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Who's going to tackle Easter Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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  • Still need to hide the eggs.  [done]

Kids will wake me up, they say, at 9am, to watch them find their goodies.

Breakfast (probably eggs!).

Figure out what the girls' Easter dresses are ....

Go to 11am church.

Lunch with the aunties.

Drive to the grandparents' house.

Do the grandparents' taxes.

Get home late at night.

Collapse and hope we get up on time for theater camp in the morning.  :)

Maybe I could do some work - nice thought - realistically it probably won't happen.

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Easter may be tackling me this year!! It's 1:30am and family just left. Good times but sooo much to do.


Set up outside sound equipment at church - this is usually DH's duty but he has to work. I'm nervous.


Kitchen duties for breakfast at church


Sunrise service at church


Pack up


Come home and get kiddos clothes ready for church


Make a couple of EASY dishes for lunch


Regular service at 11


Go to dads for lunch


Come home and crash.

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I did the Easter baskets. Bunny, hair stuff, a few chocolates. They'll be happy. Christmas is art, Easter is beauty, I have decided and that is how it will be FOREVER.


Brunch with MIL.


Drive to my mom's for Easter dinner with the kids.


Drive home.


Vernal, you can do this. :) Today the menfolk were away and my neighbor and I did a bedroom and even took off and replaced a door! Woot. Check and double-check, and you can do it.


SKL--everyone in my family's a-gettin' Turbo Tax on my account if I should ever have to do that. Gah. Good for you for helping out.


Jean--I couldn't do my taxes until after my daughter was born. She was born on the 14th. Then I did my taxes with a one-day old afoot. Thank god for Turbo Tax.

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helped Dh and ds11, dd15 pack the car for camping. They are gone for 5-6 days.


stacked all the firewood that ds17 had split into the woodshed.


 vacuumed whole house


 moped floors


 4 loads of laundry - washing machine brock right at the end of the last load.


 general tidy up of house- it has been progressively getting messier and messier.


made a basketful of gurkins (spelling?) into pickles.


dealt with screaming, tantrum throwing twins too many times to count. :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  My mum told me to try thinking about all the progress they are making and reminded me that twin 2's medical reports said that he screamed for up to 6 hours a day prior to coming here- it is now down to 1 1/2 -2 hours a day- so I must be doing something right.


Had an attack of exhaustion at around 2 pm and ate way too much chocolate to try and fix it- am starting to wonder if the iron tablets are not doing anything.


Still trying to puzzle how to milk cow in the morning with nobody to supervise the twins- should I get up before them and milk by torchlight? or what? still trying to figure this out. I cannot take them with me as they are terrified of al animals bigger than a chook and they can scream very loud and the cow is a young heifer and very nervous. Problem sort of solved - Ds17 said he will try to keep an ear out  so if they get up while I am milking he will make sure they don't smash a window etc for one golden gummy bear every morning.

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I fell asleep real early last night and forgot to assemble baskets because the 2 year old was still up when I fell asleep. It's 5 am now so I gotta rush to do that. Then head to grocery store since I won't be able to on Monday. After that its purely Easter celebrating! Enjoy the day everyone.

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I'll join, I've left way too much till this morning as usual. Procrastinating is a bad habit I need to break!


-make a lemon raspberry cheesecake

-put together the seven layer salad

-waffles for breakfast

-get myself and three kids in and out of the shower and ready for church

-church at 11

-dinner at my parent's house with the extended family

-Easter egg hunt for all the kids there

-look over school plans for the coming week

-wash dishes

-straighten up the whole house before bed


And with that I'm outta bed and off my phone! Have a Happy Easter!

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We were at church from 8pm until midnight :eek: Our parish really "does" the Vigil well, with tons and tons of music.


Now the gluten-free cinnamon rolls are rising (fingers crossed!). Dh is cleaning the house :D A keeper, that one ;) The girls are still asleep :lol:


Up ahead:

--brunch (rolls, eggs, bacon, sausage, fruit, mimosasa!) once ds gets here

--make dinner food (ham, cheesy potatoes, asparagus, green beans, wine, flourless chocolate cake)

--enjoy the meal with the kids and two of our friends

--return dd20 to campus as spring breaks ends today

--dh and I are considering a trip to the gym :lol:


We didn't hide eggs or do Easter baskets for the first time ever. Instead, we are giving a rice cooker to dd20 to help with being gf in the dorm, a gift card to the growler store for ds (this place fills 64oz glass jugs (growlers) with a constantly changing assortment of craft beers), and a gift card to Starbucks for dd15 :)

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Good morning! Dh is off already to cantor and sing at masses this morning. I was rudely awakened by a very impatient corgi and am now just waking up. I have some food to do. Dh set out the candy table. He also put some bubbles on the table, must have been feeling nostalgic. No eggs for the first time this year.


So for me:

Get food ready for lunch (ham, cheesy potatoes, salad, rolls, assorted cheeses) fruit, cake and wine provided by dmil

Clean up a little


Home to lunch

Relaxing the rest of the day!

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Yes, Happy Easter!




Wash Clothes

Pack boxes (we're working on selling our house and move to another house locally)

^^ Maybe store and probably iron



This is the first year I've not made an Easter dinner.  But, dh's birthday was Friday (Good Friday).  We took a car ride and went for a walk so I didn't have time to make dinner.  So, instead of 2 big meals back to back I combined his birthday dinner with Easter dinner on Saturday.  Hence the reason we only had brunch foods today:  eggs, fresh strawberries, etc. Still need to make him a cake.




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Everything is done: eggs, basket, older kid off to work, made hot cross buns.


Now to read to minor child as long as he wants and play with minor child as long as he wants.


I am NOT going to clean the house.


I am NOT going to do any lesson planning, either for next year or next week.


We aren't a church family, but we ARE going to sing "Here Comes Peter Cottontail" and enjoy the holiday.



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Happy Easter!

All done here. I am wiped out.


Worship was glorious!

We had my mom and a single friend come for lunch. Ham this year and all the pretty china, crystal and silver on the table.

Good food and conversatio. Easter baskets enjoyed. Eggs hunted.

All the clean up that I'm going to do is done. Guests gone home.

Ds is playing with neighbor kids. Dd is playing with our new fur baby. Dh is playing hymns and Fernando Ortega songs on the piano.


left for today:

steal a few jelly beans from my kids, read some LOTR, nap, get up and make sure everyone gets some leftovers for supper,

walk the dog, watch Nature with Dh and kids, look over tomorrow's lessons, read until I fall asleep.

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I'll join, I've left way too much till this morning as usual. Procrastinating is a bad habit I need to break!


-make a lemon raspberry cheesecake

-put together the seven layer salad

-waffles for breakfast

-get myself and three kids in and out of the shower and ready for church

-church at 11

-dinner at my parent's house with the extended family

-Easter egg hunt for all the kids there

-look over school plans for the coming week

-wash dishes

-straighten up the whole house before bed


And with that I'm outta bed and off my phone! Have a Happy Easter!

All of it got done except the dishes and straightening up the house. I think DH will do that because the cold that's been threatening for a couple days has gotten a lot worse this afternoon. I feel awful and I'm going to bed.

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The restaurant is ready to open in the morning, if we can get there. There was a crazy snowstorm and it took two hours to get home as it was, so I don't know if we can get there tomorrow. I'm lucky to be home now, and I'm lucky the dog didn't pee inside since we were home much later than we meant to be. We had sushi from the best Japanese restaurant in town for dinner. Yum!

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