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encouraging texts to sensitive college freshman


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My nephew has left for college and is away from home for the first time.  He will be the first to do this in his immediate family.  He has also chosen a theater arts major, which is unusual for this very rural area.  I want to send him texts every week or so that are encouraging without adding pressure.  I have sent a few already, but am having trouble thinking of some more. 

For example:  Thinking of you, hope you have a great week- Good.  Encouraging, no pressure

                       Do us proud!- Not so good, adds pressure to live up to someone else's expectations


This seems like a simple thing, but I have run out of things to text already! 



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If you are a Christian, you could ask if he has something he wants you to pray for that week--a test or audition or whatever. Otherwise, I would look for funny stuff you can screenshot or send in a link. And care packages are vastly underutilized, in my opinion. Who doesn't like mail?

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You're nice! I'm pretty sure I got maybe two calls per semester from one part of my parental sets, and saw my cousins and their parents every three or four years. I believe the term for it was 'cutting the apron strings'.


Being the amazing, awesome aunt that you are (seriously!), I'd say just share things from your life. Don't overthink it. Ask how his classes or friends are going, what's on his agenda for the coming days, if you can pray about anything for him, and yes, care packages are quite nice. Toilet paper and a $20 is always a great gift :D

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Also vote for surprise mail. Doesnt even have to be a $20...spread it in 4/$5 for lunch, coffee, whatever he likes? Will give you 4 opportunities to reach out to him instead of $20 per each time? And I always appreciate a sincere "hope you have a great week!", even if the wording doesn't change much :)

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He may enjoy something just completely goofy.  One of my bonus daughters (oldest dd's best friend since 4th grade) went away to college this year.  Because of something funny that happened several years ago, we have a running gag about those stupid horse head masks.  So, whenever I think of it I will google until I find a horse head mask pic that is funny or has something to do with what is going on in her life. (mask on someone sleeping when she's had tests, a mask in a box when she had dorm move in day, etc.).  It is simple and personal without it being TOO personal or motherly.

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