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Does your DH homeschool as well?

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Mine does not. He has previously traveled a lot so I was always home alone with the kids and the primary caregiver/teacher for everything. He's home now but he still works 40-70 hrs/wk. He is only home on the weekends and often not even on Saturday. He just isn't here enough to help teach. He does step in to help if we need a different perspective on something. He also "teaches" the non-academic stuff... mechanics, home repair, etc. That's his job. We joke that he's teaching Auto Mechanics 101. He is also involved in doing family activities on weekends and participating in the kids' activities as he can. We do a lot of hiking/nature activities and he helps with knowledge in these areas. I am the academic one in the family so I handle academics. He takes care of the moola so I can stay home to do that :). I say if your dh wants to help and can let him! 

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Here and there, but mostly just behind it all.


We've homeschooled since preschool and have one in college and one going into 12th grade.


He did a lot of read-alouds when they were little, and also worked on their reading here and there when they were learning.


When I've had to travel, he did a superb job of taking over. I always kept it light then, but the 3 R's always got done even when I was gone for several weeks.


And really, that has worked just fine. I've done all of the planning and coordinating, only consulting him for major decisions. 

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Not at this time. When we started homeschooling he worked a bit less than FT and was not in school himself. Back then he taught Spanish, music, art and computer programming at different times.


Now he is working 32-40 hours a week and is in school full time. He will work with them on things as he can. He reads to both of them every night all but the few days a month he works the swing shift but we don't consider that homeschooling so much as parenting, lol.


He was very recently hands on helping our younger son do a volcano model and display board for the home school science showcase. He occasionally helps with a math problem (especially if I am sick) or helps quiz our older son for spelling bee prep when I need a break. Essentially he now does what many dads would do for their kids who were in public school. I'm not sure what we will do once he's done with school. It is possible that at that point our older son will be in a STEM high school or early college and our younger son may be in school as well. If we are still homeschooling then though I am a sure he will be more involved like he was before.

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Mine tutors as necessary, does labs, and listens to the kids read aloud. He's great at adding extra stuff to our history or science studies as he always knows more about the subject than I do.


On days when I have to be somewhere else, he'll do my whole job (teaching, laundry, cooking, cleaning), better than I do. I leave him with a schedule, a list of subjects, books with post-it-notes, and the kids.


Often, the kids remember his lessons a lot more than mine, especially math.


If he did all or most of the homeschooling, we'd use completely different materials. He's a great substitute and a great tutor. 


(I find it a lot easier to turn things over to him when I know it is him or nothing. He may not do things the same as I do, but they still get done. He changed thousands of diapers & supervised at least 10 baths  :laugh: over the years. Those were diapers I didn't have to change & baths I didn't have to supervise. I'm very grateful for the help.)

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No. A few times he's offered to do something or I've asked him to do something, but follow-through is lacking... At some point though he's either going to have to help some with math, or we'll do Teaching Textbooks, because my brain doesn't work well enough anymore to explain complicated things. Same with high school science. Plus I've never really understood science, and it comes easy to him.

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He doesn't help with daily lessons at all, but he does educate the kids in an on-the-fly applied kind of way as opportunities come up.  Like a couple of weeks ago the garbage disposal crapped out and he installed a new one with the boys, explaining the process as he went.  He's done some fun coding stuff with them a few times on the weekends.  He also fields all the chemistry/materials/polymers/electronics/plumbing/mechanical questions for me.  But, no, he doesn't do basic stuff like reading, writing, math, or history.  


If we were to switch places, if he had to... I don't know if DH could successful work with the curricula we're using.  He could definitely homeschool the kids on his own, but he would do it a very different way than me.  It would all be hands-on projects and applied knowledge.

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To answer your question, maybe your husband could help with one favorite subject. Or help with chores while you are dizzy, so you can nestle in bed and teach a child. Or read aloud to them at bedtime. Or supervise a hands-off subject. Would your kids do well in the evening? Does he have a flexible work schedule?


My husband doesn't, but he could.


After schooling would not work for us, when everyone is tired and we're in the supper to bedtime crunch. And he is not the type to always be looking for educational opportunities, or give detailed information to kid questions. He leaves all the homeschooling philosophy, curriculum decisions, etc to me. He does supervise leftover math, read to the kids, play games with them.


But he is smart, very patient, and good with our kids. If I had the education and skills to get a well paying job (I don't), and he wanted to be a stay at home dad, he would do well. I'm sure he would get into the curriculum decisions, day planning, and field trips. He would choose different curriculum, and have a different approach, and that would be ok. I would have the worst time being hands off and supportive. ;) He does a good portion of the cleaning now, and if I worked instead I would expect to do a little less than I am doing as a SAHM. I would still do all of the cooking.


But my husband homeschooling the kids is just a fantasy.

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If DH happens to be home, like when we are getting our home heat pump repaired  :smash: , I might slip him some books and ask him to read aloud to DD.  Otherwise, the answer is no.  In the past, they have built bat houses together, but that was not planned.  He might shoot rockets with the kids, but that is not planned either.  Whatever DH does, it is informal and on the fly.

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My first reaction to this question was:   :lol: BWAHAHAHAHAH


He really wants to and says he will teach xyz, but never gets around to it.  He has a pretty all consuming job and just doesn't have the time although he has the desire.  He is teaching Mr. 15 year old how to drive and I consider us even.

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My husband teaches the kids Hebrew early in the morning -- for about 45 minutes.  They are doing very well with it, but sometimes it feels as if it is taking over our school, as he also assigns homework and extra memorization -- and I am also trying to teach them Latin!  He teaches it because Hebrew is important to him, but not to me.  And he is also fabulous at languages.

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My dh however adds greatly to their education by always being willing to discuss philoosophy and theology, guiding my son's computer learning by giving him ideas of what to study next, buying occasional supplies that are nifty and expensive that I would not buy, being willing to go to museums and field trips, and watching nature, Science, and other documentaries....



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My first reaction to this question was:   :lol: BWAHAHAHAHAH


He really wants to and says he will teach xyz, but never gets around to it.  He has a pretty all consuming job and just doesn't have the time although he has the desire.  He is teaching Mr. 15 year old how to drive and I consider us even.




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DH takes the kids to their activities when they occur in the evenings or on weekends. He also helps out with the grocery shopping/housework.  :) 

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Mine did.


We began homeschooling in 7th grade.  I don't care to watch TV or movies, but my husband does.  So that year and in subsequent years, my husband watched many documentaries and historical movies with my daughter. 


in 9th, he taught a class in Conceptual Physical Science at a local homeschooling resource center that my daughter attended; he also taught her Geometry.


in 10th, he taught her Chemistry as well as Algebra 2.


In 11th and 12th grades, my daughter took math and science classes at the local community college.  My husband was willing to help with higher level math questions and PSAT/SAT questions.




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my dh is super involved. I am so awful at grammar/spelling etc. he is  fantastic. He also helps with topics of interest (meaning if he is into it he might come to me with an idea and we will plan a lesson usually history or science) I do all the paper work, planning, logistics, math etc.

ETA: TT does the math, I just help when needed lol

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