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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Yay, the tackle thread!


I need to go through this exercise today.  It's crazy in my mind.


Today the maids are coming.  I'm not really sure how that happened, considering that our house is barely distinguishable from a garbage dump right now because of the construction.  We're supposed to be getting new carpets / flooring in the next few days (?), so I'm not sure why it is worth vacuuming now, but whatever.  I will have to clean up all the clutter with half of my house off-limits and the kids underfoot.


It's garbage day, so I will also try to get rid of as much junk as I can.


I don't know what the construction guys are doing today, but I know it will be disruptive.


Today is the last day of my kids' summer vacation.  So we have a lot to do - finish the summer homework, organize and pack school supplies, go over the classroom rules, figure out what to wear, haircuts, last minute shopping, etc.


And in the middle of all this, I am supposed to put in a day's work.  Ha!


The list:

  • Work.
  • Clean for maids.
  • Organize hand-me-downs and donations.
  • Take out a ton of garbage.
  • Kids need to finish their summer homework.
  • Bills and other personal paperwork.
  • Kids to soccer practice.
  • Some shopping.
  • Haircuts for the 3 of us.
  • Kids' calendar.
  • Whatever I'm forgetting.
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Good Morning...trying to get back on track at getting up at 5:45 am.  


Up and tidied bedroom, dressed to exercise from 7-8am.


Back home to vacuum main floor, shower, get dressed and have breakfast by 9am.


School --9 to 12 


Lunch 12-1


School 1-4


Prep dinner and relax


Be in bed by 9pm....


I have got to do this!!  


Have a great day!

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Good morning! I hope everyone has a good, productive day!



breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats


To Do:

more laundry

breakfast for me and ds

school: history, science, math, LA, Fix-It, Spelling, reading


make a grocery list/meal plan

errands out (bills, groceries)

tidy house


make lesson plans for co-op classes on Friday


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Good morning

- school work- have done discussion for statistics and psychology and 1 of 6 statistics assignments

- dishes- done

- tidy house- round 1 done

- laundry- in dryer

- fold laundry

- school work

- dinner- Done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- gathered up trip receipts that I have for dh

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hi all-

how is everyone feeling? today is one of my favorite days of the week--homeschooling, nowhere to be, and reading :)


1. laundry-need detergent

2. school

3. call back evan for specifics on auto body estimate

4. start crocheting dog blanket

5. patient files AND bills *****

6 pay for snorkel trip TODAY

7. healthy breakfast please!

8/. clean kitchen and living room

9. put clothes away

10. walk dogs

11. vacuum litter area

12. vacuum car


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Good morning!


My first grader was so eager to do school that she started early and is done for the day already. lol I wish that would last. . .




Doctor's appt for thyroid - me

Put library books on hold for next week - history and science. My library FINALLY started holding books for me! It made me so happy!

Dinner - flat bread pizzas, a nice easy dinner

Finish blog post

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Good morning! Calm day here. No judo this week, the rec center is closed for cleaning. Still on summer swim schedule, so it is really a quiet day.


To do:

School for all

Chores for all

Clean bathrooms


General clean up/ decluttering

PM practice

Figure out dinner


Have a great day!

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Dh is out of town, and we have a major painting and furniture moving operation underway. Unfortunately, ds is sick. I have no idea if we'll be able to move forward. If he can leave the house-


go to the paint store




move furniture

get rid of stuff


If he can't-

look at paint colors online

get rid of stuff

finish priming


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The construction guys, besides their usual noise (machines, banging, talking to each other), have decided they need to be listening to heavy metal today.  And they have the water turned off for an indefinite time period.


My kids have asked if they can go somewhere else to work.  Like where?  :P  No, I've been doing this for the past 3 months, you can do it for one day.  They are not concentrating very well, and when they are, they keep interrupting me with questions.  What's an adjective?  What's an adverb?  What's the # on Peyton Manning's jersey?  (??)


I got a couple of rooms mostly straightened up and the kitchen/bathrooms in shape, so the maids hopefully won't faint when they get here.


So now I am trying to "work."


I am gonna be so happy when I get my house back.

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One of the things on my kids' summer homework list is to wash my car.  I never ever wash my car, but whatever.  I looked up a car wash place since I don't see us being able to do it at home with all that's going on.  I hope they are open late.  :P

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I managed to ignore my alarm this morning :rolleyes:



--physical therapy

--Costco run

--grocery store for handwipes

--Tuesday things

--half of the daily things

--gathered paper goods for work shindig tonight

--paid dd15's university tuition bill, gulp!


To do:

--finish daily things

--continue working in ds's old room (he left some momentos that need to be packed for storage; I need to turn the room into a guest room)

--emails du jour

--continue w transcript and course descriptions



Tonight is dh's office's annual crab feast :D We meet on the grounds of the local orchard (one coworker's wife is a member of that family) and eat ourselves silly on Maryland crabs :party:

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ok, this summer I have let life go.  Too much.  We are back into school and I see that letting it all go was a bad idea.  I was trying not to nag about housework this summer.  My house/life is a mess!



kid's online computer classes.  One down, one in progress.  

clean something.  Anything.  

put up dishes

get dd birthday card

pack kids for summer camp

laundry before packing

make dinner.  something from chicken or beef.  


I wish there were cleaning fairies.....



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School is done. I had to run out and paid the bill I needed to pay, but I haven't made my meal plan/grocery list yet. 


One load of laundry is finished, and one is in the dryer. I'm considering a third.


I've had 2 cups of tea this afternoon, one green tea acai blueberry and one cinnamon chalet herbal. I enjoy a good cup of tea! I just need to get my life situated so that I can actually invite people to my house for it. 


On to make my list.



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How did it get to be this late??


I will call this day a success since I survived it.  :P  OK, and we got a lot done, and my kids were happy when I tucked them in bed.  Though it was way past their bedtime.  ;)  They are excited to start school tomorrow.


I am such an awesome mom, I managed to save up some fun surprises until tonight and they were well-received.  The kids' clothes for tomorrow are picked out and bags are mostly packed.  They have to finish up their summer science project in the morning (writing their observations of an egg sitting in vinegar for 2 days).  With this finished, there was only one item (out of about 50) on the summer homework list that they didn't do:  attend Vacation Bible School.  Now here's hoping we don't forget to pack the binders in the morning rush.  ;)


The self car wash was a blast - figuratively and literally.  Too bad it was kind of cold, so nobody was keen to get wet.  I mean, people were needing coats / blankets at soccer practice on August 25?  And just a few days ago I was burning up.


I got rid of some piles of garbage and as usual, that felt good.  The Christmas tree which has stood in our family room for about 5 years is on the treelawn.


I even got some work done.


Now I'd better start thinking about sleep.  Here's hoping I wake up in time to get the kids ready for school!

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made green smoothie for dh and ironed his clothes for work, said he felt appreciated ;) (ok, so when is he doing that for me, lol)

did school

drove dd to work

met dh to discuss ds

took dd to swimming

went to costco

ordered a speedqueen cuz I'm about to take a chainsaw to my LG washer piece of junk

ordered two dump trucks of dirt (soo sad to pay for dirt!)

signed dd up for classes

looked at what needs to be done to sign ds up for classes

paid bills

bought mums/bulbs, etc for front yard and mailbox bed

frontlined the dog and made a neuter appt

checked on status of puppy pickup date :)))))))))))))

marinated the meat for dinner

had a very calm but emotional discussion with youngest dd who was having a tantrum and learning to control her temper

did more school

researched my decision after a minor panic attack at buying the speedqueen so quickly

made carpooling arrangements for soccer and softball

at two pieces of chocolate and a pbj

felt guilty at eating that, ate an apple

decided to type what I've done in the past 8 hours for my own memory and self esteem - this is why, folks, mom is unable to remember every little detail you tell her...I do 800 things in a day!


this afternoon:

meet concrete sub

meet landscape architect

prep dinner for after practices

soccer practice dropoffs and coach softball


dinner, dishes, laundry, check schoolwork, math facts

listen to Vandiver lecture as I fall asleep for much needed rest (after dh gets what he needs today, too)

Wow.  You guys do this recap often?

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