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AP Exams 2016 Check-in

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Dd15 is taking AP U. S. Govt. She has been sick since last Friday. She was a trooper at ds22's graduation out of town, but has been too tired to study. She has attended lots of review sessions. I hope she is ready. I wish she had stayed home from school today (she attends high school part-time.)


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My poor dd is so stressed right now. She has some nasty spring cold that is making her use her inhaler all day and pop Hall's like jelly beans. She has a choir performance both Wednesday and Thursday nights with rehearsals tonight and tomorrow (which is all really fun when sick). She also has her 10th grade English EOC this week which is two one hour online exam sessions. On top of all that, our dog is sick and in pain and we have no idea what's going on with him so she's stressed out about that. 


It's like anything that could get in her way during AP testing time is happening. I also am seriously wondering what the Choir teacher at school was thinking with this schedule. There are still several more weeks in the school year to schedule that final performance. 


I actually sent her to bed early tonight and told her that worrying about it all was only going to make it worse and her more sick.

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And the Guidance Director (who is also the AP coordinator) just called to confirm tomorrow. He was very friendly and helpful.


This is the guy that I fought and fought with over my oldest, and then finally wrote him a letter about how he didn't have to make this so hard...oh, and by the way these are my son's SAT scores.


Never had a problem since!

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I think an email is perfectly fine.  I think I might actually do that instead.  A note would be nice, too, but I guess it would depend on how much trouble you felt like the school went to make it possible.  For us, it was pretty easy, just paying our fee and showing up, because the tests we needed were already being offered.  If we were taking an exam that wasn't already offered by the school, and they had to set up additional times and proctors, or even additional equipment as in the case of language and music tests, I think a handwritten note would be nicer.  However, I think really either is fine.  Just to acknowledge that you appreciate them working with you.  I was pleasantly surprised because our school district is not known for being all that friendly to homeschoolers, so it was nice when this process was very straightforward and easy and we were treated well.

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Anyone care to give an example of what would be good to include in the thank you note? Do you actually mail a note or send an email?




I typically just send an email.  I simply thank them for letting dss test at their school, tell them how much their hospitality was appreciated and complement them on how organized and thoughtful the registration process was.

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DS2 took bio yesterday and government today.  He felt confidant with biology, and I think with government as well, although he definitely didn't spend anywhere near as much time on gov. as on bio!  I teach bio, so I definitely have much more invested in that score!


He would be taking the stats exam Thursday, but his mock trial team is heading to the national championships, so he will have to take the make-up next Wed.  He'll be glad when this next week is all over!

Edited by AFwife Claire
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DD, despite being sick, thinks she did pretty well on the exam. She thought it was easier than she expected, but her teacher made his tests harder so that they would think that. But she blanked on one section of a 4 part question and bs'ed her way through. The whole time she just wanted to lay down and go to sleep. And that is what she did all afternoon.


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Mine should be home shortly. She misjudged the time on an essay and finished too early, but she was happy with it and did just a little editing and then relaxed. She feels like she did well.


We got there early, and they had an escort ready to take her in. I got caught leaving with the school buses all around me, but it was fine.

Edited by G5052
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We had a great experience at the school where DS is testing- a private Christian school who accommodates homeschoolers. My DS is the only one taking the AP English Language test this morning. 


He will call when he's done and let me know if he wants a ride or if he will walk- it is that close. 


I feel very blessed by the situation.


Now to find out how he does on the exam... 



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Several details that came out...


For the exams at this high school, DD was the only homeschooled student this year. For each one, they put her in the front row in the corner, and then the private school students in several rows, and then the kids from that school. Seating was assigned. The proctor did a decent job making sure all the pre-test paperwork was filled out properly for each group, but it made DD stand out as the only homeschooled student because he announced each group as he checked their paperwork.


One of the Christian schools tested in English Comp at this school. I know the teacher because she's a "retired" homeschool mom. Several of those kids had been homeschooled, and they were very friendly to DD at the breaks. I appreciated that.


DD commented today that she felt bad for the kids that had to go back to school. She had math this afternoon, but I mostly let her decompress. She was really tired after all the writing this morning.


She took peanut M&M and granola bars for snacks and shared them. One kid brought a Costco-sized bag of pita chips.


One kid finished a section and fell asleep. The proctor had to wake them for the next section.


Glad that's over!

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D said the gym was completely full of kids taking English Lang this am. She didn't see anyone else wearing a vistor sticker, so she assumes she was the only outsider taking the test (she has been the only outsider for the other 3 tests; we'll see about tomorrow's comp gov).


This school is incredibly organized with assigned seats, a bin for all phones/valuables (bags were left in another room), water bottles and non-sweet snacks (goldfish) for everyone. If D takes any AP exams next year, we'll return. An hour drive is worth welcoming staff and students and a smooth process!

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D said the gym was completely full of kids taking English Lang this am. She didn't see anyone else wearing a vistor sticker, so she assumes she was the only outsider taking the test (she has been the only outsider for the other 3 tests; we'll see about tomorrow's comp gov).


This school is incredibly organized with assigned seats, a bin for all phones/valuables (bags were left in another room), water bottles and non-sweet snacks (goldfish) for everyone. If D takes any AP exams next year, we'll return. An hour drive is worth welcoming staff and students and a smooth process!


Luckymama, good luck to your dd on tomorrow's Comp. Gov. test.  I think Sailor Dude is sweating that one a bit.  If he has to take a 3 or lower on any test, this would be the one. It will only count as a GenEd credit and he's already fulfilled that area's requirements.  It's kind of nice to have your student be a senior and be able to prioritize which tests not to sweat because you know where they are going to college and what credits are transferable.



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Luckymama, good luck to your dd on tomorrow's Comp. Gov. test. I think Sailor Dude is sweating that one a bit. If he has to take a 3 or lower on any test, this would be the one. It will only count as a GenEd credit and he's already fulfilled that area's requirements. It's kind of nice to have your student be a senior and be able to prioritize which tests not to sweat because you know where they are going to college and what credits are transferable.

Best of luck to Sailor Dude! I just dropped dd off. She says she feels totally unprepared :( I hope the country context FRQs are good topics for her. We'll see in July :)

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Best of luck to Sailor Dude! I just dropped dd off. She says she feels totally unprepared :( I hope the country context FRQs are good topics for her. We'll see in July :)


Thanks!  How does she feel now that it is over?  Ds thought it was better than he expected.


I think we are going to burn all the standardized test prep books in the backyard tomorrow night after the Microeconomics exam. :tongue_smilie:


Is your dd done now?  Did she do five this year? :scared:


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Thanks!  How does she feel now that it is over?  Ds thought it was better than he expected.


I think we are going to burn all the standardized test prep books in the backyard tomorrow night after the Microeconomics exam. :tongue_smilie:


Is your dd done now?  Did she do five this year? :scared:




Love this idea - book burning would be stress relieving.

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DD had a close call today.  She misnumbered and had only a few minutes left on the test before she realized she'd skipped a problem.  She had to rush to change 20 MC answers.  The only thing that saved her is that she circles the right answer in her booklet so she just worked backwards using her circled answers in her booklet.  Her only fear is that in the lack of time she's afraid she didn't erase good enough or mark dark enough.  She is nervous about this one, ya'll.

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We are all done here with AP tests.  Dd took Calc AB and Physics C(M) this year.  She felt very solid with the Calc, but she had a truly horrible AP Physics teacher (at ps) and said she didn't feel at all prepared for that one.  She's planning to take Physics again next year at college.


Other dds have been doing DE, so I think that will be it, unless youngest ends up doing AP Calc at some point, but she really doesn't do well with big high-stakes tests.  I've been thinking of having her DE Calc or take the CLEP instead (I get the impression the CLEP is easier?? - and unless she completely changes direction, the 4-year she's thinking of attending accepts CLEPs)


Love this idea - book burning would be stress relieving.


LOL, it sure beats looking at that huge pile of them. I still have a bunch from previous years - why do I hang on to them?  :confused1:


Edited by Matryoshka
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DD had a close call today.  She misnumbered and had only a few minutes left on the test before she realized she'd skipped a problem.  She had to rush to change 20 MC answers.  The only thing that saved her is that she circles the right answer in her booklet so she just worked backwards using her circled answers in her booklet.  Her only fear is that in the lack of time she's afraid she didn't erase good enough or mark dark enough.  She is nervous about this one, ya'll.


Just FYI, I believe you can pay to have the test hand-scored. I'm not sure exactly when you need to request it, but if she's very worried it might be worth looking into it.


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Thanks! How does she feel now that it is over? Ds thought it was better than he expected.


I think we are going to burn all the standardized test prep books in the backyard tomorrow night after the Microeconomics exam. :tongue_smilie:


Is your dd done now? Did she do five this year? :scared:


She said that the FRQs were easier than the m/c :eek: She actually felt that it went better than she had feared, and she did not run out of time.


She did do five APs. Four were her choice---I insisted on the English Lang 'cause I'm mean like that ;) Best wishes to Sailor Dude on the econ tomorrow!


We ceremoniously recycled all the released FRQs and practice tests (benefit of having the syllabi approved!) that I had printed over the year :party:

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DD had a close call today. She misnumbered and had only a few minutes left on the test before she realized she'd skipped a problem. She had to rush to change 20 MC answers. The only thing that saved her is that she circles the right answer in her booklet so she just worked backwards using her circled answers in her booklet. Her only fear is that in the lack of time she's afraid she didn't erase good enough or mark dark enough. She is nervous about this one, ya'll.

Oh my goodness! :grouphug:

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Just FYI, I believe you can pay to have the test hand-scored. I'm not sure exactly when you need to request it, but if she's very worried it might be worth looking into it.




If her score is bad I might do that because realistically she is a high scorer so her score shouldn't come back awful unless the answer sheet got messed up in this process.

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Other dds have been doing DE, so I think that will be it, unless youngest ends up doing AP Calc at some point, but she really doesn't do well with big high-stakes tests. I've been thinking of having her DE Calc or take the CLEP instead (I get the impression the CLEP is easier?? - and unless she completely changes direction, the 4-year she's thinking of attending accepts CLEPs)



I now have an opinion, sort of ;) , on the Clep verses AP in terms of difficulty. We had ds take the Clep back in January to see if he was ready for the AP (self studied Calc via online Coursera and MIT) so we would know how much more he needed to do. He prepped a couple of days with REA and did the big Clep book exam and got and 80. To be honest his prep wasn't going as well as the score indicates.....


For the AP we need the high score for admission purposes so not looking for a 3 and credit. He relaxed after the Clep and had to cram his serious review into a couple of days. He hates using a graphing calculator so had to master that again. He had thought he could get away with not using it. But discovered from his first practice score that the calculator was the only way to get enough points for a hopefully high score. Topics are on the AB that aren't on the Clep but the Clep had some the AB didn't so that part kind of equals out.


The big thing is the graphing calculator I think. Totally depends on how proficient and attached your dd is with that. For the Clep you must use an on screen calculator. The Clep has one huge advantage in terms of being able to take it whenever your dd is ready!

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