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blue man group


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So, I'm making a big splurge (for us) and taking my dd and younger ds to Universal in August. Is the Blue Man Group show worth going to. It looks fun. It looks like something we might enjoy. 


Has anyone been?


dd is 17 younger ds has intellectual disabilities and down syndrome, he will be 14. 

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We went with our daughters when they were 15 and 18. It is a blast. Very visual and physical. There is no talking but they do use words on a screen depending on the act. 


When my cousin from Italy was visiting he didn't speak a word of English and we were having a hard time coming up with things to do with him. We brought him to a Blue Man show and he loved it because it is mostly visual. A lot of fun

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It's fantastic!


It appeals to a broad range of ages - We've been several times. It's a favorite of 23 year old DS, who even went as a blue man for his senior year Halloween. DS 11 has been as a 7 year old and a 10 year old. Loved it both times.

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It's probably been 20 years since I saw them, but I still remember it all.  It was, without doubt, one of the most innovative, exciting and fun pieces I've ever seen  (and I've seen a LOT of live theatre and music -- a LOT).

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I've seen them 4 times, and I love the show.  It's funny and physical and sometimes slapstick, but i find a lot of it to be highly cerebral and thought-provoking, too.  A social commentary, if you will. 


I can't wait to see them again.  


All that said, I know people who absolutely hated it and walked out.  I think it's either your cup of tea, or it isn't.  

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