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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Pretty light day for me today. 


Barton with kiddos

Tutoring  - 1 hour

Begin worldview with The Boy

Writing with him as well.

A couple loads of laundry.



It's gorgeous out - bordering on chilly.  Supposed to be overcast with a high of 82.  Perfect weather!

So glad it's not HOT today.

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The humidity broke here :party:



--laundry outside as soon as it finishes

--go cherry picking with dd :D

--more laundry outside

--pick up dd's new glasses as soon as they are ready; Costco (we didn't go yesterday)

--pit eighty bazillion cherries; dry in dehydrator (snacking, baking, homemade Kind bars :D)

--vacation planning

--have dd check all her lists to see what still needs to be purchased for her TX trip and/or camp

--walk tonight after dinner :)

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Good morning! Thanks to swim team, the house is empty of teens and the kid. It is a beautiful morning and looks to be a lovely day.


To do:

Clean kitchen

Plan dinner

Plan lit class for dd2

Order some books for next year

Pick up study


Oversee chores

Maybe clean out pantry

PM practice

Pick up girls and hit TJ

Pick up boy and head home


Have a great day!

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Baby and I are still feeling cruddy. So it'll be more lounging around taking care of her and myself. We are certainly on the mend but the coughing fits are awful!


- clean my room

- fill one box to go to goodwill

- put laundry away ( I fell asleep before I finished)

- figure out dinner

- call drywall guy

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For Today:

Done Bring dh to work

Done Driving practice w/dd

Done Check on dd progress w/algebra

Done Mail father's day cards

Make counseling appointment

Finish washing sleeping bags

Done Dishes

Music arrangements


Done Find dishcloth knitting instructions and knitting needles

Pick up dh from work? Buy Pur filters & yarn on the way


Lunch - fish sandwiches, fruit

Dinner - baked chicken, veggies, salad

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Been busy today, considering I'm not a morning person.


Up at 6am to get some work done.

Got the kids up & ready for camp.

The usual morning cleaning.

Drove the kids to camp.

Drove to work (at the "office") & took care of some pressing work matters.

Took care of a financial issue for my sister.

Ordered a book for my dad.

Personal email re swim team.


To do:

I will be working here until 4pm.

Pick up the kids and drive them to swim team.  Walk while they swim.

Meet the swim team coaches re meet info.

Dinner on the fly.  Maybe squeeze in some kids' math.

Kids to tennis lesson.

Kids' work and to bed.

More work work.

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I am!

1) summer school for ds1

2) basketball camp for both boys

3) use up a Mr. clean Magic Eraser to clean grime off the walls (I work till the sponge has disappeared, then I'm done for the day)

4) clean out hall closet

5) drop off stuff at Goodwill

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1) summer school - done! DS shoved a handful of papers at me as he jumped in the car and they show he's been doing well. So, I'm pleased with that.

2) boys are at basketball

3) worked on laundry


Now.... On to tackle that closet! Ugh!

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Sent out the one thing I promised today.  I have a ton of other things I "would like" to finish today.  We'll see.


I don't have anything to eat.  There is nobody here to watch the office so am I stuck?  Ugh.  All I've eaten today (other than coffee) was 2 cashews.  I guess I could go steal a cookie from the communal dish ....

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