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Do any of you school in the evenings?


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I tried it today to see how it would work. My hunch may be right... schooling in the evening is better for my son with ADD. I let him play as usual today and at 6 pm I started his lessons. He did wonderfully, I'm honestly shocked! We are already done. (There wasn't a single melt down from him or me lol.)

I'm going to try this tomorrow as well. I personally hate this schedule but heck, if it works this well I'll adjust LOL.

So does anyone else school in the evenings?

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I find variety is key here with ADHD for us

What works for a few days will become old after a while and have her distracted again.


Maybe next week I should try doing lessons in the kiddy poll for the shock and awe value.


yes we do school work in the evening but it's not planned that way. we just work on things that didn't get done during the day!

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I don't. I would hate it too. But I think my ds would do very well with it...


He does fine with a day-time schedule, but I think he would do even better with an evening one. And if I had a child who had struggles and the difference was really significant, well, maybe I'd force myself to get over it and just make that schedule work for me too.


Glad you found something that seems to be working!

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Sometimes we do our science experiments in the evening. Dh is usually working late, and sometimes I just feel tired in the afternoon, the kids are a bit grumpy and need some alone reading time, so we'll have an easy dinner and do some science. Whatever works for you !:001_smile:

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Do whatever works for you. If you're okay with it and ds can work w/o a meltdown then do it.


I occasionally do my 1st grader's work in the evenings so Daddy can watch the 2 y.o, but I don't like to. We start so early (about 6:30 a.m. b/c the aforementioned 2 y.o. is still asleep) that I am tired and sick of school by that time.

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We do schoolwork in the evenings when the mood strikes me...so far the kids seem to like it and do well. by then the toddler is asleep so there aren't as many distractions.

Evening work is wonderful on days like today when I just cannot seem to get going in the morning....The kids aren't as fidgity in the evenings as they are in the mornings or afternoons....I just have to make sure that we have a light dinner or an easy dinner so there isn't so much clean up! If cleaning up after dinner takes up too much of my time and energy then I don't want to any schoolwork in the evenings!

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My husband has spent the bulk of our marriage studying for exams (first the actuarials, then the CFA).


It was much, much easier for my kids not to miss him if, when he went to study, we went to study too. We would therefore do some schoolwork in the morning, and save about an hour's worth for the evening.


Now that dh is done with exams :party: our schedule has changed.


Do what works best.

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I'm not sure how this will work in the long run. This year my hubby coaches my 5 yr old sons soccer team, so he takes care of taking him to and from the field. My oldest (The one I'm going to evening school.) isn't interested in sports so I dont have to be anywhere in the evenings just yet. As the younger kiddos get older and play sports I will have too many places to be in the evenings to attempt schooling the kids then. So for now, since it'll work out time wise, we'll give evening school a try.

I hope today goes as well as yesterday did.

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What do you miss about it? How did it work out for you?



Well, I miss the calmness. We have a large family and the energy in this house first thing in the morning, well, it would just be best put toward letting them play and all of us do chores. By evening, no one wants to clean up. My oldest child and I both are slow starters in the morning as well. We manage, but it just doesn't go as well. I feel better when I have physical activity first thing in the morning (chores, walk, etc) than to have to just move from bed to breakfast to desk chair. Everything seemed to flow more smoothly in the evening. Hubby will soon be going back to school, so evenings will become his study time. This would be good for that as well. If we are studying in the evenings, then the children will 1) already have gotten their energy out during the day and won't be pinging off the walls and daddy when daddy comes home and 2) will be studying at the same time as daddy.

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Math and grammar review occurs whenever I can fit it in, which is often at night.


Usually I do most readalouds at night. When we used to do FLL, I did that as part of a long chain of interactive and non-interactive readaloud material.


Now that DD is 12, usually the readalouds include a history book, a historical fiction book, and/or a literature book, Fallacy Detective or Tiner science, and sometimes a poem.

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