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Demeanor on college tours -- does it matter?


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Does anyone take note of student demeanor on college tours?  My son, like many teenagers, presents himself better when he's well rested.  


We have a college tour scheduled that would mean leaving home around 4:30 in the morning.  I'm trying to figure out whether it would be worth it to go down the night before and pay for a hotel.  

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A regular group college tour, with no special meetings? Unless it's a tiny college, they aren't likely to note or remember your ds, so I'd be okay with 'not at his best' as long as he is able to pay attention and be civil.


The hotel would be better, though, if it's on his short list and he's a rising senior. There tends to be a lot of walking and a lot of information thrown at you. Also, when we drove a bit of a distance, we always wanted to stay and eat lunch in the cafeteria and then wander the campus a bit for a more natural feel. 


If he's a rising junior, I'd probably drive up that morning and not worry about it. We did a fair number of college visits, it does get expensive! 

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No, nobody will notice the student' s demeanor on a regular college tour. They won't know the student from Adam.

Where it will be noticed is at individual department visits or private meetings with department chairs. But the general campus tour and admissions info session? Nobody will take notes.

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I vote for driving up the night before because you never know what will happen the next day. We went to the large fall open house at a university with thousands of other students and parents. But, when ds and dh walked into the college ds was interested in, the Dean of Fine and Applied Arts gave them a personal tour. As in - the Dean, my son and my husband, no one else. For that reason, I wouldn't count on not being remembered! 

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Go up the night before. From the moment you signed up for the tour they started a file on your child. They are tracking who is interested. Who sent an email with a follow up question, etc.

You never know who you are going to meet on the tour and you don't get a second chance to make a first impression.

Even the general open houses throw a lot of info at you and you want to be alert and present.

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You all have convinced me that my crack of dawn idea is a bad one!

Unfortunately, we can't go down the night before the day when we made the reservations, so I think we're going to go to another school in the other direction where the transportation works better, and save this one for a day when we can spend the night.


So, that brings me to my next question which is -- how do you cancel a tour you signed up for?  Is that going to reflect badly on us?

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I think it does matter. We know someone at Flagler college. They are small, but when we went to talk to UF ( we made a private appt) thwy said the same thing.


They commented on students coming through with lackadaisical attitude , demanor. Etc.


And that's true , they start paying attention right from the start. More people are attending college these days , it's competitive to get in and deal with acclimating to college life.


I would go the night before and get a hotel.


We live close to our schools so that helps but we have always been well dressed, like for a job interview , rested, fed lol, and minful of putting our beat foot forward .


I would take this opportunity to put beat foot forward and to stand out in a positive way. Asking pertinent questions shows them you are listening, make eye contact with school personnel, be friendly, smile, etc.


This all dies make a difference . it's been our experience anyway. 3 times around.


They want students who they know will make their college look good.

That starts right away. They will remember, even on the big schools.


It's like the scale goes with everything


Top few excelling on first impression = remembering positively


Top few making a negative impression with body language etc. = remember in a negative way


All the ones in the middle and the biggest number of student /employee what have you. = don't know from Adam lol


We always strived to be in that top few thst got remembered positively.


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We went on one yesterday. It's the largest school in my state, and there were 80 of us in the group. I seriously doubt that anyone noticed anything about us.


Later my oldest will have an interview with his department. That one will count.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I posted this a couple of years ago:


"My daughter who's home briefly for a time from South Korea went for a few days to visit friends at her alma mater.  (While I won't name the college, it's one of the Seven Sisters.)  One of her friends who just graduated is working for a year at the Admissions Office.  This friend is a first reader of applications, conducts tours and information sessions, interviews prospective students, and more.  My daughter shared a couple of tidbits that I found interesting.


First, those who write thank you letters after taking a guided tour and attending an information session (these are a package deal) or being interviewed are given a point towards admission.


Second, those students who are inattentive during the tour (by wearing head phones or ear buds, for example) lose a point.  (I know that discussions often arise about what a student should wear during tours; however, my daughter said that topic didn't come up.)"






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