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I'm trying to work on plans for next year. This year my two oldest kids (currently grade 1 and 3) are in public school. Next year the plan is to be back to homeschooling. So working out the budget and the different curriculum I would like to use, I'm having a hard time choosing between SL core B and MFW ECC. We used SL in the past (P 4/5 when the oldest were 3 and 5, and Core A when they were 4 and 6) and I really enjoyed it. It was easy to use, and we loved the books. So my thought was always that we would be back to SL this year, however, MFW would be cheaper (and it's even on sale till the end of the year) and leave me more options when it comes to things like math. I am concerned that MFW will take more of my time though. I will also have a Kindergartener, an almost 3 year old, and a new baby, so time is a big consideration. Any thoughts or advice?

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A lot of people like SL for PK & K, but not higher.

Many people buy the Sonlight guide new and the books used to save money.

SL and ECC are two different topics. Which appeals more?

SL covers language arts, MFW doesn't.

You don't have to buy your math from Sonlight.



Good luck!

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I wasn't planning to buy math from SL, I just meant I would have more money to spend on math, and other subjects, and therefore more options. I'm in Canada, and there aren't many options for used books. I did price it out once, but it didn't end up being much cheaper buying just the guide from SL. The topic doesn't matter to me, as both sound good. I'm not sure yet if I will use SL LA if we go that direction. I actually really like the looks of the MFW LA suggestions.

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If you decide to go with Sonlight I would call them and tell them you are hesitant because of the price to see if they'll take some off. They did for me and said they usually will. MFW would still be cheaper.

Interesting, I had never heard that before. Being in Canada makes it even worse, because the exchange rate is terrible right now. Thanks for the tip.

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I was actually looking at those two as well.  I THINK I've decided, but will pray about it for a few more months before I make a purchase.  Have you looked at the cost really though?  If you look at MFW and put everything you need in your cart, then do the same for Sonlight, it doesn't really make as much of a difference as you would think.  For me, adding another set of student sheets, maps, etc. for MFW increased the cost enough that Sonlight was only like $50 more.  I guess it would be more of a difference now with the sale, but if you are still not sure, rushing into a purchase may not be a great idea so far ahead of the school year. Your kiddos could really start asking about ancient history and you had already purchased ECC or vice versa.  Just a thought.  


Good luck making your decision!! We've been using MFW Adventures this year and love it so much.  I'm just not sure if ECC will be as good. I have to buy or check out Sonlight books all the time anyway because we need more read-aloud books than MFW provides.   I go back and forth...I can't wait to hear what you decide and the wisdom you get on this thread!  Good luck!!  

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Thanks! I will definitely double check, but I'm pretty sure MFW was still quite a bit cheaper.... I hate tough decisions like this!

Me too!!  I'm the person who stresses over "paper or plastic" at the grocery store!  ;-)  


I had a thought after I wrote my post last night.  Sonlight was cheaper for me because I would only be buying one set of LA, not two. I think Sonlight was $518 and MFW was $500.  I would have to add a couple of notebooking journals to an Apologia I already own to sonlight which would be another $40.   


I do believe I've settled on MFW ECC.  My kids are really interested in Geography and they will be in third and first next year.  Still too young for Ancient History I think.  So I'm fairly certain we will do ECC, but am too nervous to buy now. That 10% is enticing though!! Good luck with your decision and have a great rest of your school year!!  

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MFW doesn't come with the book basket books. Sonlight does. That's part of the cost. Some of the books are hard to find at the library and it can get frustrating and not really save anything. We use Sonlight because it goes deeper and encourages critical thinking by offering multiple viewpoints. My kids are 6,8, and 11. We've used all the cores from P4/5 to F. I look at MFW from time to time when I hear a great review. But, I always go back to Sonlight for the depth.

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I have only looked addy the pre k level of sonlight. It is not something I'd buy.


We have worked through a-e. We love sonlight. Friends that use mfw, love them.


Have you had a chance to view them in person?

I have not seen MFW in person, and SL I've just seen the two cores I own, A and P 4/5.



Me too!! I'm the person who stresses over "paper or plastic" at the grocery store! ;-)


I had a thought after I wrote my post last night. Sonlight was cheaper for me because I would only be buying one set of LA, not two. I think Sonlight was $518 and MFW was $500. I would have to add a couple of notebooking journals to an Apologia I already own to sonlight which would be another $40.


I do believe I've settled on MFW ECC. My kids are really interested in Geography and they will be in third and first next year. Still too young for Ancient History I think. So I'm fairly certain we will do ECC, but am too nervous to buy now. That 10% is enticing though!! Good luck with your decision and have a great rest of your school year!!

I asked my girls what they thought, and the younger said they both look good, and the older said MFW looks like more fun. I'm not sure yet if I want to use the Sonlight LA or not. I own LA 1 and 2 already, so I would get LA 3 this time. I didn't really use it much the other times, and instead went with other stuff. I guess that's where some of the extra cost comes in as well, if I'm buying LA that I may not use and instead have to order something else for LA.


MFW doesn't come with the book basket books. Sonlight does. That's part of the cost. Some of the books are hard to find at the library and it can get frustrating and not really save anything. We use Sonlight because it goes deeper and encourages critical thinking by offering multiple viewpoints. My kids are 6,8, and 11. We've used all the cores from P4/5 to F. I look at MFW from time to time when I hear a great review. But, I always go back to Sonlight for the depth.

Yeah, it's that big stack of books that draws me in to SL. I like the library, but with 4, soon to be 5 kids, it is a lot of work to go there.

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MFW doesn't come with the book basket books. Sonlight does. That's part of the cost. Some of the books are hard to find at the library and it can get frustrating and not really save anything. We use Sonlight because it goes deeper and encourages critical thinking by offering multiple viewpoints. My kids are 6,8, and 11. We've used all the cores from P4/5 to F. I look at MFW from time to time when I hear a great review. But, I always go back to Sonlight for the depth.


May I ask you a question since you are a seasoned Sonlighter?  I am probably going to go with MFW ECC for my kids for 3rd and 1st grade....and then maybe start Ancient History with Sonlight Core B when they are 4th and 2nd.  Is that too old to do Core B?  I just feel like with my daughter (the older child) that she isn't ready for some of the content of Ancient history and has a HUGE heart for missions which would be a great fit with ECC right now.  


I guess I'm wondering if I'm getting her going WAY too late in Sonlight if she starts Core B in 4th grade.  

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If your kids:
LOVE to sit for LONG hours of read aloud

Don't have a lot of outside commitments (sports, scouting, gymnastics. etc)

Don't need or want a lot of hands-on projects

LIke to discuss things and talk about the books/stories they read


Then, SL



If your kids:

Like read-alouds for maybe 25 minutes per day

Have enough outside commitments that you want school to be be less than 3 hours

Need at least one hands on project or idea every day (even if it is just coloring a notebook page)but sometimes other projects



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If your kids:

LOVE to sit for LONG hours of read aloud

Don't have a lot of outside commitments (sports, scouting, gymnastics. etc)

Don't need or want a lot of hands-on projects

LIke to discuss things and talk about the books/stories they read


Then, SL



If your kids:

Like read-alouds for maybe 25 minutes per day

Have enough outside commitments that you want school to be be less than 3 hours

Need at least one hands on project or idea every day (even if it is just coloring a notebook page)but sometimes other projects



We use sonlight. I currently have chores b and f going. Both girls have plenty of time for their own interests and outside activities.


For core b, I'm spending at MOST 2 hours reading. And For history/science/ra's/readers/bible AND that's rare for it to take so long. Then there's math and la.


And for the older grades, seriously only three hours for school? Maybe others can do it, but I would need to cut our extra activities If that's all the time I had available. How many activities are you doing that you only have 3 hours available for school? How old are your kids? (Truly asking. I'm curious, and can't see signatureson my phone)


Also, if time is limited do you want to spend it on crafts (have no idea if that's REALLY how mfw is)? We don't. Others I know do.

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I use core B as second grade level. It could easily be third as well. It's a little much for first. I don't even see an issue using it for forth, except you would have to skip a core or two somewhere. But, it really doesn't matter, as long as you hit all the main topics by graduation. I haven't used ECC, but I I know that it uses some of the books from Core A, and at least one from C. Sonlight also has a missions focus. I hope that helps! What is most important is that you find what works for you family. I will say that we do not just sit around reading books all day. Core B plus math, LA, crafts, etc took us no more than 2, maybe 3 hours. But that is spread throughout the day usually, not in a chunk.

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I have never used SL, I didn't want to pay that much for it and was concerned it may not work well for us.  This year is my second time through MFW ECC.  The boys are enjoying it a lot.  I do not worry about having all the books from the list, and sometimes substitute other books of the same topic if they don't have the exact ones at the library.  I think that there are probably pros and cons to each, but for me the cost was a big factor in why I went with MFW.  But I stuck with it because it works for us, doesn't take a ton of prep, and the parts I don't care for are easy to tweak.

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We use sonlight. I currently have chores b and f going. Both girls have plenty of time for their own interests and outside activities.


For core b, I'm spending at MOST 2 hours reading. And For history/science/ra's/readers/bible AND that's rare for it to take so long. Then there's math and la.


And for the older grades, seriously only three hours for school? Maybe others can do it, but I would need to cut our extra activities If that's all the time I had available. How many activities are you doing that you only have 3 hours available for school? How old are your kids? (Truly asking. I'm curious, and can't see signatureson my phone)


Also, if time is limited do you want to spend it on crafts (have no idea if that's REALLY how mfw is)? We don't. Others I know do.

Well, FYI the post is about SL vs. MFW, not what I currently do...and my kids are a lot older than OP...but when my kids were in first and fourth, yes, homeschool can definitely be done in about 3 hours.  But remember, lots of moms do many educational things with their children (including copious amounts of reading aloud) that are not "school" ....not all moms want that to be the "necessary thing to do each day" though...KWIM?  You may desire your school day to include lots of read aloud, and that will lengthen your school day every day.


Other moms may desire to have much less read aloud and that will shorten her school day.  But when she's in the mood, and feels like it, then she adds books in from the library (this is MFW's approach) for kids to read to themselves, or maybe she just reads aloud when she's in the mood from their own books.  


In fact, SL was originally written for American expatriots who had no access to libraries and very limited after-school activities- people who actually needed to fill up their days with excellent books. They used to even state that their curriculum was for people who had minimal outside commitments.  


MFW and SL are rather different, and after using both and years in the homeschool world, it's easy to see the differences.  It's just not easy to tell what's best for one's family. :o) 

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Personally, I would pick SL core B.  


It is easy to see why SL is more expensive:  you are getting a lot more books with sonlight.   And not just any books....really good books!  When I compare the book list included with Core B with the books included in MFW ECC, there is no question in my mind which is a better program.  


I also have never liked the MFW schedules.   This is probably a personal thing though.   I always like them in theory at the beginning of the year when I am optimistic about my ability to complete them.  But they almost never work out long term.  


You also wrote, "[MFW would] leave me more options when it comes to things like math."   Keep in mind that with Sonlight, you can *just* order a core (history, bible, literature/language arts).   Or you can *just* order the read aloud package.   Or you can *just* order the grade appropriate readers.   All of those separate packages are availabon on their website.   You don't have to order the full grade package.   So lets say you want to use something other than the options SL gives you for math, you can just order the core and use that.  Nothing will change with your schedule because math is not in their schedule.   It is just included in the full grade package to help out new homeschoolers.  (BTW---SL "only" gives you the option for singapore, horizon, saxon, teaching textbooks, Life of Fred, "Keys to", and minquon.  So quite a few selections, but maybe yours is not on there.) 


I am a huge fan of Sonlight.   HOWEVER---I *only* use the readers and read aloud packages from Sonlight.   I use SOTW for history and FLL/AAS for language arts.  (Plus copywork, narration, and studied diction from our sonlight readers.)   I use something else for science too.   My point....sonlight is highly customizable.  


I also disagree that Sonlight takes hours and hours of time per day.   I think the readings are quite reasonable.  

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Oh I would never order a full grade package. I just meant more options for math because MFW will cost less, leaving more money for math etc. I would really like to try MUS with my oldest. We have used CLE in the past, and that is probably what I would fall back on if I don't have enough for MUS. I was planning to order the Core package, but maybe I should calculate what it would be without the LA and readers. I know I likely won't use the SL LA. I likely would use the readers if we got them, but I also have CLE reading that I will probably use.

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I've used both SL & MFW for these ages, and I did spend much more time reading the SL books aloud. However, my dd loved books, so this wasn't really a problem--until I started realizing that I would eventually need to do 3 cores to adequately meet their needs. (I know it's possible to combine kids in cores, but my kids are pretty far apart academically.)


I loved, loved, loved ECC. However, I would not have loved it nearly as much if we hadn't had access to a good library. The books shown on the website are the core books, not the book basket books. When you add those books into the mix, you have a much richer curriculum that can be easily adjusted for ability and interests. My kids acted like it was Christmas every time my dh came home from the library with a pile of those book basket books. :-)


I also would like to add that MFW at the elementary levels is more rigorous, at least with the readings, than many people realize. When my oldest dd was in 7th grade, we began using TOG, which has a reputation for being rigorous. She had already read over half of the Dialectic level books when she was in 4th or 5th grade. The written work was more challenging for her, but the reading was easy because of her background with MFW.



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The books shown on the website are the core books, not the book basket books. When you add those books into the mix, you have a much richer curriculum that can be easily adjusted for ability and interests. My kids acted like it was Christmas every time my dh came home from the library with a pile of those book basket books. :-)



I work for a library with great interlibrary loan. We have several mfw families. Some of the books they check out *I* didn't like, but MOST of them look amazing. I really love the list mfw has for the book basket.

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There is also the option of reading the SL books off schedule, with your own thoughts and commentary.  If you are good at discussion, and are able to really make good discussions happen on your own (tying history to Biblical worldview, other periods of history, cause/effect, etc.) then really you don't need the Holzmann's schedule.  You can just enjoy the books in your own way/at your own pace....That's what we did with the American History core.

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There is also the option of reading the SL books off schedule, with your own thoughts and commentary. If you are good at discussion, and are able to really make good discussions happen on your own (tying history to Biblical worldview, other periods of history, cause/effect, etc.) then really you don't need the Holzmann's schedule. You can just enjoy the books in your own way/at your own pace....That's what we did with the American History core.

Yeah, I tried that last year. Didn't work so well for me, lol. For now I still need a schedule, but maybe in a few years I will get better at it!


I'm leaning towards Sonlight. I don't think I'm going to have time or energy for a bunch of crafts and activities next year, as much as my kids would love it. Reading on the couch while nursing a baby is much easier :P

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I have found a little more interest (for me) with Sonlight over MFW ECC.  With ECC, it was the same every other week.  It is the same routine for every country you study for the whole year.  My son was fine with it, but when the second semester started, I figured out a plan to zip through the rest of the curriculum because I was getting so bored with the same exact routine -reading the same books, doing similar activities, week after week.  You could easily do ECC for cheaper using something like Galloping the Globe.  The book basket saves ECC in my opinion.  

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I have not seen MFW in person, and SL I've just seen the two cores I own, A and P 4/5.




I asked my girls what they thought, and the younger said they both look good, and the older said MFW looks like more fun. I'm not sure yet if I want to use the Sonlight LA or not. I own LA 1 and 2 already, so I would get LA 3 this time. I didn't really use it much the other times, and instead went with other stuff. I guess that's where some of the extra cost comes in as well, if I'm buying LA that I may not use and instead have to order something else for LA.



Yeah, it's that big stack of books that draws me in to SL. I like the library, but with 4, soon to be 5 kids, it is a lot of work to go there.


If you are just interested in the Sonlight core, you could look at Bookshark.  It is the same people and cores, just secular and you can buy just the core.   Last time I looked Sonlight made you buy LA, which irritates me.  Since you might not be using the LA anyway, why buy it?  

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If you are just interested in the Sonlight core, you could look at Bookshark. It is the same people and cores, just secular and you can buy just the core. Last time I looked Sonlight made you buy LA, which irritates me. Since you might not be using the LA anyway, why buy it?

Yes, I've definitely looked at BookShark! Now my 8 year old tells she absolutely does not want to do SL...

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I have found a little more interest (for me) with Sonlight over MFW ECC.  With ECC, it was the same every other week.  It is the same routine for every country you study for the whole year.  My son was fine with it, but when the second semester started, I figured out a plan to zip through the rest of the curriculum because I was getting so bored with the same exact routine -reading the same books, doing similar activities, week after week.  You could easily do ECC for cheaper using something like Galloping the Globe.  The book basket saves ECC in my opinion.  


I have done both MFW ECC and SL Core B. The bolded above is one problem I had with ECC. I used ECC with kids the same age as you mentioned, and the other problem we ran into with it is that some of the books were at their level and some were over their heads. So while the package was less expensive overall than SL, I ended up paying for a bunch of books we didn't actually use. The book basket books are great, a lot of them are SL books, however, I ended up having a lot of library fines having that many books checked out all the time. I wasn't good at managing that or choosing here and there which select books to check out. In the end, every year I used MFW I ended up piecing together a SL core to finish the year. Also, all the books in ECC, I read aloud to my children, so the reading time was basically identical to what is required in SL. If you want you can assign some of that reading to your children, which you can also do with SL, however, mine would not have been ready for that at those ages. 


I am using SL now. This is the first year that I decided to go with SL from the get-go. I had let some reviews dissuade me from going with SL each year because I was afraid it wasn't what was "best." This has been the ONLY year I have managed to stay on task and not switch to another curriculum mid-year. I am using Core D. I would say that one of the things I like is that the readers go with the history reading and read alouds, so everything is connected and the learning is layered. That is not true of Core B. I do have some concerns, mainly that there is no output from them, like worksheets, projects, crafts, etc. I think those things at least give me the feeling that there is definitely learning happening. There is a great website that has notebooking pages for Cores through E, so that is helpful in that area. Also, I do not use the LA, so I can't comment on that. Finally, the cost doesn't have to be prohibitive. I purchased my Core on a FB group for half price, and it was in such good condition I couldn't even tell it had been used. 

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I know this post is about SL and MFW but if cost is an issue you may want to look at Beautiful Feet.

I have used both SL and MFW. We liked SL better. I just started using Beautiful Feet, and we like it best. When, and If, I need more readers for my children then I pull out the SL catalog and get the extra readers from the library.

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Thank you both! Right now I am considering buying the IG, and the Core books, without LA and readers. My oldest really wants to do geography, so I'm looking at options to add some geography for her that doesn't cost too much $$$. I will take a look at Beautiful Feet as well. I'm not sure if I've ever looked at it before.

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I know this post is about SL and MFW but if cost is an issue you may want to look at Beautiful Feet.I have used both SL and MFW. We liked SL better. I just started using Beautiful Feet, and we like it best. When, and If, I need more readers for my children then I pull out the SL catalog and get the extra readers from the library.

Wow, I just looked at Beautiful Feet and it looks really good! It looks like most of it is US based, but the character training pack could work very well. I wish the geography pack was more world, and less US.

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Guest Hallow has some free schedules. We used part of the geography one a long time ago. She has improved it since we used it, we enjoyed it. http://www.guesthollow.com/homeschool/geography/geography.html Winter Promise also has a geography curriculum. It is expensive but it looks good.




I hope you find what works best for your family :)

Edited by paintmisha
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I know that this is about SL VS MFW but have you considered using The Story of the World with it's accompanying Activity guide?  It would cost you much less than SL and then you could use the library for the book suggestions in the AG.  I have used SL for quite some time but decided to change things up and after looking at MFW and other SL cores, I thought SOTW looked good to me.  The AG has mapping, coloring pages, and project ideas that you can choose from.  I use the Timeline book from SL and the wall map to go along with it too.  SOTW is not grade specific (however is geared towards grammar stage (elementary) students) and can be used at the same time for all your kids which is a huge time and money saver!  All you have to do is go to the library for the extra reading suggestions or hop on Amazon.  

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