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I think I am fairly self-censoring when it comes to these types of threads, but I am only human. If I have said or done anything to make you feel as if I think badly about you for your obviously well researched stance, please forgive me. I truly meant no offense. I think I will take a board break as soon as I get done PMing my friends to rally support for myself. I am going invisible now for just a little while to give you a chance to follow up with messages about how valuable I am to this community. I will pretend not to see them.

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I'm sorry people, but none of you have backed up your statements with statistics. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that 95% of us think 42% of women and 37% of men over age 40 are entangled in zero sum games at least 75% of their 16 daily nonsleeping hours. Hence one can only conclude (with a 2.85% standard deviation) that 56% of the remaining 5% only think on Tuesdays or Thursdays, particularly when the sun is not shining or when House is not being aired.



Is everyone clear now on the facts of the matter?


Well then, to this I would add:


I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve. So there! :toetap05:

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Digression into semantics. Needing to feel intelligent after a day spent mediating juvenile disputes I pointlessly bring up the fact that I learned the difference between lagomorphs and rodents when many of the parents on this board were too young to have realized that anyone might lump cute little bunnies with scary looking rats.


Secretly wonder if vet stands for veteran instead of animal doctor:tongue_smilie::D

Throws around more medical terminology in the hopes that no one will suspect that I am not a real veterinarian, I just play one on TV.

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She also wonders how long the thread will be allowed to continue its downward spiral before TPTB steps in and locks or deletes it, and wonders why only the posts supporting her candidate are being deleted...


Oh really, Cindy? Gosh, it's amazing how two people can look at the same thread and come to SUCH different conclusions. I don't see that AT ALL.


I think a complete count of which deletions were connected to which party is in order, hmmm?

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Oh really, Cindy? Gosh, it's amazing how two people can look at the same thread and come to SUCH different conclusions. I don't see that AT ALL.


I think a complete count of which deletions were connected to which party is in order, hmmm?


:Sits here fuming, wondering how it is that Mama Lynx has been channeling her so perfectly through this whole darn thread. :glare::





Sometimes it's good to go where everybody knows your name... and your M.O. I guess. Probably.

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Digression into semantics. Needing to feel intelligent after a day spent mediating juvenile disputes I pointlessly bring up the fact that I learned the difference between lagomorphs and rodents when many of the parents on this board were too young to have realized that anyone might lump cute little bunnies with scary looking rats.



Tenth grade biology way back sometime in the 20th century...

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Throws around more medical terminology in the hopes that no one will suspect that I am not a real veterinarian, I just play one on TV.


Cindy, who as a child dreamed of entering the medical profession, throws around more terminology because it apparently makes her sound like she knows what she's talking about... :tongue_smilie:

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Cindy, who as a child dreamed of entering the medical profession, throws around more terminology because it apparently makes her sound like she knows what she's talking about... :tongue_smilie:


Time to bring up ever more unrelated-to-OPs post regarding relatives who act, relatives who are doctors, and her dad who has performed some surgery on animals despite the fact that he's an MD. Mentions the time he tied the tubes of a dog so she could "have some fun" but not have puppies, and how her mother learned to be an expert with a bb gun shooting all the male dogs that hung around all.the.doggone.time afterward.

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Time to bring up ever more unrelated-to-OPs post regarding relatives who act, relatives who are doctors, and her dad who has performed some surgery on animals despite the fact that he's an MD. Mentions the time he tied the tubes of a dog so she could "have some fun" but not have puppies, and how her mother learned to be an expert with a bb gun shooting all the male dogs that hung around all.the.doggone.time afterward.


Wait, is this still satire?

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Wait, is this still satire?


Posts protest that surely one's associations are fair game. Particularly as regards animal contraception and curtailment of animal reproductive rights. Particularly when said associations are *family* members.


ETA: I'm sorry, Zelda, I didn't realize it was a serious question! :blush:

Edited by Pam "SFSOM" in TN
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Posts protest that surely one's associations are fair game. Particularly as regards animal contraception and curtailment of animal reproductive rights. Particularly when said associations are *family* members.


ETA: I'm sorry, Zelda, I didn't realize it was a serious question! :blush:




No, no. I just found the dog story so funny that I had to know if it was true or still part of the satire.

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I knew it all along. Only a TV vet would think tin foil would slow down a bunch of thumbless rabbits intent on taking over your mind.


Defends position that mass invasion by lagamorphs was never covered in vet school and remains adament that tinfoil is to shield communication with other conspiracy theorists from uninvited listeners...rabbit or not rabbit. BWHAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAHAA!

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Time to bring up ever more unrelated-to-OPs post regarding relatives who act, relatives who are doctors, and her dad who has performed some surgery on animals despite the fact that he's an MD. Mentions the time he tied the tubes of a dog so she could "have some fun" but not have puppies, and how her mother learned to be an expert with a bb gun shooting all the male dogs that hung around all.the.doggone.time afterward.


Those darn MDs. Think they can operate on anything. Tell him to stick to the ONE species he learned about and leave the other several thousand to us:lol:! (Totally not serious, just had to get that jab in against "real" doctors)

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Defends position that mass invasion by lagamorphs was never covered in vet school and remains adament that tinfoil is to shield communication with other conspiracy theorists from uninvited listeners...rabbit or not rabbit. BWHAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAHAA!


Rolls eyes at shameless use of medical terminology obviously intended to obfuscate the issue.

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Thank you for respecting my political boundaries and need to be the last one to make up my mind. I do so love the endless late night telephone polls. For once in my life I feel they are listening.


I so admire your willingness to admit publicly that you are leaning toward my candidate. It warms the cockles of my heart. :grouphug:
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I eschew obfuscation!


And I eschew Juicy Fruit. So flipflappin' what? Just because you went to vet school and think you know more big words than I do and chew on exotic fruit, you think you're better than me and therefore your *candidate* is better than me?


Me thinks too much. -- Shakespear


(You're not the only one who knows literature and stuff, you know. :glare:)

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And I eschew Juicy Fruit. So flipflappin' what? Just because you went to vet school and think you know more big words than I do and chew on exotic fruit, you think you're better than me and therefore your *candidate* is better than me?


Me thinks too much. -- Shakespear


(You're not the only one who knows literature and stuff, you know. :glare:)

Are you trying to say "chew" like Ricky Ricardo says "explain"?:D

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Wait... maybe that only happens in the other forum I'm in.

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Laughs at all this nonsense about poltics and wonders why Americans can't have political threads that are civil like the Canadian politic threads that turn to Hockey by the end of the first page. Mocks duration of American election process since ours is over on Tuesday. Added of course just to not feel left out.


Then gets hot under the collar when no one cares.



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Posts to confess the new gumgate story has me leaning more towards the middle; while the idea of voting in an election in another country is sidetracking my train of thought.


I'm off to light more scented candles and watch an I Love Lucy Marathon and possibly animal planet.

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OK, so what if I am anti-rabbit! I'm not running for president!


Ah, but you ARE supporting a candidate for President ... what does YOUR stance against rabbits tell us about your candidate? Hmmm? Why would you vote for someone who does not share your stance on the issues? Clearly, your support of said candidate tells us ALL we need to know about him.

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