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Nintendo DS or iPad Mini?


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I am trying to figure out what to get my boys for their birthdays. They will be turning 8 and 6. They already each have a tablet called a Nabi and I don't really like them. The run on Android, which I don't prefer and they have only 5gb of storage. I was thinking of getting them each a refurbished iPad mini. I found some for around $210 for a 16gb.


They both want a Nintendo DS. The DS, not the 3DS, is about $120 plus games and accessories.


I can't decide which to get them. I feel like price wise we would probably come out about even. With the iPad, apps are cheap (or free) and they are more versitile than the DS. The DS games cost much more and can be misplaced. But the DS games look more fun. It would also be something different to them. Which would you choose and why?

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It really depends on what games they like to play and if you be letting them have Internet acess. ipad apps are cheaper than most new DS games, but many, many game apps require Internet access to play the game. My DS12 find this frustrating at times, but the iPad is more versitile in that it can be used for videos, ebooks, and educational apps.The DS/3ds does not require Internet to play games. Many Nintiendo brad games such as pokemon are only available on nintiendo game systems.


At the ages you said, I would probably go with 2DS which have the double screen but do not have hinges (my ifs have worn out several DS systems with broken hinges) and get one iPad mini as a "family" mini that could be used by all at parent's discretion.

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My kids all have a Nintendo DS. Then a few years later, they each got an Ipod Touch. They don't play with the DS any more; it's all about the Ipods now. I found the DS games to be extremely easy to lose track of, because the cartridges are very small. Yet expensive. So if you lose one, you may be out $25. Whereas the Ipod apps are much cheaper or free and are impossible to misplace. So I'd vote for an Ipad or an Ipod.

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My favorite toy is my ipad, but I care not about games. I wouldn't care if all video games went extinct tomorrow. DS, however has access to both and he never chooses the ipad. He's all about the games and doesn't consider apps real games. He has a 3ds, but turns off the 3d half the time, so it's completely unnecessary. In the long run, the DS costs more because there's always some new game they want.

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I would also go with the DS, but with the 2DS version. It'll be able to play both the old DS games and the new 3DS games.


An iPad, while cool and able to be used for more than just gaming, would be more of the same. My kids also don't put apps in the video game category either. They'll briefly play them, but not in the same way as playing a full video game.

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Thank you! We have limited data per month, so the fact that the DS doesn't use Internet is a plus. We also have a family iPad (my old one), plus they will still have their Nabis. Thanks for the tip on the 2DS that doesn't hinge, I can see my boys ruining the hinge in a hurry.

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We have the 2ds and it will play the 3ds games, but be aware when shopping there is a NEW 3ds XL and some games ONLY work on that one. My son has a good Asus 16gb tablet and the 2ds. He often prefers it, even though he does download and play many apps on the Asus. 

To help with the lost game issue, I have a drawer in the kitchen where all that is kept (games, chargers, etc.) when not in use. I find anything laying around on the floor, I pop it into there. Original DS games can often be found used in good shape on Amazon or ebay (in lots) for a few $ each.

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When I recently asked about them in a Game Stop, I was told to wait for a new 2DS to come out before buying. Supposedly, the "new" 3DS has new internals and new games coming out will only be compatible with the new systems. The old games will still be playable on the new stuff, but new games won't work on older versions. 

My 11yo son said he would choose the iPhone/iPad over a DS (he has an older DS XL and my old iPhone that doesn't have cell service). His reasons (All of these apply to the iPad as well):

There are a lot of free games available for the iPhone.

The games you buy are much cheaper on iPhone.


He likes the games on the iPhone because there is more variety. They have all kinds of games like physics puzzles, room escapes, and digital versions of board games (Pandemic, Catan, Carcassonne, Agricola, Eclipse, Tigris & Euphrates, Dominant Species, Through the Ages, etc) that are not available on the DS. 

The iPhone is much more versatile. He uses a pomodoro program when doing school work to track his time; he has a sports app that gives him alerts about the Red Sox games; he uses it for his Bible; he has a weather app on it that he likes to use; and he likes to use it to be able to text us when we are away working (we are photographers). 

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My boys turned 10 today. They have a 3 year old 3ds, iPad minis (received a year ago today), and got the new 3ds XL today. While they wouldn't want to give up their iPads at this point, they are in absolute heaven with the new system. Mine have never had trouble with the hinges, but we have had to repair where the charger goes into the system on both of their 3ds.

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Last night, I had three on their 3DS thingies in my living room playing Monster Hunter -ages 14, 19 and 21. These are their second set of DS things- they literally wore out their 2DS after many years of use. They pass the games around to share, so that helps offset the cost.


None of them game on tablets. They either use their phones or laptops. So it just depends on how your kids like to play games Im the only one here who plays on the iPad.

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I also agree that getting them a Nintendo DS is the way to go. I remember the year that my brother bought my two older girls Ipod Touches for Christmas. I plan to delay hand held Internet access/games and devices as long as possible. There's just way too much gargage on the internet.

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