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Ways to show your kids you love them

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I saw an episode of "Supernanny" and she wanted this mom to do litttle things for her children that told them she loved them. One of the idea's was to write a note on their bathroom mirror. I would love more of these little ideas.


I realize the obvious ones like spending time with them, listening when they speak, etc. I was curious if you all have sweet little gestures you do that lets your kids know you love them.

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Today is, "Warm Pudding in Bed While You Watch Finding Nemo" for breakfast day. DD asked for this when she woke up this morning. She said, "Mom, that is how I want to start my day." So be it.

A side benefit of this is that mommy gets a morning shower!


A couple of times a week when we have nothing to do, I ask them where mama should drive. They LOVE having the power! We are frequently not well prepared for whatever we do, but oh well. It all works out in the end.


We spent 3 hours yesterday on the shores of Lake Michigan that we wouldn't normally have done in October because of this. It was pure magic.



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I show my boys by cooking for them. Might sound silly, but they're 14 and always hungry. They get up first thing in the morning and feed the cattle. Around nine they come in to a huge breakfast, potatoes, steak, bacon, omelets, grits, pancakes, biscuits and gravy. Not all of that all the time, but enough food to make their tummies very happy.


I tell all the kids I love them, and the girls like hugs and kisses, (and maybe the boys too) but they really like me to cook for them.

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One thing I've done for years with my two dd's is to keep a journal with them. I write them notes and place the journals on their pillows, they can write back whenever they feel like it, or not at all if they don't. They are allowed to write whatever they want (positive or negative) but I keep my writing positive. This has served a different purpose in each of my girls' lives, but I've always been so happy that I started it. It's especially fun to look at my younger dd's journal because we started when she was pre-writing (she wanted one like big sister) and it goes from those wonderful little pretend-writing scribbles to the current, increasingly articulate expression (she'll be 10 on 10/31). Something about the permanency of writing in a little book is both more special to me than writing notes (which might get lost, have a smaller space, etc) and also causes me to be more careful and thoughtful in what I write. I would encourage anyone to do this, being as simple or elaborate as you want to. It's been a blessing here.:)

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I love putting little notes in things. I do it for my dh too when I have to pack him a lunch. I will often stick a little note in one of dd's dance shoes, so when she pulls out her bag and changes shoes, she will see it.


Sometimes I will offer to do a mundane chore for her like rinsing her bowl and putting it in the dishwasher- stuff like that.


One day I let her put makeup on me- that was a hoot!

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About a year ago I decided to punch out some little heart shapes (about 10 per kid) and I wrote their name on one side and something I loved about them or just a sweet thing to say (ie your special to me, you make me smile, I love you etc...) I scattered them all over their floors and when they awoke they found them all around. They really treasured these little hearts and I still find them stashed in drawers, books, pockets all the time.

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A couple of times a week when we have nothing to do, I ask them where mama should drive. They LOVE having the power! We are frequently not well prepared for whatever we do, but oh well. It all works out in the end.


We spent 3 hours yesterday on the shores of Lake Michigan that we wouldn't normally have done in October because of this. It was pure magic.




Oh I really love this! What a wonderful idea! It sounds like fun growing up in your home. :001_smile:

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make muffins for them just because. sing songs i make up about them at the top of my lungs during breakfast or lunch. catch them as they're walking by, hug and kiss them and start waltzing. save little fruit/veg net bags and small cardboard boxes to use as instant interesting toys. turn on the radio, dance weirdly and chase them around the house.

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I have a tv in my bedroom and we go and all hop in my bed and watch a movie, a couple of times a week. Since they are so big, I love it!

During school I make them little snacks or hot chocolates while they work.

I have noticed that one of the most important things my kids appreciate about me is that I listen to them- I give them my 100% attention when they want to talk. I remember trying to talk to my mum excitedly about my day and her being only half present with me, and how that hurt. I also want to keep those communication channels open in their teens so they keep telling me things, so I listen.

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I show my boys by cooking for them. Might sound silly, but they're 14 and always hungry. They get up first thing in the morning and feed the cattle. Around nine they come in to a huge breakfast, potatoes, steak, bacon, omelets, grits, pancakes, biscuits and gravy. Not all of that all the time, but enough food to make their tummies very happy.


I tell all the kids I love them, and the girls like hugs and kisses, (and maybe the boys too) but they really like me to cook for them.


I'm moving in with you! I would love you too, if you fed me like that. :D

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I frequently tell my son I have to tell him a secret and then I whisper in his ear "I love you". He thinks it's so funny and he'll laugh and say "Everyone knows THAT" and then I'll pretend to be mad that he's told the "secret" or I'll say "How do they know?" and he'll say "Because you're always telling me!"


We also have a game we play where one of us will say "I love you more than.____" and we'll keep going back and forth to see who can think of the best thing:

Me: "I love you more than ice cream."

Ds:" I love you more than Legos"

Me: "I love you more than Diet Coke" (which he knows I love a lot :))

Ds" I love you more than the beach.

Me: "I love you more than books."

Sometimes we'll play it silly and say things like I love you more than paper clips. He thinks that's really funny.

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We do something at dinner time called "Favorite and Not-Favorite". We each tell about our favorite thing that happened that day, as well as our worst thing that happened that day. DD4 LOVES this....she loves being able to express to us the thing she loved most and least about each day. We even make up answers for our 18 month old DD as well.


I got this idea from a movie called "The Story of Us" that I saw years before I had children. The family in that movie called it "High and Low" and did it each evening as well. I always said I would do that with my kids when we had them!


I love the journal idea that someone mentioned. I have two girls and this would be an excellent thing to start with them!


I also have special pet names for my girls. Actually, DD4 will answer to just about anything. I'm always making up a new pet name and the kids love it. I'll call them things like Snickers, Skittles, hedgehog, peanut butter, coconut, silly head, laffy taffy....pretty much whatever comes to mind at the moment LOL! On a side note.....One time I told DH that DD4 would answer to anything and he didnt believe me. I say "okay, give me any word you can think of and I'll call her by it." He said hotdog. I called out "Hey, hotdog, come her for a sec!" Sure enough, DD comes running and DH just busted out laughing LOL!

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When I was in high school, I listened to one particular artist all the time. My dad got up at 6am, and if that artist's song was on the radio, he turned it up full blast for me to hear. (Poor mom!) When it was done, he'd turn it down.


I have always remembered that. A way of saying he loved me without saying anything. :)


I tease my kids all the time, just like my dad. I'll tickle the boys or chase them to kiss them (boy, can they run! lol). I let them have friends over regularly, and fix their favorite meals.


Okay, I'll show my age--it was Bobby Sherman I listened to. Had a good shock very late last night when they played one of his songs on the radio. Hadn't heard his music in YEARS!!

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I love snuggling up with my dd, we do that a lot. I always ask her if she's had a good day, and always listen to her about why it was good, and what her fave part was. I try, at least 4-5 times a week, if not every day, to do something special for her, make something special for her, usually with her, or take her breakfast in bed (often the only way I can get her up at a decent time ;)); let her ride her scooter when we take the dogs for a long walk, even though I have to walk them both and they tear my arms off; now that we have a car, I ask her where she'd like to go each day that we have extra time, and we will go to a lake near us and feed the ducks, or to the SPCA to volunteer time with the dogs, or whatever she likes.


I sprained my ankle and knee on Sat., and she brought me breakfast in bed yesterday and today, and took care of me, and did everything in the world for me since then--I guess I've taught her well :).

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This is the sweetest thread! I love it! Keep 'em coming!


Right now I can't think of anything extra special I do for my girls that hasn't already been mentioned. I think maybe the most important thing I can do for them is LISTEN to them, and it's also the hardest thing. They talk a lot, and my brain gets tired.:tongue_smilie: I also try to remind myself to stop and do the little things they ask me to do.

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I figure I show my kids I love them by actively listening to them talk about things I am really not interested in, by finding books I think they will like that they would otherwise not know about, by baking homemade bread and sweets, by watching You Tube videos they find noteworthy, by taking DD shopping for clothes she likes, by encouraging their interests, by scheduling our lives around Red Sox games, by making sure they are warm enough in the winter, by taking them camping in rustic conditions, and by doing all the motherly things they take for granted.


I hug, kiss, and tell them I love them a lot. The boys have to put up with it because I am their mother.

Edited by RoughCollie
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