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Dear Moms of little children....

Hikin' Mama

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What an awesome grandma you are!!


Kudos for doing so much and being so considerate and truly helpful to your dil and son! And think of the good memories you are creating with your grandchildren. :) 


At 47, I have one 3mo old grandson and am looking forward to doing so much more with him. I hope I can stay healthy as he gets older (and, hopefully, more grandkids show up) so I can be a fun grandma like you!

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2ds was 12 1/2 when dudeling was born. . . . I went from having energy to having no energy.


I'm finally getting it back.


little kids have tons of energy - they suck it out of us adults.

Edited by gardenmom5
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What an awesome grandma you are!!


Kudos for doing so much and being so considerate and truly helpful to your dil and son! And think of the good memories you are creating with your grandchildren. :)


At 47, I have one 3mo old grandson and am looking forward to doing so much more with him. I hope I can stay healthy as he gets older (and, hopefully, more grandkids show up) so I can be a fun grandma like you!

I LOVE being a grandma! It is the best thing ever! The highlight of our day today was dumpster diving. While driving through the neighborhood yesterday, we saw a big fake tree by someone's trash and I told my dil I was going to go knock on their door and ask if I could have it. She told me that anything by the trash was fair game. I got the toddler all excited by telling her that we were going on a "mission" this morning. I really played up the mission thing. So I loaded the babe on my back (those Tula carriers are AMAZING) and let the toddler pull the wagon. We walked until we got to the plant, loaded it into the wagon, and drug it home. The toddler was so excited to show her daddy our "mission." We also walked to various playgrounds today, and toddler made some "fwens." She is going to be very social, I can tell. Such a fun time this is, but I can honestly say, I'm glad it's my grandma season and my mom season is over. :)

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2ds was 12 1/2 when dudeling was born. . . . I went from having energy to having no energy.


I'm finally getting it back.


little kids have tons of energy - they suck it out of us adults.

I'm pretty sure they're part vampire - direct line from my energy to their consumption of it :lol:

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I needed to hear this today. My 3 yo woke up with an abundance of energy, and my 16 mo doesn't want to be put down. I'm 34.5 weeks pregnant, and at 8:15 I'm already tired. I can tell it's going to be One Of Those Days. I love my little people, but it's so nice to hear I'll have energy again some day.


And I hope they gave their own little people for me to enjoy someday, too!


Also God bless MIL who come to help! DH has an absolutely unavoidable work trip when I'm 38 weeks, and my MIL is coming to stay. Really hoping I don't go into labor in her watch, but it'll be very nice to have an extra pair of adult hands around.

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Thank you, this post made me smile.


I am convinced I have the hardest job in the world. My three year old alone could out-mischief a dozen chimpanzees.


But then he puts his arms around my neck and say "I love you Mommy."

Edited by maize
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Awww- thanks for this post. It is nice to think of enjoying the after and not it being black and white -enjoy now or its all gone later....I try to enjoy where I am in the moment (the trenches) but some days it is harder than others. We are having a very loud week. You know the kind where you stop and suddenly wonder, why the heck is it so loud in here and why is it so noisy all the time?!? Everything is loud. They talk loudly, they run loudly, they play loudly, they sneeze loudly. I know one day I will think wow it's too quiet but what I would give for one quiet day right now!

Yes. Every day for their entire lives, I've asked them to talk quieter when people are sleeping or working or on the phone. And like some sort of time loop, they forget every single day.


My mom took the boys one day so DH and I could work on a house project. It was so quiet we couldn't think. I wanted to scream and laugh in frustration! Perhaps my brain will never return!


And thanks OP, for the the post and for being there for your kids and grandkids! I remember very little when I had two at that age and gap, and I'm grateful not only for my mom jumping in when we needed a break or when sickness hit (until the older was 4ish, I think, we were all sick all the time until their immune systems and resolve to not lick things in public places improved), but that she also took pictures and videos and remembered the cute things that I had no chance of recalling later.

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You guys have no idea how much I needed to hear this today!  I'm 37 with little kids, and constantly exhausted.  I was beginning to wonder if this was just how it was going to be for the rest of my life.  


I tell myself every day that this is the hardest it's ever going to be.  But some days that just isn't any consolation.  It's good to hear that it does get easier.

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I needed this, thanks.


This morning I just sat and watched while my son dumped out a loaf of bread (onto the coffee table) and ate a slice. I was feeding the baby on the couch and I didn't do anything about the mess at all. My husband didn't even ask later while there was a loaf of bread smooshed on the table. He let me nap.

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I needed this, thanks.


This morning I just sat and watched while my son dumped out a loaf of bread (onto the coffee table) and ate a slice. I was feeding the baby on the couch and I didn't do anything about the mess at all. My husband didn't even ask later while there was a loaf of bread smooshed on the table. He let me nap.

Smart husband :)


I told my husband (after one of those "what did you do all day" experiences) that if he came home and the house was a disaster that was a sure sign that I had had an exceptionally difficult day and that the only appropriate response on his part was lots of love and support. And maybe washing a load of dishes or taking the kids to the park...

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(after one of those "what did you do all day" experiences)


DH worked out of the house when DS1 was a baby, so he often was a little annoyed when dinner was late (and he's a pretty laid back guy). When DS2 was a baby, he was unemployed and then working from home. That's when he finally started to understand why moms of babies aren't very productive.

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Oh how I hope we'll live close to grandkids! I want to be able to help and to love both my grown kids and their littles.  When I was raising my kids, we were near a large extended family but had *zero* help from them, other than pretty regular invitations to "Saturday afternoon hangout and stay for dinner."   Sigh...I sure coulda used a break now and then. 


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