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Feeling annoyed. Is it just me?


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Why do certain professional establishments think we all want to get together for beers on a weekday afternoon?


The place I used to work for is offering continuing education classes.  So far they are always at some high-brow bar and during the time my kids come home from school (e.g. 3pm-7:30pm).  I realize that not every CPA is a single mom who doesn't drink, but really?  Is this really what everyone else prefers?


This used to annoy me before I had kids too.  It's the same with my grad school's alumni meetings.  Always at some bar!  What if you don't drink?  I guess you aren't worth knowing then.


And the charity stuff is always at a ball game.


Sorry for the vent.  I must be PMSing....  :P

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Yeah that's kinda weird.  Although admittedly I think CPA stuff would be far more interesting if I were lit while listening to it.  :lol:


Ok, but that said, there is nothing that says you HAVE to drink.  My issue would be how much could one focus on learning in such an environment. 

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I've never heard of continuing education courses in a bar, but I guess maybe the space is free so they take it. But that also seems like happy hour so it would loud and crowded?   It wouldn't bother me unless I couldn't hear/see the presentation.


I've spent many hours in bars not drinking.  Sparkling water, ginger ale, iced tea... plenty of people in bars don't drink. So that part wouldn't bother me.

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I never heard of courses in a bar, but I get together regularly with a group of colleagues for Happy Hour at the local pub.

I don't like beer and drink wine rarely, so I simply order tea. What's the problem with that? Nobody has ever given me grief about it, I make sure I tip very generously since my check is so little.

I can have a great time in a bar without consuming alcohol. So no, it does not bother me that the others want to meet there.

Edited by regentrude
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And it's so nice that smoking is no longer allowed.  That turned me off to bars for many years until that changed.



ugh .. you provoked a "vivid" olfactory memory of the stale funky stench of pubs from my childhood. Not that I was IN the pubs. You could just smell them as you pass by.  :laugh:

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Ugh, I hate that.  It used to be worse in some industries. Used to be peeler bars...   :huh:


I don't know what a peeler bar is and tried searching .. maybe it's my search settings but all that is coming back to me are citrus peelers and I have an inkling due to your expression and the context that drinks with citrus zest are not the primary feature of a peeler bar. Is it safe to elaborate here? Or should I just keep my naivete?  :laugh:

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I mean if they're going to do it during the work day, why not during the school day, so people don't have to hire a babysitter / driver for their kids?  At least if it ended by 5 I could have the kids go to aftercare.

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One of the main reasons I left a career in academia. The happy hour thing was practically mandatory. I could not handle the smoke even if I went to order just one soda. I do wonder how my career would have shaped up if there had been clean air laws back then.

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I mean if they're going to do it during the work day, why not during the school day, so people don't have to hire a babysitter / driver for their kids?  At least if it ended by 5 I could have the kids go to aftercare.

Many people have work commitments after school hours. They have to work around those. I don't see anything unusual about this.

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I don't know what a peeler bar is and tried searching .. maybe it's my search settings but all that is coming back to me are citrus peelers and I have an inkling due to your expression and the context that drinks with citrus zest are not the primary feature of a peeler bar. Is it safe to elaborate here? Or should I just keep my naivete?  :laugh:


Lol, I wonder if it's a regional expression? You're quite right, nothing to do with fruit.  Female entertainment with disappearing clothing.... You could call it zesty I guess? :D

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Many people have work commitments after school hours. They have to work around those. I don't see anything unusual about this.


It seems to me they could mix it up a bit so it isn't always at a time certain categories of people can't make it.  :)


I know this is not a big national tragedy.  Just frustrating to me.

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ugh .. you provoked a "vivid" olfactory memory of the stale funky stench of pubs from my childhood. Not that I was IN the pubs. You could just smell them as you pass by.  :laugh:


Yeah I have similar olfactory memories of smoking.  I've been away from it for awhile now, but it was something I had to smell for many years regularly as a kid.  I hated it.  And now on the rare occasion I encounter it I feel like I'm suffocating. 


One reason I don't love visiting my in-laws in Germany.  Germany is like a big fat ash tray.  I know, what a thing to say, but only recently have they made any rules regarding smoking and still a large number of people ignore them.

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And the charity stuff is always at a ball game.




Around here, it's always a golf outing.


I remember when I was just out of college and the company I worked for hosted a golf outing.  I don't golf, so I was designated a "tee watcher" or something.  I spent the day sitting under a tree reading Kafka.  :D

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Oh so it's not mandatory? One can opt not too attend?


It seems to me that in many work environments even if these are technically not mandatory, practically you hurt your career if you do not attend at least a good portion. They expect you to work a day and then socialize with everyone, like you don't have your own life. Dh once interviewed for a company which right in their materials said something to the effect of  "we have regular family picnics and other events and while attendance is not mandatory, your absence will be noted". Um, ok, then.  Scratch that job offer. That's not a company, it's like a cult. They want all your time, and your family too..... 

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It seems to me that in many work environments even if these are technically not mandatory, practically you hurt your career if you do not attend at least a good portion. They expect you to work a day and then socialize with everyone, like you don't have your own life. Dh once interviewed for a company which right in their materials said something to the effect of  "we have regular family picnics and other events and while attendance is not mandatory, your absence will be noted". Um, ok, then.  Scratch that job offer. That's not a company, it's like a cult. They want all your time, and your family too..... 




Another reason I quit after having a kid.  I couldn't do all of that AND be a good mother.  They put a lot of pressure on people to do these things.

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DH had one yesterday at a go-kart track followed by dinner at a restaurant and drinks.  (not a family event, just coworkers -- kids were NOT impressed when they found out what "I'm going to a work thing" actually meant  :laugh: )

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And it's so nice that smoking is no longer allowed.  That turned me off to bars for many years until that changed.


It hasn't changed here. Smoking is still allowed in bars. In most communities in my area it is allowed in restaurants too, but not the nearest city.

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It seems to me that in many work environments even if these are technically not mandatory, practically you hurt your career if you do not attend at least a good portion. They expect you to work a day and then socialize with everyone, like you don't have your own life. Dh once interviewed for a company which right in their materials said something to the effect of "we have regular family picnics and other events and while attendance is not mandatory, your absence will be noted". Um, ok, then. Scratch that job offer. That's not a company, it's like a cult. They want all your time, and your family too.....

Oh man, so true. I've seen companies like this and my husband's is to some extent. But some are just awful.

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Yeah, just to be clear, I don't work for these people any more.  It's an alumni thing which offers continuing education credits.


I quit that job 8 years ago.  I heard nothing from them for 8 years and now somehow I got on their alumni list and they send me these emails.


I dunno, it just seems dense that they think every CPA has their afternoons and evenings free to go drinking with people who are NOT their buddies!


OK, get over yourself, self....

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It may be that those are the times that seem to work for the most people, or maybe for whomever is available to set it up.


I can see why it might seem like a good time.  Many people would still consider those work hours, and probably have arrangements for kids.  In the evening they would probably have to get a special sitter.  But it is late enough in the day that people can go home after and can feel they put in a days work.


I wouldn't mind meeting in a bar - we can't smoke in them here so that wouldn't be an issue.  I would not think that someone would get drunk at that kind of gathering, so the fact that people could have a beer would not occur to me as a problem.  I drink other things in pubs quite a lot.

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We attend a certain number of family events sponsored by dh's employer.  They don't bother me as much as the mandated "voluntary" donations to the employer's charity fund raisers.  


 I'm on a committee with a few people who keep pushing to meet at a sports bar.  I think planning meetings are much more effective without the distraction of blaring tvs and other people's conversations.  Plus, it is nice to be able to hear what committee members at the other end of the table are saying.

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