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Favorite reusable grocery bags/totes, especially if you do bulk shopping?


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I Get mine from the grocery stores. I have a bunch from Krogers/smiths and some from HEB. They have lasted many years, but I try to buy the when they are on sale for $.99 so I don't mind when one gets yucky and needs to be thrown out. The insulated ounces are more expensive (like $3.99 or so). Th zippers are broken on mine, but I usually keep a cooler in the back of my car so that has not been a big deal.

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I have had these for years:




The one downside is that baggers recognize their strength. Baggers will pack them to a weight that is uncomfortable to carry if I don't specifically ask them to keep the bags reasonably light. I should make laminated instruction tags and attach them. #iamnotacontrolfreak

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I like Trader Joes insulated bags. They have a flat bottom and seem to fit more stuff in than than the ones without flat bottoms, like the IKEA insulated totes.


I use Trade Joe's insulated bags as well and love them. I think they were around $6 each, but 3 are usually more than enough for all my weekly groceries except toilet paper and a 12 pack of seltzer that I usually get. 

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when I used bags, I always for got them, so I started using rubbermaid bins (the ones that are about 10 inches deep)  I just put all the groceries into the cart and when I get to the car, I organize the food in the bins by where the stuff goes at home-- when I get home I can hand a child a bin and say- go to the freezer, or go to the pantry.  All the frozen stuff stays together and keeps each other cold and the canned stuff doesn't bump the glass stuff as badly.  They come with lids if I need to stack them (for a really big trip to the store.  I can also use the bin for other stuff the rest of the week (either car organization or, when I took my newspapers to a recycling bin, I would keep the paper stuff in the bins all week long)

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I use these kind because they are washable, stuff into their own tiny bag that is attached to the inside of the reusable bag, and last forever. I've had mine for years. They aren't as large as I'd like them to be, so they might not work for bulk shopping. But man, are they easy to have on hand in the car or in your purse. 




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I've got a set of Omnisax that I really like. They hold a ton and roll up very small. The five-packs come with a pouch to hold them all, but if I'm going for a small shopping run, I can just throw a bag or two in my purse.





They come in all sorts of prints at Amazon. I'm happy to see the new pouches have handles--the old ones had snap tops and I had issues with the snaps ripping through the fabric. The bags themselves have held up really well.

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Reuseit.com - I LOVE Mine, and I get comments about them at the grocery store EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. They are the best, seriously. I have had them for YEARS and they still look brand new. I do run them through a gentle cycle sometimes and hang to dry, but I couldn't live without them. They fit so much and just wear so well. On the rare occasion they aren't in my car, I curse myself, because they are just that good.


I have these:



and these:

Hmmmm, am not seeing them on the site. If I find them, I'll post back. The above ones are really good though.

ETA: Here, but looks like they aren't currently available anymore, boo! Truly though, the ones above are just as good - I love both equally.



Sign up for coupons. They regularly send a $25 off $50 or similar.


Oh, and I couldn't live without my insulated bag from Costco. Love that! I put cold stuff into it as I'm shopping. Then the clerk will check the stuff out right from the cold bag and put it all bag inside once finished charging it.

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Seconding (or thirding?) the Omnisax. They really are good to roll up and have in your bag. They carry more than you expect. Mine have been really put through the wringer and are still going strong. I love them.


We have a bag tax, so you really have to bring your own bag. However, I don't bother when I'm bulk shopping. Like, I've never seen anyone have them at Costco. I let them box things up and then recycle the box if it's the right sort of load.

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