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Everything posted by Rainmom

  1. I found a 9th grade Honors English book list (similar titles to when I took Honors English in the early 90's) I'm going to print it and see what I can find. (some we have already) http://postelwaitenglish.weebly.com/uploads/6/2/0/0/6200646/9th_grade_honors_list_2012.pdf
  2. 90% of our activities are church related craft club, awana, youth group, youth choir, everything that kids aged 7-18 do in church I think the only day of the week we are not in the church for something is Monday's. We also belong to a large once a week full day homeschool group where they have done music lessons, been in plays, photography etc. Sports not so much, my girls are not really athletic we've done some over the years.
  3. What are your up and coming High School students reading this summer? So far the only thing on our list is her dads second book (and this is mostly for edits/feedback lol)
  4. I feel I work pretty hard. I do work part time outside of the home. I'm very involved in church and community events. My down time is none existent with schooling. Even right now I'm lesson planning while looking for info here. Luckily I do have mostly older kids who work independently well and don't need much mom during this season. My husband pulls his weight as well which is super helpful I know many don't have that luxury.
  5. my dh is super involved. I am so awful at grammar/spelling etc. he is fantastic. He also helps with topics of interest (meaning if he is into it he might come to me with an idea and we will plan a lesson usually history or science) I do all the paper work, planning, logistics, math etc. ETA: TT does the math, I just help when needed lol
  6. Agenda for Thursday - go back to bed for a bit - take hubby to work - go to the library and finish off my printing credits for May - take eldest daughter to DMV (I'd rather chew broken glass) - work 4 hours/pick up hubby -pick up meds at Walgreens -cook something edible -finish entering lesson plans into planner for our first summer session (5/30 - 7/1) -edit eldest daughters transcripts (accidently left off two classes) - ride the children to complete chores/laundry even though I technically ended our school year on 5/6 they never really stop they have been asking for this next terms work already I am going to have to re configure some things in my planner.
  7. I am Rain, living in colorful Colorado Married mom to 4. We just graduated our first homeschooler and have 3 more to go. In grades 2,6 & 9 this fall (or now according to them) I work semi-part time outside of the home. I crochet and help my husband who is a writer. (he teaches English/grammar for me!) I decided to reenter the homeschooling community and quit crowd sourcing facebook with all my homeschooling questions. I look forward to connecting with you all.
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