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Which would you rather have?

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Time to get those kids of yours working with you! My grade2 son is a whizz at polishing furniture and plumping up cushions. He is now learning how to clean his own toilet (he has bad aim - blerk!). He also sorts the laundry into piles for each person which I then fold but your kids are old enough to do themselves.


There is no reason, short of tetraplegia, why your kids should not be keeping their rooms, work areas and family areas tidy, and taking responsibility for cleaning duties such as bathrooms, vacuuming etc. Even my 2 year old can wipe down windows.


It will take some time and effort on your part to get them to a point where they are reliable about following through without you standing over them. But once they are - what a pleasure for you!


Make a list of what needs doing, write out the steps and assign tasks. Then teach each child how to do each task. Do this during the next set of holidays if the initial effort is going to be too time-consuming.



Life skills such as these are a vital part of any curriculum!

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I saw a magnet the other day:

Pick one - clean house or teach the kids


I don't think we can do it all; we're not meant to do it all. I am working on training the kids to help and I am also working to ignore that which cannot be done right now. :) It is the season of life that I'm in right now.

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My kids help out a lot. As kids get older they spend more time on schoolwork. Its been an exceptionally busy week for us, definitely not the norm. Too much school, too many responsibilities outside the home with deadline crunches. Trust me my kiddos are great helpers. In fact, shortly after one poster told me to clean my desk I picked myself up by the bootstraps and we all cleaned up for 30 mins. Much better. Ahhhh.

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Thanks everyone! I had one of those weak moments where I was feeling overwhelmed and posted. I should know to let it pass. LOL


We did a 30 minute speed clean and the place is so much better. Its been an incredibly busy week for us and I fell short of my high expectations. I need to lighten up a little and not expect so much from myself. Live and learn I guess.

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Academics win hands down. But I'm also training the kids to help me to have a sort of clean house - sort of.


I'm a huge advocate of training kids to help out and mine do, too. Some days/weeks though we're so busy the whole plan falls apart. Hoping next week is not so crazy. :D

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My kids help out a lot. As kids get older they spend more time on schoolwork. Its been an exceptionally busy week for us, definitely not the norm. Too much school, too many responsibilities outside the home with deadline crunches. Trust me my kiddos are great helpers. In fact, shortly after one poster told me to clean my desk I picked myself up by the bootstraps and we all cleaned up for 30 mins. Much better. Ahhhh.

LOL! Well if it is an 'off' week then don't beat yourself up about it. We all have those weeks where we stand in the doorway and wonder if it will ever be clean again and maybe we should just find another house! :lol:

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A clean house or kids that are incredible writers and excelling at math? (Please tell me it's the academics.)


I cannot do it all and am so tired. Ugh.


I can't function in a dirty house. Really.


We have to do both. My kids do both. They help keep our lives functioning normally b/c I can't do it all, nor do I have to.


Sorry. ;)

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I don't think I've really cleaned my house since the beginning of August, before we started school. I sorta went berserk today. We had a day at home and I cleaned and cleaned. Luckily, it worked out that my son had a ton of stuff lined up to do and worked well alone, for the most part, or I couldn't have gotten done what I did. My husband even noticed when he got home, LOL!


I keep telling folks that we'll all have clean houses, someday, when our children grow up and are busy off on their own - but the reality is that at this point in my life, I'm thinkin' I'll have so much other stuff lined up to do that it'll never really be clean, oh well.....

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Lately the clean house had fallen by the wayside. I've tried for two weeks now to just do a nightly pick up and clean on Saturdays. It isn't working.


I've got to go back to my old routine. I can't stand it any more. Things are getting so bad that I don't even want to do school in this house.

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