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Is it just me? Or are 3-day weekends L-O-N-G?!


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We're contrarion type people: we don't go places or do things over three day weekends because of the crowds.


Plus I had a steroid shot on Fri. for my back problem and was told to take it easy for the weekend.


DH had stuff to do and the kids and I took care of the two kittens next door while the owners traveled, but besides that . . . the weekend stretched on.


This situation seems to present itself two or three times a year. Every year. But not often enough that I take drastic measures to avoid total boredom.


Also, we're far from family and many friends were out of town this weekend.


Is this just me? How do you get the most out of your 3- and 4-day weekends?



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I love long weekends. If weather is appropriate (sadly, right now it's too hot), we go hiking for one or two of the days. No crowds, we just don't choose such places.

Long weekends allow us to catch up on projects around the house, get some uninterrupted work done for our jobs, sleep in, cook leisurely meals, bake (notin this heat though). Good head start for the week with all chores being done.

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Oh, were we supposed to take a three day weekend? I just made the children do school all day. :D


Government holidays can't tell me what to do. Or something.


ETA: Dh had to work. And I'm not working right now, so it's not like back when I had a regular work schedule and lived for them. They were too short then. But these days I do what I like with them.

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Oh, were we supposed to take a three day weekend? I just made the children do school all day. :D


Government holidays can't tell me what to do. Or something.


ETA: Dh had to work. And I'm not working right now, so it's not like back when I had a regular work schedule and lived for them. They were too short then. But these days I do what I like with them.


This is far more my style. We should have just done a regular school day today. The minute I say "day off," my boys -- both 12 -- won't listen to me read or anything like they did when they were younger. I can get them to practice their instruments and that's it.


I do do chores: laundry, cooking etc. Somehow I come out of these weekend with a bleh kind of feeling. Yes, I should have cleaned out the junk room. That actually would have felt good.


We have a lot of fun things happening in the fall so I need to make a gratitude list and chill out! :glare:



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Three day weekends are very appreciated here since dh usually always works 5 days a week. We don'ttravel anywhere far just local things. The kids had an overnight at my parents' house on Saturday so dh, the baby, the dogs, and I had lunch at a park and walked in the woods. The dogs played in the creek for a bit. Then we played board games and ate out at a favorite restaurant. We then spent Sunday with family, which we do every Sunday. Today we cleaned in 15 minute bursts, watched Jurassic World,went swimming, and now I'm getting the youngest 2 to bed while dh plays a board game with the other 2. The whole weekend was fun but relaxing! I'm hoping it has rejuvenated me enough for the week because I've been struggling with dh's schedule being so crazy

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I love 3 day weekends! If dh had to work, then we would just have a normal day, but he didn't so we went hiking today. This weekend was actually wonderful because the one year old was sick earlier, so dh took the big kids to the lake Saturday and Sunday and I stayed home and snuggled with my baby!

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I suspect my husband would agree with you. He often can't figure out what to do with his time when he's home for long stretches. He's spent most of today watching Netflix and napping. I was out of the house for much of yesterday, but I'm willing to bet he did more or less the same thing then.


We actually had a four-day weekend, because Friday was my husband's birthday and he always takes the day off work.


I napped for a couple of hours this afternoon, but managed to fill most of my time productively/pleasantly for the rest of the weekend. I baked some goodies for my husband to share with his gaming buddies on Friday evening. I made two Orlando-Tampa round-trips to bring my son home and then take him back to campus.  I went to work for a few hours on Saturday morning, then helped my son update his dance resume and put together an audition video. On Sunday, I took my son and a couple of friends to WDW, then left them there to hang out while I came home and did laundry and some other chores. Today, I spent a few hours planting some of the containers I've been working on for my beach-themed patio project, then went to Lowe's and Home Depot in search of a few more plants to finish the project.


I then took the aforementioned nap and woke up in time to make dinner.

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