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Exercise Thread ~ April 12 - April 18


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Yesterday my dh and I went on a 13 mile hike.  It took us over 8hrs.  There were amazing views, and the weather was perfect.  My knee started to bother me at the end, but today I feel fine (as a side note, even though I know they are bad for you in the long term, I wish I could be one these steroids forever!  They are doing nothing for my ears, which is why I'm on them, but I love the energy I have and how fast I'm recovering. :P  I'll be sad when I stop taking them in a couple of days).


Today my dh and I took our 3 boys on a 4 mile hike.  It was another beautiful day, and we had fun.  


Tomorrow I supposed to run, but I may take a yoga day. 

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Back home. Exhausted. That was a very long drive. 


So I spent 16 hours each way sitting in a car and several days of tent camping (so sleeping on ground) and my muscles are angry. 


What shall I do to ease my stiff muscles back into gear? 

Yoga?  Swimming?  Or maybe just practice sleeping in a bed again...........????



Yesterday my dh and I went on a 13 mile hike.  It took us over 8hrs.  There were amazing views, and the weather was perfect.  My knee started to bother me at the end, but today I feel fine (as a side note, even though I know they are bad for you in the long term, I wish I could be one these steroids forever!  They are doing nothing for my ears, which is why I'm on them, but I love the energy I have and how fast I'm recovering. :p  I'll be sad when I stop taking them in a couple of days).


Today my dh and I took our 3 boys on a 4 mile hike.  It was another beautiful day, and we had fun.  


Tomorrow I supposed to run, but I may take a yoga day. 

A 13 mile hike sounds lovely.  I'm envious.

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Back home. Exhausted. That was a very long drive. 


So I spent 16 hours each way sitting in a car and several days of tent camping (so sleeping on ground) and my muscles are angry. 


What shall I do to ease my stiff muscles back into gear? 

Ack- that sounds like the trip we have planned. I vote for yoga of course, yin yoga, nice and slow and deep.


I did an hour of Tracy Anderson and today I am So Sore!  Wowzer!


Today was a cooking day, so no time for exercise but lots of time on my feet. My legs are tired out.


I am getting a cold. And my period. 



I had a cold with my period last week too, I hear its going around :) Good reason to take it easy!


I took yesterday off again due to this illness that's hanging on and ran a slow 6 miles today.

You too huh :( Although, 6 mi isn't much of a break to me :)


I felt pretty good Sat and got lots done around here. Tried dragging myself around yesterday but it was a chore to get anything done (I did manage some gardening and indoor cleaning only half as much as I wanted in twice the time). The longer the day went the more tired I got, 2x I fell asleep, last night my heart/pulse felt like it was slowing so much it was just going to stop, truly. I've had heart racing but this is a new one on me, not sure which is scarier but I don't like either. By the time I made it to bed then the adrenaline or whatever kicked in and I hardly slept at all. I'm ordering a pulse and blood pressure machine today, I've had too many instances, I need to know numbers. I'm supposed to get my test results today and am anxious to see where my numbers are at, I don't know if my heart racing and slowing are related to my thyroid or not. 


So, we'll see how the day goes. ON the plus side I do feel better than last week. I'm hoping for a light walk and Mutu.


So, I had planned to start the day with some exercise as I had thought I'd have a nice night of sleep like I've been having but instead I'm dragging again

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Slept so much & yet I feel more tired than usual. Nothing yet. Hope to do something later. Will post if I do.


I can't remember in which book I read it, but I did read that if one gets too much sleep it can make s/he even sleepier. The author suggested playing around with amount of sleep to see how many hours works best for you. Not everyone needs 8 hours. Some people need more and some need less. However, less than 6 hours is not recommended. Set your alarm for the amount of time you want to test and note how alert (or not) you feel after 30-60 minutes getting out of bed. 


I find I do best with 7 hours. If I sleep longer than 8 I am groggy.

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20 minutes of gently kicking over the top of a chair and then a half hour of flopping around on the ground pretending to stretch.  It's going to be a rough couple of days trying to get my body to bend again.


Happy Monday!

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Back home. Exhausted. That was a very long drive.


So I spent 16 hours each way sitting in a car and several days of tent camping (so sleeping on ground) and my muscles are angry.


What shall I do to ease my stiff muscles back into gear?

Epsom salts, lavender essential oil, olive oil in bath while drinking huge glass of lemon water while soaking in a loooong hot bath. Or if you want it to energize you- ditch the lavender and use geranium instead. And no- this is not a pitch; I don't sell oils.


Today: I want to go through my katas and thai combos 100 swings and stretch at home but I got up late and wasted the morning. So- I'm posting so I feel guilty if I don't get to it by this afternoon.


Tonight: double MMA classes. I cannot wait.


Here's an idea I'm stealing from my son's MMA conditioning class: starting with most basic kata through most complex, do it once- run (not jog) .25 mile. Do next up kata, run .25 mile. Repeat until you've performed all your katas. I'm thinking I'll attempt it on Wednesday.

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Ack- that sounds like the trip we have planned. I vote for yoga of course, yin yoga, nice and slow and deep.


I had a cold with my period last week too, I hear its going around :) Good reason to take it easy!


You too huh :( Although, 6 mi isn't much of a break to me :)


I felt pretty good Sat and got lots done around here. Tried dragging myself around yesterday but it was a chore to get anything done (I did manage some gardening and indoor cleaning only half as much as I wanted in twice the time). The longer the day went the more tired I got, 2x I fell asleep, last night my heart/pulse felt like it was slowing so much it was just going to stop, truly. I've had heart racing but this is a new one on me, not sure which is scarier but I don't like either. By the time I made it to bed then the adrenaline or whatever kicked in and I hardly slept at all. I'm ordering a pulse and blood pressure machine today, I've had too many instances, I need to know numbers. I'm supposed to get my test results today and am anxious to see where my numbers are at, I don't know if my heart racing and slowing are related to my thyroid or not. 


So, we'll see how the day goes. ON the plus side I do feel better than last week. I'm hoping for a light walk and Mutu.


So, I had planned to start the day with some exercise as I had thought I'd have a nice night of sleep like I've been having but instead I'm dragging again


I hope you get informative news and better sleep tonight.  The waiting is hard.

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Did day 1 of Couch25k week 4, then walked on the treadmill another 60 minutes. Then I came home and pulled weeds and worked in the yard for about an hour. It's 72 today, but it's supposed to snow tomorrow night so I want to be outside as much as possible today.

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Slept so much & yet I feel more tired than usual. Nothing yet. Hope to do something later. Will post if I do.


Negin, when I haven't been sleeping well, and then get a couple nights sleep, I find that I will have a day when I am exhausted despite the good sleep. I think it is just all catching up to me. If I manage to keep up with the decent sleep I feel much better in a day or two.  Good luck to you!


I hab a code for sure. I  am not exercising and don't even feel badly about it. It is just not happening for a few days. I am on day 2 of the cold and will prob peak at day four and five before beginning to hit the upswing.   I will cheering you all on from the sidelines, but keeping my distance so as not to spread germs. I hope I don't have the same cold a friend does. Hers got right into her chest and she lost her voice etc. I hope I don't have what she has, it didn't look fun.

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About to do 4 Classical Stretch routines. If I don't have time to do them all this morning, I'll complete them later in the day.

* Back Pain Relief

* Calorie Burning Workout

* Hip Pain Relief

* Lengthen & Strengthen Your Core


I can't remember in which book I read it, but I did read that if one gets too much sleep it can make s/he even sleepier. The author suggested playing around with amount of sleep to see how many hours works best for you. Not everyone needs 8 hours. Some people need more and some need less. However, less than 6 hours is not recommended. Set your alarm for the amount of time you want to test and note how alert (or not) you feel after 30-60 minutes getting out of bed. 


I find I do best with 7 hours. If I sleep longer than 8 I am groggy.

Yes, longer than 8 makes me groggy also. I never set my alarm. Alarms stress me out. Even if I have to catch a morning flight, I don't need one. I'm stressed enough as it is. I think my ideal is about 6-7 hours. Not sure. 


I hab a code for sure. I  am not exercising and don't even feel badly about it. It is just not happening for a few days. I am on day 2 of the cold and will prob peak at day four and five before beginning to hit the upswing.   I will cheering you all on from the sidelines, but keeping my distance so as not to spread germs. I hope I don't have the same cold a friend does. Hers got right into her chest and she lost her voice etc. I hope I don't have what she has, it didn't look fun.

Hope you feel better very soon! 

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Thanks for sharing those---I'll be doing them later :)

They are deceptive...in a good way. if you do them correctly then you will find yourself with sore muscles the next day.


Epsom salts, lavender essential oil, olive oil in bath while drinking huge glass of lemon water while soaking in a loooong hot bath. Or if you want it to energize you- ditch the lavender and use geranium instead. And no- this is not a pitch; I don't sell oils.

Sounds lovely. 




I've been low key the last few weeks. I haven't done HIIT in awhile. That did me no favors. I am doing the 5 day challenge again (this is 4th time I think) because I like it so much. Today was Day 1 and I do not have the endurance I used to have. Will need to build it back up. 

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a day off of c25k so I did an hour long stretching session to try to loosen up whatever muscles in my hips and lower back are causing so much pain.  I have some charts by Bob Anderson on stretching that works wonders and I'll try to do some yoga poses to loosen me up.  Day 2 of Epsom salt soaks and loads of water too.  

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Bicep tendon pain woke me multiple times last night :( I am enjoying an ice bag and ibuprofen with my morning decaf. Joy.


I will go for a walk later, assuming the rain stops at that point. If not, I'll go to the gym for the bike.


I know exactly how you feel.    I tried WO yesterday but couldn't get into it and it was a super busy day.   I'm going to try to get something in today but light and easy and careful.     I hate waiting a long time to get an appointment, I just want to know right now.      I just have to remember that it's impossible to prevent all injuries.  Better to prehab as much as possible to mitigate future potential injury.    


Still sucks though.


Happy day everyone.   Stay safe!

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I walked for 90 minutes on the treadmill today at a very fast pace and a very steep incline (for me). My life has been extremely stressful the last few days and it felt really good to (excuse my language) beat the crap out of my body. I am a total control freak, and when my life spins out of control, it somehow brings me peace to just take it out on my body. Maybe it's just a physical manifestation that I am strong and I can take it - and the endorphin rush really helps, too.

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Finally got my results back, my thyroid is hella bad(TSH is 39), no wonder I feel half-comatose. Finally got a suggestion from  the dr about the heart palpitations, which led me to stop my meds in the first place, why he didn't give that suggestion to me in Jan when I told him about it then I don't know. I don't know how I could have been more clear with how badly I was feeling then. So, I'm back on my meds, not sure how long it will take until I feel like a human again. I need a new dr, I'm traveling 2+hrs as it is, I thoroughly checked reviews, he was great and responsive and now, total crap. So, incredibly frustrating.


I'm planning on going to yoga tomorrow if I can at all, although I anticipate that I'm not going to be able to do everything. We'll just see how it goes.

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I'm getting a couple yards of soil delivered today, so all my exercise will consist of shoveling, filling my wheelbarrow, pushing it down hill and around the house, shoveling to fill raised beds, pushing the wheelbarrow around the house and up the hill, and so on.


I'm tired thinking about it :lol:

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I worked through my sequencias slowly and tacked a bridge pose and pop-up on the end of each one.  I'm still stiff but am starting to bend again so there's a light at the end this tunnel.  Inflexibility really messes with my ability maintain my balance when doing sequencias.

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Finally got my results back, my thyroid is hella bad(TSH is 39), no wonder I feel half-comatose. Finally got a suggestion from  the dr about the heart palpitations, which led me to stop my meds in the first place, why he didn't give that suggestion to me in Jan when I told him about it then I don't know. I don't know how I could have been more clear with how badly I was feeling then. So, I'm back on my meds, not sure how long it will take until I feel like a human again. I need a new dr, I'm traveling 2+hrs as it is, I thoroughly checked reviews, he was great and responsive and now, total crap. So, incredibly frustrating.


I'm planning on going to yoga tomorrow if I can at all, although I anticipate that I'm not going to be able to do everything. We'll just see how it goes.

Glad you know something- hope you feel normal again quickly.  


I'm getting a couple yards of soil delivered today, so all my exercise will consist of shoveling, filling my wheelbarrow, pushing it down hill and around the house, shoveling to fill raised beds, pushing the wheelbarrow around the house and up the hill, and so on.


I'm tired thinking about it :lol:

New soil!!! How fun.  My garden looks like... a non-gardener moved in.  


Today is, to borrow a phrase from Snickerdoodle- skillwork day.  I need to go through my martial arts journal and practice, practice, practice.  Either that or buy a brain with a better memory.

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I thought this was interesting http://www.strongfirst.com/preparing-a-mma-fighter/


Especially in light of what he said about keeping training specific to your needs/goals.  I struggle with this because I like to go on long slow runs to relax and I am constantly tempted to train for marathons.  -That may sound stupid, but there is something so sexy sounding about training for a marathon that, for instance, fartleks completely lacks.  Training for a marathon would probably be the most counterproductive thing I could do for my martial arts given my propensity for injuries...

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I thought this was interesting http://www.strongfirst.com/preparing-a-mma-fighter/


Especially in light of what he said about keeping training specific to your needs/goals. I struggle with this because I like to go on long slow runs to relax and I am constantly tempted to train for marathons. -That may sound stupid, but there is something so sexy sounding about training for a marathon that, for instance, fartleks completely lacks. Training for a marathon would probably be the most counterproductive thing I could do for my martial arts given my propensity for injuries...

I guess my goal/need is to just have fun so martial arts combined with long distance training is OK for me. Keeping loose enough to not become injured is going to be the issue as mileage increases.

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The weather is all blah here (so no hiking, which I enjoy) and I need to skip Zumba tonight for another commitment. So I hit the gym for a HIIT workout. Don't love it, but it's done. Got to do my "homemade" strength training routine (push-ups, squats, plank) and I'm done for the day.

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did my regular-fall-back practice on m&t.  today I was actually feeling ambitious enough to do a more difficult practice.  the practice that had *just* become my "regular" practice before my leg was in injured in the car accident in january.  it was work and effort.  I'm making progress, but not up to it becoming my "regular" practice yet.


I haven't had any time to walk. T- 10 days . . . . . (how come I get busier the closer the wedding gets?)

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Went into yoga, was going to at least try and see what I could do and it was cancelled at the last minute. Now, we'll see how I feel tomorrow am and if that class gets cancelled- and if I even get in since I'm now on the waitlist!

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