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I have a challenge for y'all

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We celebrated tonight to coincide with shift work schedules.


So I cooked all day for my family and extended family. All day cooking . . .twenty minutes eating. (Okay maybe a bit longer if you include dessert.)


This week has been crazy, busy. My mom is visiting from out of town and I am feeling constantly STRETCHED. She leaves Tuesday morning and after that I'm cutting my schedule.


Hey Jennifer I read your blog and love your thoughts regarding the internet. I am going to schedule my internet time so that I don't waste too much time.


I'm guessing my kids would love for me to cut their school schedule in half too! lol!:lol:

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I'll tell you guys a secret: I've just written out all my "to-do's" for Sunday through Tuesday so far....and I'm looking at those lists and thinking, "But...but...but... I HAVE to do all of that!"



LOL. It's just for ONE WEEK! The housework, homework and schoolwork will all be there next week, too.


Let's hold hands and jump in together, shall we?

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You can have half my list!


I just went through my schedule for next week. What I finally did was write out a schedule and delete things until I had some empty spaces - that worked better than trying to just take things off of a list.


Even tomorrow in the middle of getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner I gave myself a 2.5 hour `time out`.


Now would someone tell me why when I use my shift key I`m getting weird symbols instead of the normal things like questions marksÉ (see what I mean)



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You can have half my list!


I just went through my schedule for next week. What I finally did was write out a schedule and delete things until I had some empty spaces - that worked better than trying to just take things off of a list.


Even tomorrow in the middle of getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner I gave myself a 2.5 hour `time out`.


Now would someone tell me why when I use my shift key I`m getting weird symbols instead of the normal things like questions marksÉ (see what I mean)




Why are you having thanksgiving so early?

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Oh Jennifer, that sounds WAY too hard. I'm going to think on it tomorrow. I'm not good with just "being." Not saying I'm not willing to give it a shot, just that this is SCARY (muhahaha) stuff for me.


And I think the winner should get a tiara. Or maybe a box of pencils. They're both so useful in their own way.

Edited by Amy in Orlando
one more thing
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I will think about it tomorrow as well. I have so much on my plate that seems non-negotiable, I am not sure what I would cut. The other problem is that I am inclined to be a procrastinator, so I feel like I already sit around not doing stuff I am supposed to be doing.


Whether I do the challenge or not, I like the idea of a tiara, as Amy suggested.

Maybe a tiara AND a box of pencils!

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What if we love the things we are doing? I have to be at my son's soccer game, but there is no place I'd rather be than cheering him on from the sidelines. I have to go to play practice on Friday and Saturday night, but we are all so excited to be in this play together as a family. I have to clean my house, but I actually like a clean house. I have to go to work on T and TH, but I like my job.


PS. I even like my to-do lists. ;)


I think the point is well taken, and many of us over-commit ourselves until we can't breathe, but it is possible to be busy and completely sane and happy! I love the idea of having nothing to do at all, really I do!! But, I'm going to save your challenge until next summer when I really can get rid of everything. :001_smile:

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Of course you pick one of my craziest weeks to post this. Thankgiving dinner tonight, bible study wednesday, 3 kids swimming lessons wednesday, music lessons Thursday, Ds leaves for his first cadet camp Friday night, which means in addition to all the schoolwork, housework etc I have to scramble to pack everything on his list, which means a shopping trip for things like boots is in order. And the rest of the month isn't looking much different. Maybe in November I will have a day to cut my to do list in half, let alone a whole week. Chances are by the time I can cut a whole week's worth of to do's out it will be 2009.

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I've done a similar type of exercise several times now. Margie Lawson's course on Defeat Self Defeating Bhvrs (for writers & other artists) has you do a pie of life. Part 1 is to draw a circle & divvie it up into 24 h. Get out your pencil crayons & color in the # of hours you need to sleep in order to feel good & stay healthy. The rest of the pie is the rest of your life.


A good way to do part 2 is to pretend you're a lawyer on billable hours for the entire day. Chart either 5 min or 15 min increments - what are you doing? Meal prep, homeschooling, playing with kids, running errands, tv, email, brushing toddler's teeth..... Pay attention to how long these tasks take. Most people underestimate how long it takes to do certain tasks. Keep a chart just for one day (if your weekends are really different, then do two charts)


Once you have your billable hours chart of your day, add up the times in whatever categories you want to create & start putting this on your pie by coloring in sections for meal prep, cleaning, homeschool, hs prep/research, reading, etc etc etc.


How much time do you have for exercise? How much time do you have for yourself to sit & think? How much time do you actually spend with your kids, focused on them & really 'with' them?


Inevitably, people find that there is no way their "life" fits into 24h.


And then comes the difficult but also exciting part. Get a clean 24h pie chart & design your life. Pick the things you truly want to be doing & color them in first, then slot in the things you have to do (if you're absolutely certain you really have to do them). The rest - well, there's no room for them in your life now. Put those things away, at least for now, and enjoy the things you have chosen to do, which you now really have time and energy for.

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Question from the stoopid corner - do you guys eat turkey too? If not, where do you put the stuffing?:001_smile:


Thanksgiving here in Canada is pretty much the same as the states, without the parade, pilgrims and mayflower. The dinner itself is still Turkey with all the trimmings (we do a turkey and a ham in my family with enough fixings to make sure we all take home enough leftovers for a at least a few days).

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I have implemented some of this by chance lately. We started having siesta time after school. I get at least at hour to do what I want, nap, goof around online, etc.


Since my to do list usually involves house work, school, and siestas, I'll gladly eliminate the housework this week. :D


Seriously, I already have school planned for the week, the laundry is not too bad, only a few dirty dishes and my dh is already on his afternoon nap.


I'm liking your challenge.

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We've pretty much planned our lives around this. lol Sometimes I actually feel guilty.


But OTOH, I drive more that I like. Each of the 3 children (I have 4 children, but one is away at college) had an activity (& we do not 'overshedule') yesterday. There was a soccer game, a track meet, & a music perfromance to attend.


Today is a nothing day for my youngest & I. (Dh is taking the older kids to see The Reduced Shakespeare Co this aft. So happy they finally came our way!)


Tomorow is total chill day-- yeah holidays.

Edited by LibraryLover
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What if we love the things we are doing? I have to be at my son's soccer game, but there is no place I'd rather be than cheering him on from the sidelines.





That's true, too. We were so busy yesterday, but there wasn't anything to be cut, or that I wanted to cut. The music was amazing and enjoyable, my dd beat her PR, and my baby scored the winning goal with 10 seconds left in the game.


And todayy-- the reduced Shakepeare Co. That cannot not be missed. I'd feel worse if they didn't get to go.


But I totally get what the OP means. So much time is spent running around like chikckens with our heads cut off. Taking the time to be thoughtful and intentional is worthy of our efforts.

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Okay - Tiaras for everyone!


You all are hitting the nail right on the head - last night I made my to-do lists and when I went over them there were lots that just had to be done and lots that I liked to do.....so what do I do?


I found it easier to write out my schedules for each day and mess around with them. I found ways to consolidate "to-dos" - for instance, it makes sense to have my kids practice their music while I cook dinner. They can practice in the dining room, or just come when they need help, etc.


I made myself clear about four to five hours of time each day for "nothing". That doesn't mean I won't do anything during those times - but I won't "schedule" things for me to do. If I want to read more, great. If I want a bath then, fine (even though I've scheduled one for earlier). If I want to work more on my novel.....that's just peachy. But if I don't, that's peachy too.


There's a reason why this exercise is just for one week....because we ARE busy people and because we are capable of filling our time with things we WANT to do.


Clearing time for one week means that we get the chance to rediscover what it is we WANT to do....and to rediscover that we have time to do it!

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There's a reason why this exercise is just for one week....because we ARE busy people and because we are capable of filling our time with things we WANT to do.


Clearing time for one week means that we get the chance to rediscover what it is we WANT to do....and to rediscover that we have time to do it!


I think it is a wonderful reminder. I try to remind myself to take joy in spending time with my children, instead of looking at it as time that is unproductive.

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Since my to do list usually involves house work, school, and siestas, I'll gladly eliminate the housework this week. :D




Hee, that was the first thing I thought of. Well, actually I was wondering if I should clean the litter boxes half as often. But that might lead to cleaning the floors after Mrs. Fussy Pants realizes the boxes aren't in perfect order, so it wouldn't be much of a time savings.

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Nice idea! I've already got "DO NOTHING" in my schedule. I get 30 minutes every morning before the kids get up to read my book, and I get Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings. *sigh* I LIVE for Friday mornings!


Scheduling free time if you have to takes the guilt out of not doing those things on your To Do list because you are doing what's on your schedule. It's a good idea.

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Hee, that was the first thing I thought of. Well, actually I was wondering if I should clean the litter boxes half as often. But that might lead to cleaning the floors after Mrs. Fussy Pants realizes the boxes aren't in perfect order, so it wouldn't be much of a time savings.



:lol::lol::lol::lol: My cat has two litter boxes in his closet. I will not slack on that job either.

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