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What are some stupid things you've done but cant take back


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The most recent one is that I didn't follow through and look closely at all the potential options for school for my son next year.  My dh even told me to get several options, but I was convinced that one school was really the best option and didn't do more homework on this.  I should have had this all done in early January.  I had initially dismissed the school out of hand without looking a little more closely.  When we finally found out the the school I had chosen for my son, the one I thought would take him without any troubles, in fact would not take him it was already the beginning of Mar.   We were shocked and heart-broken.  I'm thankful for a friend who said we really should look at this other school (it's a Friends school).


It's now April and we don't know where he'll be and there's a chance he will not get into this particular school mainly because they're down to the last few available spaces and since my son has LD and needs accommodations..they'll probably choose an easier kid over my son.


There may not be a space at his current school because we haven't committed (you have to commit to paying the full price at the time that you sign - so we aren't willing to do that - but it means they can't hold a space for him either)..  All this delay and waiting is entirely my fault...


We're currently waiting for him to take the private school standardized testing on Saturday.  He has terrible test anxiety, and he's never taken a standardized test before, so I don't anticipate him doing well on it.  We've been busily  prepping him for the test. 


This is what keeps me up at night and has me stressing at 3am these days. 

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I have tried to block the endless list of things I've screwed up so I can't think of anything off the top of my head. Won't be long before I do something new to post about!


Its the wrong time of day for those things to pop in your head.  Just wait until the middle of the night when you want to sleep, then your brain will be in overdrive with these memories. 

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We lived in a different state, in a city. As we prepared to move home, I had a conversion with a couple and their young teenage dd. They asked is about crime/police and what would we do if someone broke into our house. We live very rural, assuming the weather is good and police are in town, we are a solid 20 minutes away. The police are not always the first phone call. . We indicated that if someone tried to break in /, they would be shot (true. But also common knowledge-remember, everyone else here is rural and the police are so far away. And I know NO ONE that doesn't own a weapon).


The day before their oldest nephew committed suicide-with a gun. We didn't know until after.


You couldn't have known about their nephew. And when anyone not extremely close to us asks about stuff like what we'd do if someone were to break in, I'd have to consider the possibility that they're casing us. "Burglars will get shot" is the best answer in a situation like that, imo, whether you would or would not shoot a burglar or even own a gun or not.


ETA: I recently said "you're not young!" to a friend's husband when he was talking about everybody at his workplace being too young to fill some senior role which would be vacant soon. Lot of apologizing followed, of course (he's like 40 or something - I just meant that he's not some 20yo kid who's too young for a senior role).

Edited by luuknam
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So many things. But the one that sticks out. I am not sure if dh and I were married yet or not but we went to his aunts for a holiday. I brought cookies for dessert. There was so much dessert left (pies, cookies, cakes) that I simply took my leftovers back when we left to bring to work the next day. I don't know what possessed me. Dh pointed it out to me days later and I was mortified. I am sure his family talked about it for months. Thankfully they never said anything to me.

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These are the very things I try and forget!  ha   One stupid thing I did a couple years ago was when I was frustrated with a physical therapist (who was working with my dh) and gave her a kind of emotional lecture on her not understanding well the concept of brain neuroplasticity.  I mean, it was kind of true, but it sure didn't help the situation to lecture her on it.  I heard a few months later that she quit that facility because she was tired of patients and their families yelling at her.  I didn't really yell at her, and I did send her an email apology the next day, but I feel awfully embarrassed whenever I think about it.



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So many things. But the one that sticks out. I am not sure if dh and I were married yet or not but we went to his aunts for a holiday. I brought cookies for dessert. There was so much dessert left (pies, cookies, cakes) that I simply took my leftovers back when we left to bring to work the next day. I don't know what possessed me. Dh pointed it out to me days later and I was mortified. I am sure his family talked about it for months. Thankfully they never said anything to me.

We have actually had a thread about potluck leftovers. IIRC, *many* responses indicated that it is customary to leave with your own leftovers [Edit to clarify - take your own leftovers with you when you leave] Some did indicate that they left them, but it was by no means universal. Of course, it is polite to offer to leave some of your stuff to the hostess, but I honestly do not believe you did anything wrong and should not have been made to feel like you did.

Edited by Seasider
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Oh brother, I have several, and most are from 15-18. One that sticks out to me right this moment is that right before I drove up to Alaska I was chatting with my long distance best friend. For some reason or other I felt the need to be more interesting and lied to her. That drove a wedge in the friendship and pretty much destroyed it over the next two years. We have had no contact for a decade and I still find myself missing her and hoping she is well.


On fhe upside, I pretty much never lied again. It was a horrible habit I had my entire youth for various reasons and now I can hardly stand to exaggerate.

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Oh brother, I have several, and most are from 15-18. One that sticks out to me right this moment is that right before I drove up to Alaska I was chatting with my long distance best friend. For some reason or other I felt the need to be more interesting and lied to her. That drove a wedge in the friendship and pretty much destroyed it over the next two years. We have had no contact for a decade and I still find myself missing her and hoping she is well.


On fhe upside, I pretty much never lied again. It was a horrible habit I had my entire youth for various reasons and now I can hardly stand to exaggerate.

I used to lie, too.  I grew up just this side of poverty and would lie to make it look like my family had more money than we did or to make it appear as if not having certain things was an intentional choice.  As if...

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We have actually had a thread about potluck leftovers. IIRC, *many* responses indicated that it is customary to leave with your own leftovers [Edit to clarify - take your own leftovers with you when you leave] Some did indicate that they left them, but it was by no means universal. Of course, it is polite to offer to leave some of your stuff to the hostess, but I honestly do not believe you did anything wrong and should not have been made to feel like you did.


One crowd I frequently potluck with usually gets together at the home of an individual who is diabetic. Not only is it okay to take your leftovers with you, but if you bring sweets, the host insists, demands, and just generally requires that you take the uneaten portion of what you brought with you--he does not want things he should not be eating sitting as leftovers in his fridge after the festivities are done!

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Thank you Ravin and Seasider for making me feel better about my faux pas. My dh's family is of the "you brought it and now it is mine unless I tell you otherwise " variety. Except for the dish it came on. You get that back before you leave.

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Thank you Ravin and Seasider for making me feel better about my faux pas. My dh's family is of the "you brought it and now it is mine unless I tell you otherwise " variety. Except for the dish it came on. You get that back before you leave.

So what do we call this, the hostess tax?


I really do consider things I bring to pot lucks to be sunk cost since everything might get eaten, but really, that expectation of your relatives to keep everything is an unwelcoming one.

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So what do we call this, the hostess tax?


I really do consider things I bring to pot lucks to be sunk cost since everything might get eaten, but really, that expectation of your relatives to keep everything is an unwelcoming one.

Maybe they think differently at a family holiday dinner then a potluck. We have been married 23 years now. I have learned to live with his family culture just like he learned to live with mine. Living over an hour away helps.

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So what do we call this, the hostess tax?


I really do consider things I bring to pot lucks to be sunk cost since everything might get eaten, but really, that expectation of your relatives to keep everything is an unwelcoming one.

Not to derail but that is how we do it. You bring as a gift to the host. The host may or may not decide to offer everyone to make a plate before they go.


I think it's arbitrary... Unless you physically can't host, doesn't it all work out in the end?

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One time a friend with a ten month old baby told us she was expecting again and I looked down at the baby playing on the floor and said, "oh, but you're too little to be a big sister." I meant it in a sort of "your baby is little and sweet" sort of way, but I don't know why I said it that way!! It was so awkward and I felt so bad. I didn't have any kids then and was just newly married.


Joke was on me, though, because ds1 was 9 months old when I found out ds2 was coming.

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I remember one...when we were moving I posted some of my kids old toys on a local sale page. I wrote down the names of the interested buyers. Well one of them never replied so I moved on to the next person in line for that item. I continued communication with another lady for what I thought was the item she wanted. I met with the 2nd in line person and sold her the toy. When the other lady showed up I got out what I thought she was buying. Turns out I had flipped flopped names around and has essentially sold one thing twice and the other not at all. She seemed really mad at me when the mistake was realized. I felt horrible! Still do really but it was an honest mistake. I was so crazy in moving mode that I just screwed up. I immediately removed myself from all sale boards, gave away anything left to a preschool and have vowed to never sell like that again!

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1. High school.


(It's one of the reasons we homeschool. I was *that* kid.)


2. The white casket we buried our daughter in - it looked exactly like an igloo cooler. Still bugs me.

I liked it to show support. The igloo visual is particularly sad. My eyes got sweaty.

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So many things. But the one that sticks out. I am not sure if dh and I were married yet or not but we went to his aunts for a holiday. I brought cookies for dessert. There was so much dessert left (pies, cookies, cakes) that I simply took my leftovers back when we left to bring to work the next day. I don't know what possessed me. Dh pointed it out to me days later and I was mortified. I am sure his family talked about it for months. Thankfully they never said anything to me.

Eh. They probably had a little "bless her heart" type giggle and moved on. If it were me and one of my kids' SOs did this I wouldn't think a thing of it.

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