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Poll: Are you done having children?

Are you done having children....  

  1. 1. Are you done having children....

    • Yes
    • no, not if I can help it
    • Not sure,
    • other, explain please

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I voted not sure. But I should probably have said yes. I have had 2 late miscarriages in the last year. One at 12 weeks, and then one at 20 weeks. I didn't want to be done...but I don't want to bring another child into the world only to die.
:grouphug: Wish I was there to hug you in person, my friend. I told my dh that if this baby didn't make it that I couldn't do this again...I've lost too many precious babies.


We have 6 "totsicles" that I pray will give me at least 2 more babies in the future. After that, barring a surprise fortune being dropped in our laps for another round of IVF, we're either done or God will have to majorly surprise us (which I would love as I've always wanted 14dc at least).

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Done, done, done!!! 4 is my magic number. We were pleasantly surprised w/ our youngest dd. We completed our dossier for China, sent it off, expecting a referral in 6 mos. (as was the referral time back then) 21 months later, we received our referral for a child much younger than we had requested (4-6yrs) At 43, we were referred a 26 month old. Dh and I refer to her as our proof God has a sense of humor. Of course, we are so very blessed to be her parents. (and we know all is always in His hands) Dh and I just never planned to have such a young child at this age. Yes, I know many families find this to be quite the norm.


Now, if my 3 older dc could just understand that 4 is the magic number. They consistenly answer the question how many kids in your family w/ 5, we are still working on the adoption for the 5th. Ugh!!!!! It causes a lot of explaining.... NO, we are not adopting an older boy from China (or anywhere else,) no matter what my dc say.

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I really thought I was done after G4 was born, almost 5 years ago. But, here I sit, pregnant again. I'd given away my newborn diapers and almost all of my maternity and nursing clothing. Plus, I was starting to have some hormonal issues - ovulating less often, etc. I'm not even 40, so I don't know why all this stuff was going on. But it was.


If there are 5, my guess is that there will be 6. I have to say, I hate being pregnant. I'd love to foster teens, but my dh is not for that at all. I'd love for him to change his mind about it.

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We are done. My kids are 19, almost 10 and almost 3. I really wasn't sure we were done after number 2 and finally convinced dh to have number 3. When I had my last, I just knew I was done. And that was even before I found out how much this last child exhausts me! LOL! I am 37 and my two best friends from childhood are either having a baby or trying to have a baby. I am so happy for them, but I think - better them than me! I am just so tired. My little guy is a handful. I thought I may be sad for toddlerhood to be gone, but I am actually excited about not having any little ones around.

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We originally wanted 4 kids. Right now we have 2. Our hands are full and our pockets are stretched. I still would like 2 more kids, but no time soon. I am a little afraid that the older the kids get, the harder it will be to go back to the "baby stage".


My mom had 2 kids and then waited 13 years to have 2 more. Considering my age, that's definitely a possibility and then we have built in babysitters. :)

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