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So, what do you all think about all the voter fraud we're seeing BEFORE

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the election. I just read that the Obama campaign paid ACORN $800,000 to get folks registered to vote. I'm glad this news is coming out before we vote, but I've had a feeling all along that there would be voter issues with this election. I think the whole thing is insane.

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the election. I just read that the Obama campaign paid ACORN $800,000 to get folks registered to vote. I'm glad this news is coming out before we vote, but I've had a feeling all along that there would be voter issues with this election. I think the whole thing is insane.


:iagree: it's very distressing.


Does Obama not think he can get elected on his own without the help of fraud?

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the election. I just read that the Obama campaign paid ACORN $800,000 to get folks registered to vote. I'm glad this news is coming out before we vote, but I've had a feeling all along that there would be voter issues with this election. I think the whole thing is insane.

Accusations like this come up every election.


Some things that might not mentioned on FOX News.


(1) ACORN actually flags suspicious registrations

(2) In many states, ACORN is required to submit all registration forms, suspicious or not (this makes sense, you wouldn't want anyone throwing out all those registering for a specific party).

(3) When people are paid according to the number of new voter registrations they get filled out (or initiative signatures, etc.), past experience shows us that some pad their income by submitting false applications.

(4) Fraudulent new voter registrations rarely translate into fraudulent votes (see 3, above).


Here's a list of requirements for voting absentee in every state. You'll see that in most cases, a newly registered voted cannot simply have an absentee ballot mailed to them.

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:iagree: it's very distressing.


Does Obama not think he can get elected on his own without the help of fraud?

The polls I see show Obama comfortably ahead. Most major pollsters use lists of previously registered voters as "likely voters", so newly registered voters are omitted from their surveys. Edited by nmoira
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Yes, I was completely appalled by the attempt of the GOP to fraudulently purge voter rolls in Montana. From The Montana Standard newspaper:


Frank St. Pierre, of Anaconda, fought in World War II. He is one of the most decorated living veterans in America. And yet, on Wednesday, my party — the Montana Republican Party — tried to invalidate his voter registration because he lives in a county with a lot of Democrats. Incredible as this may sound to you, it is the truth.


[. . . .]


It appears that Republican operatives looked to gain an advantage by purging as many voters as possible from counties that lean Democrat. The director of the Republican Party issued a blanket challenge to validly registered voters based on false criteria, trying to persuade election clerks that a mere change of mailing address is grounds for automatic cancellation of voter registration.


Not only was the effort blatantly deceptive, but the Republicans based their challenge on a national change-of-address database from an out-of-state vendor who sells personal information. Among other problems, this database lists servicemen and women who have been deployed overseas as having moved out of Montana. In other words, if you go to Iraq, or Afghanistan, or Fort Sill, Okla., to report for active duty, you have "moved out of the state" according to this list.


A significant number of the 6,000 voters targeted were servicemen, including Kevin Furey, a former state legislator from Missoula who left the legislature to serve in Iraq; Cindie Kalan-Green, who is also serving in Iraq; and Mathew Robison, who I am told has been deployed to Fort Drum.


Many were college students and elderly people. For example, Babe Aspholm, of Anaconda, an elderly man, simply moved across town from his house to a senior living center. The Republicans tried to void his registration. Tom Detonacour, a policeman from Deer Lodge County who simply bought a house in another county, also got targeted.


But worst of all is the legendary Frank St. Pierre, 86, also of Anaconda, who helped save thousands of allied troops at Dunkirk in World War II and has 10 Medals of Honor. St. Pierre, too, moved from one end of town to the other, and the Republicans tried to void his and his wife's registrations. I have a copy of the signed affidavits from the Republicans, declaring that Frank and Marilyn St. Pierre's voter registrations must be purged. An utter disgrace.




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Doesn't McCain think he can get elected without constantly stretching the truth about ACORN?



While Mr. Obama did represent Acorn in a lawsuit in 1995, Acorn was on the same side as the Justice Department.


The Obama campaign described the accusations as a spurious effort to tie Mr. Obama to potentially fraudulent voter registrations.

“Barack Obama strongly condemns voter registration fraud or any other breach of election law by any party or group,†Ben LaBolt, a campaign spokesman, said in a statement.

Acorn, whose political action committee has endorsed Mr. Obama, has said that the investigations into its voter registration work are politically motivated.

“Rumors of Acorn’s voter fraud have been greatly exaggerated and to a large extent manufactured,†Bertha Lewis, the organization’s interim chief organizer, or chief executive, said Monday in a conference call to announce that the organization had registered 1.3 million people to vote.


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This kind of thing was going on in the primaries as well. A woman took homeless people to the early voting booths where you register and vote in the same instance. The poll workers kept seeing the same woman come in with different people, barely able to stand or focus, and she would basically vote for them. They could not prove she was voting in their place or merely assisting them until she had already "helped" many, many people. There was a whole ring of these helpers at various early voting places in our county that got busted. I don't know if this "helper" was pulling for Hilary or Barack, but it was one or the other. I learned the story when I worked at the primary election from an election official -- a Democrat. I learned last week at a training session for this upcoming election that in NC, polling officials are forbidden under most circumstances to check voter identification.


Voter fraud is illegal. I hope it will be punished for our freedom's sake, and as many fraudulent voter ID's as possible are removed.

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is, I suppose, a big deal. My FIL filled me in on how evil they are this weekend.


It was pretty scary telling everybody in my 4th TN district family how I am voting and articulating why. *shudder* I am not a brave person.

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I think Obama's going to win by condoning and funding cheating and identity theft.
Any proof, please. Especially the identity theft part.
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the election. I just read that the Obama campaign paid ACORN $800,000 to get folks registered to vote. I'm glad this news is coming out before we vote, but I've had a feeling all along that there would be voter issues with this election. I think the whole thing is insane.


I know I'm new here, but it disturbs me greatly to see such claims thrown about without any substantiation. Voter fraud is a very serious charge and in spite of the Republicans always crying "voter fraud", it almost never happens in our country. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/12/washington/12fraud.html Voters are far more likely to be disenfranchised than to show up to vote under fraudulent terms. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/09/us/politics/09voting.html


There is a difference between registering someone to vote and them actually coming out to cast a vote, which is what a "voter" is-- someone who votes. Therefore, it is impossible to have voter fraud before a vote is cast. As I understand it, Acorn flags registrations it sees as potentially fraudulent and, by law, they have to turn them in. Even if Acorn weren't cooperating the way they have been, the fraudulent registrations to the number registered is extremely low.


Here is a link to an article which sums this, non-story, up quite nicely. It's partisan but has plenty of links for anyone interested in finding out the truth. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2008/oct/13/election-acorn-voter-fraud


BTW, I've been lurking for quite a while and have only jumped in occasionally. Politics are not for the faint of heart and my heart just is not strong enough for some of the political discussions around here. LOL So, I just read and glean what I can from those wiser than myself about all kinds of topics.

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the election. I just read that the Obama campaign paid ACORN $800,000 to get folks registered to vote. I'm glad this news is coming out before we vote, but I've had a feeling all along that there would be voter issues with this election. I think the whole thing is insane.


When making claims like this there should be some link in the post. There must have been some good quality evidence to make you accept this, please feel free to pass it on.


By now linking should be required considering all the half-truths and rumours going around about the candidate this election.

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I learned last week at a training session for this upcoming election that in NC, polling officials are forbidden under most circumstances to check voter identification.




Laura, I also hope you learned about voter assistance laws. "Federal and State laws also allow assistance for blind, disabled or illiterate voters by anyone of their choice, except the voter's employer or union agent."

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From the above article:


"ACORN's political wing has endorsed Barack Obama for president, but Ben LaBolt, a spokesman for the Obama campaign in Ohio, said ACORN has no role in its get-out-the-vote drive.


During the primary season, however, the Obama camp paid another group, Citizen Service Inc., $832,598 for various political services, according to Federal Elections Commission filings. That group and ACORN share the same board of directors. "



CNN report about ACORN and mentions Obama's contribution of $800,000 to ACORN.



More on Obama's association with ACORN.




And for those interested in more info on Obama's ties to ACORN.




ACORN has a long history of voter fraud. It seems to me, that if they truly wanted to put a stop to a lot of the fraud, they would stop paying their workers for the number of registered voters. Their policy of pay/voter card encourages fraud. I think they know that and continue flooding the elections offices around the country with fraudulent cards knowing that there aren't enough workers to catch every fraudulent card.

Edited by Jean too
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Voter fraud essentially IS identity theft, of course.


Googling "ACORN" and "IDENTITY THEFT"...


This is the one I saw yesterday, first, from the New York Post: 7-year-old gets acorn vote








Google "Obama Funding Acorn"






There was a difficulty, of course, in finding articles that would be acceptable to you. The liberal media would rather not rat on its Beloved, and the conservative media is "biased." I still managed to find several links from reputable sources that cut through all the lies and exaggerations on both sides. One of the major problems in this campaign is the difficulty finding substantive proof about anything said.

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Voter fraud is as old as politics. It's been going on in the US since we began elections. I'm not saying it's ok, really, but would personally be hypocritical to get upset because the election might not go in my preferred direction. Anyone remember the term "machine politics"? Voter fraud will happen until we do something well ahead of election time to stop it. One month before a presidential election is not the time to work ourselves into a frenzy. It should've been immediately following the last presidential election, when it was fresh in our minds.

I pray that Obama does not win, but can't get upset because his party is playing by the deceitful, tacitly accepted rules of 250 years.

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Really? Can you provide credible links showing any Republican organization involved with voter fraud?


No. I said I "figure" which means it's what I'm thinking. It is entirely speculation on my part.


Of course, I am old enough to remember watching the Watergate hearings, so I've always *figured* there is corruption, on both sides, whether they've been caught or not.

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It took me awhile to go through the links. There isn't any new information about the current investigation into ACORN. If you are going to classify a canvasser using football players' names (dead or alive) rather than false names, absent correct DL and SS numbers, then yes, identity fraud has taken place. However, the fraud is by the canvassers. Do you think that any of these instances will result in a fraudulent vote being cast?


Remember, that ACORN does flag registrations is considers to be suspicious.


As for what media outlets are acceptable to me: I prefer documented facts so I can evaluate their validity.


Voter fraud essentially IS identity theft, of course.


Googling "ACORN" and "IDENTITY THEFT"...


This is the one I saw yesterday, first, from the New York Post: 7-year-old gets acorn vote








Google "Obama Funding Acorn"






There was a difficulty, of course, in finding articles that would be acceptable to you. The liberal media would rather not rat on its Beloved, and the conservative media is "biased." I still managed to find several links from reputable sources that cut through all the lies and exaggerations on both sides. One of the major problems in this campaign is the difficulty finding substantive proof about anything said.

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Voter fraud is as old as politics. It's been going on in the US since we began elections. I'm not saying it's ok, really, but would personally be hypocritical to get upset because the election might not go in my preferred direction. Anyone remember the term "machine politics"? Voter fraud will happen until we do something well ahead of election time to stop it. One month before a presidential election is not the time to work ourselves into a frenzy. It should've been immediately following the last presidential election, when it was fresh in our minds.

I pray that Obama does not win, but can't get upset because his party is playing by the deceitful, tacitly accepted rules of 250 years.


I just have to say, I don't understand how your guys'system works.


Canada has a government department that runs elections and maintains a voter's list. The list is always there and is made up of information supplied by:


Canada Revenue Agency; Canada Post Corporation (National Change of Address Service); provincial and territorial motor vehicle registrars; provincial electoral agencies with permanent voters lists; Citizenship and Immigration Canada; Provincial and territorial vital statistics registrars.


You can also be sworn in on the day of the election. Simple.


Can I add we also use paper ballots and just paper ballots for federal and provincial eoections?


Keeping the whole system simple and low tech seems to provide a lot of security and eliminate much of the potential for fraud.


You guys should definitely follow our lead on this! :D

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Really? Can you provide credible links showing any Republican organization involved with voter fraud?
These days the GOP is more into voter suppression, especially in areas with relatively high populations of traditionally Democratic voters. I believe there are already some links in this thread, but let me know if you'd like more.
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I just have to say, I don't understand how your guys'system works.


Canada has a government department that runs elections and maintains a voter's list. The list is always there and is made up of information supplied by:




You can also be sworn in on the day of the election. Simple.


Can I add we also use paper ballots and just paper ballots for federal and provincial eoections?


Keeping the whole system simple and low tech seems to provide a lot of security and eliminate much of the potential for fraud.


You guys should definitely follow our lead on this! :D

And every vote is counted by hand, typically with party scrutineers present.


Dawn, the main problem as I understand it is that states are responsible for administering elections rather than the federal government.

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Dawn, the main problem as I understand it is that states are responsible for administering elections rather than the federal government.


Ah! Of course! That explains all the different voting methods...I think I knew this and then forgot somewhere along the line.

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ACORN has a long history of being accused of voter fraud (typically right before an election). On subsequent investigation, it turns out that any fraudulent registrations did not translate into fraudulent votes. A registration is not the same thing as a vote.


Could it be that ACORN purposely floods the election boards with fraudulent registrations in the final days before an election knowing that there will not be enough workers and time to process all of the registrations?


It appears that it has already resulted in fraudulent voting this time.


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Could it be that ACORN purposely floods the election boards with fraudulent registrations in the final days before an election knowing that there will not be enough workers and time to process all of the registrations?


It appears that it has already resulted in fraudulent voting this time.



Here in NC you cannot register anymore. Do some states allow you to register all the way up to the election?

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I've been a judge at voting precinct for several years now, and I was an assistant judge in those elections I was not a judge. Yes, I know about assisting voters. The assistants are supposed to be advised by the voters about whom to vote for, not the other way around. In the case of the local voter fraud, the voters being "assisted" were simply present. The "assistants" did the actual voting.



I learned last week at a training session for this upcoming election that in NC, polling officials are forbidden under most circumstances to check voter identification.

Laura, I also hope you learned about voter assistance laws. "Federal and State laws also allow assistance for blind, disabled or illiterate voters by anyone of their choice, except the voter's employer or union agent."


You quoted me speaking about voter identification, but you commented about voter assistance. These are two different types of voter fraud that you seem to have conflated. Voter ID would be verified at the registration table, usually only with a simple stating of name and street address. Assistants do not need to give even that. The intention of the voter should be clear in the polling place. If the voter has no intention of actually voting, the officials at the polling place are usually smart enough to pick that up, but are powerless to do anything about it. Even when the same woman came in and repeatedly "helped" and registered several voters who had no intention or awareness of voting, the polling place workers risked a lawsuit.


My point was, actually, that voter fraud is pretty easy to get away with.

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Keeping the whole system simple and low tech seems to provide a lot of security and eliminate much of the potential for fraud.


You guys should definitely follow our lead on this! :D


Totally agree!!!


The other thing I don't understand about the US is the whole being registered as a certain party supporter? What is that about? I don't get that at all. Being a party member or supporter should have nothing to do with being on a list of eligible voters. To me, as an outsider, your system often looks bafflingly and unnecessarily complicated, and rife with opportunities to defraud or disenfranchise.


Off to vote this morning - in an election which, btw, was just calledless than 6 weeks ago. We like to do things quickly:001_smile: Your campaigns are exhausting too .......

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You mean the guy who owed his (s)election to fraud?


No, the one whose party offered several methods of recount to the other party, which rejected all of them, only to find that each of those methods would have resulted in their candidate winning. The other party insisted on their method instead, resulting in W's win, which was upheld by the Supreme Court. The various proposed methods were all analyzed and the results documented and reported by a liberal FL newspaper, although I don't remember which one.

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I learned last week at a training session for this upcoming election that in NC, polling officials are forbidden under most circumstances to check voter identification.


This is something that has always baffled me about NC. When we lived in MD, we were required to show ID or our voter registration cards before we could vote. In NC, anyone can walk in and claim to be someone else. There have been numerous cases reported in the news of people not being allowed to vote because someone else voted in their name.

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Which brings us to Mr. Obama, who got his start as a Chicago "community organizer" at Acorn's side. In 1992 he led voter registration efforts as the director of Project Vote, which included Acorn. This past November, he lauded Acorn's leaders for being "smack dab in the middle" of that effort. Mr. Obama also served as a lawyer for Acorn in 1995, in a case against Illinois to increase access to the polls.


During his tenure on the board of Chicago's Woods Fund, that body funneled more than $200,000 to Acorn. More recently, the Obama campaign paid $832,000 to an Acorn affiliate. The campaign initially told the Federal Election Commission this money was for "staging, sound, lighting." It later admitted the cash was to get out the vote.

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From the above article:


"ACORN's political wing has endorsed Barack Obama for president, but Ben LaBolt, a spokesman for the Obama campaign in Ohio, said ACORN has no role in its get-out-the-vote drive.


During the primary season, however, the Obama camp paid another group, Citizen Service Inc., $832,598 for various political services, according to Federal Elections Commission filings. That group and ACORN share the same board of directors. "



CNN report about ACORN and mentions Obama's contribution of $800,000 to ACORN.



More on Obama's association with ACORN.




And for those interested in more info on Obama's ties to ACORN.




ACORN has a long history of voter fraud. It seems to me, that if they truly wanted to put a stop to a lot of the fraud, they would stop paying their workers for the number of registered voters. Their policy of pay/voter card encourages fraud. I think they know that and continue flooding the elections offices around the country with fraudulent cards knowing that there aren't enough workers to catch every fraudulent card.


I couldn't resist this one. :lol:



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Yes, please.


When available, I've used Wikipedia entries because of the variety of sources provided. Whatever you think of Wikipedia, these particular entries are well sources.


Voter Suppression General entry


Phone Jamming: James Tobin, who, in addition to what's here was today indicted for making false statements to the FBI. Please note the links to articles at the bottom of the page. Note also who paid his legal bills.




Harder to pin down because they are usually local stories are reports of robo calls telling voters such things as their polling place has moved, or on a different day. If I get some time, I'll try to provide some more mainstream links for reports such as these.




Republican voter registration fraud in Nevada (2004 election), company hired by RNC -- here's a more indepth article on Salon.com -- RNC paid Sproul over $8 million and attempted to hide how much they actually paid. Democratic party registrations were thrown away or destroyed.

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This was the highlight of the article.


Mickey Mouse tried to register to vote in Florida this summer, but Orange County elections officials rejected his application, which had an ACORN stamp on it.


Somehow it doesn't seem like a very well thought out attempt to submit a fraudulent vote.

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Could it be that ACORN purposely floods the election boards with fraudulent registrations in the final days before an election knowing that there will not be enough workers and time to process all of the registrations?


It appears that it has already resulted in fraudulent voting this time.



Nash had registered to vote repeatedly from an address that belonged to a legitimately registered voter, officials said during a hearing at which the subpoenaed voters were to testify.



Board officials had contacted Nash this summer, questioned his address and told him to stop repeat registering.




But still, he breezed into Ohio election offices - the state allows early voting for president - reregistered with a fake address and cast a paper ballot, officials said.




"He came in on 9/30 and Mr. Nash again registered to vote at [someone else's] address, and he cast a ballot," said board official Jane Platten.

This has what to do with ACORN? Was he an employee? No actual connection is mentioned in the article. I'm assuming that some of his false registrations were submitted by ACORN, but even that's not clear.


As for the 4000 suspected fraudulent applications submitted, I'm am trying to confirm whether Ohio is one of the states that requires civic organizations to submit all gathered registration forms, suspicious or not. I would also like to see data on how many of these applications were flagged as suspicious by ACORN.

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I quoted you, Laura, because you said on a previous page that you'd gone to a training session last week. I mistakenly assumed this was your first time at training since you said you'd learned poll workers aren't allowed to ask for identification. Even before I became a judge I was informed that we could not ask for identification UNLESS it was so noted in the poll book since NC law requires voters to state their name and street address once they're properly registered, nothing more. (And it's a dumb law; we were told in the spring there's an effort afoot to change it.)


I then brought up the law (that you may or may not have gone over in training) that says voters may have assistance on the panels because based on what you'd said previously I couldn't see how a successful case could be made that voter fraud was taking place. Clearly, NC law as written didn't prohibit her from accompanying them in the voting booth if they chose to allow it.


Did the woman who brought voters to the polls provide all the information necessary for the registrations? Did she sign their names on the authorization forms for them? Outside these occurences, it all appears to be legal.

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