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skin cancer again :(


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I went in a week ago to get a spot checked out on my nose. It looked like nothing almost...like a tiny pimple that just didn't go all the way away. Sometimes it was a bit bigger, sometimes almost totally gone. Right on the bridge of my nose, on the side, where my sunglasses sit kind of. At first I thought it was maybe irritation from the sunglasses, and that's why it wasn't going away. 


when I went in, she was almost positive it was benign, a hemangioma. But no. It's another basal cell. This will be the second one I've had removed in less than 6 months. Bergh. 


It's a tricky spot without much extra skin or tissue, but at least it is superficial, so hopefully they don't have to go into the cartilage. A plastic surgeon who comes into their office will take it off.  The one I had taken off the back of my knee didn't heal well and left an ugly scar, but I'm hoping that is just because of all the tension and movement in that spot. REALLY hoping it doesn't end up looking like that on my face. I'm not very vain, and a small scar is fine, but the one on the back of my knee is purple and ugly. 


Telling myself I'm glad it was caught early, and that I went in. And that she biopsied it even thinking it wasn't skin cancer. The other one grew for 10 years because two different dermatologists figured it was "nothing serious". 


Oh, and if I did manage to get pregnant this month (won't know for a few days) they can still take it off but will use the shorter acting, plain lidocaine. Which sucks, because I chew through anesthetics really really fast. Red head :)


anyway, it's not a huge deal in the scheme of things, but I'm feeling very pouty and grumpy about it, honestly. I kind of just want to have a good cry and get it over with but don't want to upset the kids. Going to curl up in bed with a book for an hour instead and then get back to living life. 


Anyway, please please please, don't expect skin cancer to look a certain way. Mine never look like cancer. A patch of eczema that never goes away, a pimple that never goes away, a scratch or abrasion that never heals, anything that looks different or doesn't go away, get it checked!

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I have had one basal cell carcinoma so far.  SOrry that you have a second one. With mine, I had to use anti cancer drops on the spot for some time afterward.  Will you have to do that and how does that medication go with pregnancy?  


I don't know. I did tell the nurse on the phone there is a chance of pregnancy, and she said to let them know for sure when I come in, that it would just be using the different local injection. I didn't do any drops after the last one, maybe because the margins were clear?

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Ooohhhh... I shouldn't have opened this thread. I'm going into the dermatologist next week to have a suspicious looking freckle looked at. Ugh.

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I'm so sorry! And I agree with your statement that it doesn't always look like cancer. I had a melanoma removed 6 years ago and it was just a nice little black mole on my ankle. But my cousin, the "skin expert" in the family insisted I get it looked at and it was melanoma.

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Oh man, that is scary.  I'm glad they caught it so early! And good for you for having it looked at.


I hope the surgery goes well. And maybe you can look into different kinds of surgery that might result in a different type of scar.  Def show the surgeon the scar behind your knee and let her know about your concerns. 

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I insisted that DH go in for a spot on his face that looked weird and kept getting bigger. Got the call today that it is BCC. The bad thing is that we don't want to go back to the place that did the biopsy because their bedside manner was horrible. (Didn't explain anything, acted threatened by questions, know-it-all/dismissive, and the nurse talks over my husband/not giving him a chance to ask anything. (Happened on the phone when she called with results.) So, we are trying to figure out where to go for removal since neither of us wants to go back there.


Hope things go well!!! Let us know how it comes out. (How long until it isn't a festering wound anymore? DH's biopsy hole is still looking horrid a full week out.)

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I insisted that DH go in for a spot on his face that looked weird and kept getting bigger. Got the call today that it is BCC. The bad thing is that we don't want to go back to the place that did the biopsy because their bedside manner was horrible. (Didn't explain anything, acted threatened by questions, know-it-all/dismissive, and the nurse talks over my husband/not giving him a chance to ask anything. (Happened on the phone when she called with results.) So, we are trying to figure out where to go for removal since neither of us wants to go back there.


Hope things go well!!! Let us know how it comes out. (How long until it isn't a festering wound anymore? DH's biopsy hole is still looking horrid a full week out.)

Ugh, definitely ask around to find one you can deal with!


Not sure about the biopsy, mine on my leg I think was still ugly when I went back a week later to get it totally removed. My one on my nose they had to cauterize, so it isn't weeping, but is still very obvious. 

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MOHs is the way to go on your face. I had it done a few years ago in a similar location. Barely visible scat now.


I'm wondering why they didn't mention this to me. Maybe because it is so small? I know they DO do MOHs surgery, they have a pamphlet in the waiting room. 


Although, honestly, wouldn't that require re-doing the lidocaine each time? Once to take the first slice, then again for the next, etc? And again to close it up? Cause not sure I like that more than a scar, lol!


I chew through anesthetic very quickly, so it won't last long. 

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