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Vegetable ideas for church potluck


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I just made "roasted vegetables" in the crockpot. Super easy and very good. Just cut up a lot of veggies you like into largish chunks and put them in the crockpot. Drizzle a little olive oil and salt and some herbs if you want (I usually use Herbs de Provence). Do not add water or any other liquid. Toss it a bit and cook about 3-4 hours on high. They are softer than roasted vegetables in the oven but still very good. 

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I would go with a vegetable platter.

I find it works well for people with a wide variety of food issues. Anyone can tell at a glance that it contains, no gluten, no meat, no ... It also works great for picky eaters. I know that as a kid I always loved when a function had a fruit or vegetable platter. I wouldn't have to have any surprises as far as taste or texture.

Edited by Julie Smith
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We have lunch together every Sunday after church, and many are vegans, vegetarians, and we ALL are during fasting seasons.  Anyway, I won't list all the things people bring, but I will tell you what gets totally eaten up every time:


Green bean casserole.  Very simple, no gluten or dairy in it.


Vegetable stew with or without TVP; use Better than Broth vegetable bullion for the base and don't salt it--the bullion is salty--until it is done cooking...then salt to taste.


Sauteed mushrooms.  My friend makes this and it is the easiest thing in the world and you have to get in line early to get any!  Get the biggest package of mushrooms youc an imagine.  Wash them and trim the stems.  Put in plastic bag, drizzle in some olive oil and garlic and salt and pepper and shake the tar out of it.   Put the mushrooms into a covered baking dish at 325* for awhile (taste test).  Serve 'em up.  


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I would go with a vegetable platter.


I find it works well for people with a wide variety of food issues. Anyone can tell at a glance that it contains, no gluten, no meat, no ... It also works great for picky eaters. I know that as a kid I always loved when a function had a fruit or vegetable platter. I wouldn't have to have any surprises as far as taste or texture.

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I like plain baked sweet potatoes. Serve with a choice of butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon. 


Corn custard is something my Dad's wife makes that is really good.  The recipe is similar to this one: http://www.yankeemagazine.com/recipe/corn-custard#_


Mashed potatoes


Thanksgiving food is so heavy, I am always craving a plain green salad.

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Traditionally this has both gluten and dairy how do you tweak it to make it gf/df?


I don't make it; I just pig out on it when my friend makes it.  I think she browns some onions in a little olive oil, and then coats the beans with that mixture and bakes it.  So it's technically not a casserole.  But it sure is yummy!  

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It's always a big hit when my mom or sister take jalapeno corn. 

2 cans whole kernel corn, drained
1 8 oz. package cream cheese
1 stick butter
chopped jalapeños and juice - use sparingly until you reach the desired spiciness.


Melt butter and cream cheese, then add in drained corn. Mix thoroughly. Add in the chopped jalapeños and juice. (We usually do maybe 1/4 c jalapeños and maybe 1tbsp juice). 

For larger potlucks, we double the recipe. 
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I usually grab a red pepper, an onion, carrots, and celery, finely dice and saute with garlic and other favorite herbs and then add to rice to make a casserole. For added flavor you can season the rice water as it cooks or use broth/ stock. It is simple, friendly to many different diets, and not too expensive.

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My go-to Potluck veggie is Mashed Cauliflower.   There is always enough people feeling guilty about the calories they are otherwise getting to make it disappear, and even be eagerly looked forward to on repeats.  


Recipe:  Microwave frozen cauliflower until it just starts to wilt.  Don't worry about brown spots.  Put in food processor and blend for a long time.  Add cream cheese and a little Parmesan.  About 4 bags of cauliflower makes a reasonable pot-luck contribution.  

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Salad made of baby spinach, feta cheese (optional if you want it vegan), toasted sliced almonds, and dried cranberries with a raspberry vinaigrette is festive and seasonal.


Alternatively, 2 Fuyu persimmons peeled and sliced thinly, the seeds of one large pomegranite, 1 cup of thinly sliced celery, 1/2 cup of pecan pieces, and 5 cups of mixed baby greens with a vinaigrette is an excellent fall salad.  


Or, saute 1 lb of sliced mushrooms in olive oil with 2 cloves minced garlic.  When they are almost done, add a handful of mixed wild mushroom pieces, and saute until done.  Squeeze in the juice of one lemon, sprinkle with a teaspoon of freshly crushed dried thyme, season to taste with kosher salt if necessary (I usually don't).  Serve to wild acclaim.

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Peel some carrots into ribbons, steam with peas, add butter or oil, salt, and finely chopped mint and scallions. Which is definitely a vegetable I am making for Thanksgiving.


That's actually so simple, it's almost cheating and I'd bring a second vegetable, probably mashed rutabaga and parsnips or roasted sweet potato.

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