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Got good news about my dad today (and prayer/good thought request, too)


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A few months ago I posted that my dad was severely ill.  He was jaundiced, itchy, and in pain.  He ended up having a blocked bile duct caused by a cancerous tumor on the head of his pancreas.  As far as pancreatic cancer goes, this was really best case scenario.  Pancreatic cancer in the head of the pancreas is curable, mainly because it's the only place on the pancreas that the cancer is not "silent."  It ends up blocking the bile duct and that sends the person to the doctor and so it is caught early.  There is a complex surgery that will remove the tumor completely.  Really, my dad's case was nearly textbook.


They could not do the surgery when he was diagnosed in July.  The tumor was partially wrapped around the vein that goes to the liver.  Removing part of the vein would be a death sentence.  So he had four rounds of a very, very strong chemo, one every two weeks lasting 2 1/2 days each infusion.  He got the last one off Friday.  Yesterday he had CT scans done and today he saw the surgeon.


The chemo worked!  The tumor has shrunk enough and in the right direction away from that vein and now they can proceed with the Whipple procedure.  This surgery is pretty intensive, but it increases the 5-year survival rate of pancreatic cancer from 6% to 25%.  They will remove the head of the pancreas including the tumor, about 10" of his small intestine, and the gallbladder.  Since only 20% of pancreatic cancers are in the place and caught at the point the Whipple procedure will work, most surgeons will only do a handful a year.  It just so happens the hospital he is at has some of the most experienced surgeons in the country.  His main surgeon does several a month.  It is one of his specialties.  So that is *great.*  Most surgeons have about a 15% on the table during the surgery death rate.  This doctor has a just 3% rate.


Really, this is exactly what we hoped for, but the surgery and recovery is obviously going to be rough.  My dad has age on his side (he's 70), but he is really underweight now (he's lost over 60 pounds since he first got sick) and has Celiac so eating is an issue anyway.  His surgery is scheduled for the 17th.  Please, if you could spare some prayers/good thoughts, that would be great.  His name is Frank (and my mom is Elaine).

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