few years and it's worked well. My sister and I were thinking it might be neat if it was another Conservative minority but the GG asked the Liberals to form the government. Just for the spectacle of it all! :tongue_smilie:


Edit: I just realized that post made it sound like I voted Liberal! I actually voted Independent - I'm in Bill Casey's riding. So I get to sort-of vote PC again!

Edited by dawn of ns
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Freak! (private joke for Sarah)


I am just south of Canada. So throw all the Minnesota jokes you want this way.

You know how the name of Canada came about, right?

(This is more of a verbal joke but we'll see how this goes)


The leaders of the yet to be named country put all the letters of the alphabet in a hat and said "we'll name this country whatever the first three letters that we pull out spell"


So they pulled out the first letter and said "C, eh?"

And the second letter and said, "N, eh?"

And the third letter and said, "D, eh?




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I've been just about wild that we won't likely get a majority gov't this time. With the economy going downhill, I don't like the idea of tying to hands of the ruling party.


Oh, well. God is still in control of whomever gets elected with however many seats. I'll be watching the results on TV tonight with my dh and older kiddos.



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Freak! (private joke for Sarah)


I am just south of Canada. So throw all the Minnesota jokes you want this way.

You know how the name of Canada came about, right?

(This is more of a verbal joke but we'll see how this goes)


The leaders of the yet to be named country put all the letters of the alphabet in a hat and said "we'll name this country whatever the first three letters that we pull out spell"


So they pulled out the first letter and said "C, eh?"

And the second letter and said, "N, eh?"

And the third letter and said, "D, eh?





:lol: You are such a freak.

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After he returns from work.


While I see some merit in minority governments, I am not keen on going to the polls in 12 months. Some stability would be nice.


I just received an elections Canada kit to teach my kids some election lingo.

We, too, are reading Canada Votes and Who Runs this Country Anyway. I'm learning a lot (I'm not sure what that says about me as a 43 yr woman.)

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I just got back. The kids came with me and watched me fill in my ballot. We saw a scrutineer (after reading about what they are in Canada Votes) and we even asked her if she was a scrutineer (which embarressed my dd). Ds (just 3) threw a temper tantrum on the way out because he didn't get to vote. Dd tried to explain to him that he needs to be 18, so I left the building carrying him as he kicked and screamed, "I AM 18 - I can vote!".

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Dd tried to explain to him that he needs to be 18, so I left the building carrying him as he kicked and screamed, "I AM 18 - I can vote!".


After the embrassment dies down, you show have a good laugh over that one. Anyway, it made me laugh. ;)


I'm missing the priveledge of voting right now. I'll be watching your results!

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Freak! (private joke for Sarah)


I am just south of Canada. So throw all the Minnesota jokes you want this way.

You know how the name of Canada came about, right?

(This is more of a verbal joke but we'll see how this goes)


The leaders of the yet to be named country put all the letters of the alphabet in a hat and said "we'll name this country whatever the first three letters that we pull out spell"


So they pulled out the first letter and said "C, eh?"

And the second letter and said, "N, eh?"

And the third letter and said, "D, eh?







I actually grew up an hour NORTH of Canada! In the United States.

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I just received an elections Canada kit to teach my kids some election lingo.

We, too, are reading Canada Votes and Who Runs this Country Anyway. I'm learning a lot (I'm not sure what that says about me as a 43 yr woman.)


I learned that I won't be buying a bottle of wine today - apparently you can't buy alcohol while the polling stations are open.

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I took my kids to the voting place, too. They came behind the little box with me to watch me mark my ballot, and helped me put it in the ballot box. They liked watching the whole thing.


I'm voting three times this week. Canadian PM, American prez (via absentee ballot which I just received), and municipal elections. I've never voted so many times in so few days before!


That is too funny about the 3yo screaming that he wanted to vote!!!! Sarah, you are such a freak - you have been too much hands on in your homeschooling/raising your kids! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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My voting funny today. I have never voted before and told the kids we would walk over to the polling station to do so today for my first time ever. Ds(5) pipes up and says "I'll teach you mom I already voted today!" (He went with Grandpa to the polling station on his way home from his sleepover). SO off we went, and sure enough he talked me through it, told me where to mark my 'x', (I put it in my own spot though not on the name poppa chose lol), and then he put it in the box. He was so proud when we were done and told the next person we say that he taught his mom how to vote.


My oldest had no interest and sat on a bench across the room but ds5 and dd9 were very interested in how this all worked.

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That is too funny about the 3yo screaming that he wanted to vote!!!! Sarah, you are such a freak - you have been too much hands on in your homeschooling/raising your kids! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


:lol: Apparently if I'm hands-on enough I can get him to make every major life decision in his third year of life. Then I can sit back and relax for awhile. :D

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My voting funny today. I have never voted before and told the kids we would walk over to the polling station to do so today for my first time ever. Ds(5) pipes up and says "I'll teach you mom I already voted today!" (He went with Grandpa to the polling station on his way home from his sleepover). SO off we went, and sure enough he talked me through it, told me where to mark my 'x', (I put it in my own spot though not on the name poppa chose lol), and then he put it in the box. He was so proud when we were done and told the next person we say that he taught his mom how to vote.


My oldest had no interest and sat on a bench across the room but ds5 and dd9 were very interested in how this all worked.



So cute :D

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I'm watching the election results right now...I always wonder who actually votes NDP :confused:


I guess we don't get our majority. I'm watching Jack Layton right now talk about how he's going to fight, fight, fight in parliament for the Canadian people; which means there's going to be a whole lot of fighting and not a lot of doing going on. I'm hoping that the new distribution of parliament will mean that the conservatives have a better chance of working with other parties (instead of fighting against them!) to actually get something done.

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I know, Canadian politics is really boring - especially compared to the upcoming American election and all the hoopla surrounding it. But, it's voting day for us Canadians and I'm excited!


I've been reading Canada Votes! with the kids and I'm on my way to the polling station with them right now. Personally, I'm hoping we can manage to vote in a majority government.


Anyone else voting today?



Yes! I did vote.


I wish I could say I felt good about it. I am a party member (Communist Party of Canada), but there was no candidate in my riding. Big surprise -- not.


Sadly, though... my party of second choice had a very, very poor candidate, IMO. They were basically a fly-in. I was so disappointed that I knew I wouldn't be voting for them either.


So, I did something that I may never live down. I voted so far right-winger that I think my poor little CPC party card cried in my wallet, but not so far right-winger that it burst into flames.


Still... I do wish I'd had a candidate I could've really gotten excited about.


BTW, I voted Tory. The PCs took the riding in a landslide.

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Still... I do wish I'd had a candidate I could've really gotten excited about.


BTW, I voted Tory. The PCs took the riding in a landslide.


I just want to say that I for one am so happy that this election is over. The partisanship and the hateful rants and baiting comments and over-the-top threads that we have had to endure from this bitter Canadian election have been almost more than I can bear. :glare:



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LOL, Pam!


I can't vote here, but as I was driving around listening to the results pour in I was tickled pink by how "Canadian" it all is. Not a hint of rancor anywhere. All very grown up and proper. The new stations obeyed the election laws that prohibit them from telling you what's happening in the east if you live in the west, etc....no results are supposed to be known until EVERYONE gets to vote.


How incredibly civilized!

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I just want to say that I for one am so happy that this election is over. The partisanship and the hateful rants and baiting comments and over-the-top threads that we have had to endure from this bitter Canadian election have been almost more than I can bear. :glare:





Oh. We do sincerely apologize.


We have to. We're Canadian.

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BTW, I voted Tory. The PCs took the riding in a landslide.


Now, now. As a former PC I resent that comment. The PCs were a party that a person with liberal social leanings could feel comfortable in. The Conservative party is a whole different beast. I voted PC all my life up until the Reform and PC parties merged (curse you Peter McKay!) and never voted Conservative after that.


*sigh* and that's the best I can do for hate and bitterness. :001_smile:

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My 13 yo has to do a short paper on the election results, specifically about our riding. He begged me to stay up late to watch, and I had to break it to him that watching the election results come in is about as exciting as watching paint dry. He did see me jump up and near-curse at one commentator who was discussing a number of ridings where only ONE poll had reported. "We don't care if candidate X is ahead by 4 votes with 36 votes returned!!!" God bless the CBC and the poor sods who have to chitchat from 9 pm onwards!

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I just want to say that I for one am so happy that this election is over. The partisanship and the hateful rants and baiting comments and over-the-top threads that we have had to endure from this bitter Canadian election have been almost more than I can bear. :glare:







I can't decide if we're civilized or apathetic. Did anyone else see the eligible voter turnout on CTV? Nationally we averaged 58%. Apparently the 2004 election in the US averaged 64%, though, so I guess we're not *that* much more apathetic. I have heard the Canadian political climate referred to as the "Tyranny of Nice", however...

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I can't decide if we're civilized or apathetic. Did anyone else see the eligible voter turnout on CTV? Nationally we averaged 58%. Apparently the 2004 election in the US averaged 64%, though, so I guess we're not *that* much more apathetic. I have heard the Canadian political climate referred to as the "Tyranny of Nice", however...


I can't believe how few people voted! Why would someone choose not to vote? At the very least it's got to be humiliating to admit that you didn't manage to get your butt off the couch long enough to vote. I think that would be enough to get me to the polling station.

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I learned that I won't be buying a bottle of wine today - apparently you can't buy alcohol while the polling stations are open.


I didn't know that. I figured they might be closed part of the time to allow for the employees to vote (they get 3 clear hours to vote) but I didn't think it would be closed the whole day.


I guess I've never tried to go to the liquor store on election day?!

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I just want to say that I for one am so happy that this election is over. The partisanship and the hateful rants and baiting comments and over-the-top threads that we have had to endure from this bitter Canadian election have been almost more than I can bear. :glare:




It is pretty dry compared to what happens south of the border!

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I can't believe how few people voted! Why would someone choose not to vote? At the very least it's got to be humiliating to admit that you didn't manage to get your butt off the couch long enough to vote. I think that would be enough to get me to the polling station.


Personally I think the fact that it seemed to be called without any real reason, the nastiness from the Cons, the noodly-limpness from the Libs and the fact that in the last few days it looked like we were doing all this to end up with basically the same structure in the parliment all played a role.

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I didn't know that. I figured they might be closed part of the time to allow for the employees to vote (they get 3 clear hours to vote) but I didn't think it would be closed the whole day.


I guess I've never tried to go to the liquor store on election day?!


I was out and about last night and noticed that the liquor store was open - I guess they've reformed that law since my version of Canada Votes was published.

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